Would You Rather...

As the manager of DOM-ino's ... the petrochemical industry! I don't need folks to see what goes on in our kitchens

Congratulations! You've won a 4 night cruise for up to 4 passengers to any destination in the Caribbean. All you have to do is sit through a simple 4 hour timeshare presentation. Would you rather sit through the entire presentation or burn your ears with a red hot poker to get out of it?
Bold of you to assume I would be paying attention to that presentation even when being there, I would sit through it! ADHD for the win!! :P

Would you rather be in the possession of Lex Luthor's tech or Batman's tech?
LUTHOR'S!! Batman get his stuff built for him and sure it's fine, but Luthor's intelligence is on another level and his tech is otherworldly literally!!

You've been framed for a high-profile murder! Would you rather face off against the Punisher on a normal day or Moon Knight on a bad crazy one?
When you say "in the Matrix", do you literally mean like, in the actual Matrix? Because that's basically like, my current life. I guess I would pick that over scary ghosts and other supernatural phenomena existing all over the place and.... doing stuff.

Let's suppose that you are a pet rat. You are eating tasty food from a bowl, but then one of your cagemates comes and also starts to eat the food, what the hell, you wanted to eat that food! Would you rather squeak indignantly as you push the other rat away with your foreleg, or let him also eat the food even though then there is less of the food for you to eat?
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That other rat will have to eat my droppings it's survival of the fittest

You're sitting on the couch and have just wrapped yourself up in the coziest blanket you can imagine. You then realize to your horror that the TV is stuck on the "infinite 1 hour vacuum ad on loop" channel and you left the remote in the kitchen. Do you brave the cold and sacrifice your comfort or suck it up? (with the new Duramax 3000 vacuum cleaner)
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Look, I'm a skunk, so I can just as well wrap myself up in my tail (which is actually my coziest blanket) and grab the remote. But I'll still buy the new Duramax 3000 vacuum cleaner ULTRA MAX™... for reasons! :3

Let's say you had an accident of the toony kind with the Duramax 3000 vacuum cleaner, and it's now suck up both your eyes and your [REDACTED]... look, accidents happen, alright!... Would you rather be able to regenerate your lost eyes, or your lost err genitals :P
:O I would have to go with the thing between my legs, I think.... Rubbing my eyes isn't as pleasant xD

Would you rather only be able to eat instant noodles or pesto pasta ready meals?
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Both are pretty revolting, but I think I'd go for instant noodles because they come in many flavours. Surely ONE of them will be bearable!

You've somehow managed to start a bonkers religious cult. Given that it's one or the other, not both, do you:
A) Bleed your followers of money so you can be rich and build a huge fancy temple to live in, or...
B) Sex cult, sex cult! Join a sex cult! Everyone must bang you just as long as they're adults!
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Both are pretty revolting, but I think I'd go for instant noodles because they come in many flavours. Surely ONE of them will be bearable!

You've somehow managed to start a bonkers religious cult. Given that it's one or the other, not both, do you:
A) Bleed your followers of money so you can be rich and build a huge fancy temple to live in, or...
B) Sex cult, sex cult! Join a sex cult! Everyone must bang you just as long as they're adults!
Really? You're giving the option to choose between something else AND a sex cult... in a furry forum? Of all places?!
Of course I would go for the sex cult!!

Ah (not a moan, btw) anyway. You're given two buttons that are presented right in front of you, one is green and the other one is red. The red one gets rid of all CEOs and politicians that are killing our world. The green one doesn't do that, obviously, but it does increase the intelligence and awareness of actually more than half of the general population. Which one would you rather press?
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Really? You're giving the option to choose between something else AND a sex cult... in a furry forum? Of all places?!
Of course I would go for the sex cult!!

Ah (not a moan, btw) anyway. You're given two buttons that are presented right in front of you, one is green and the other one is red. The red one gets rid of all CEOs and politicians that are killing our world. The green one doesn't do that, obviously, but it does increase the intelligence and awareness of actually more than half of the general population. Which one would you rather press?
If I kill off all the CEOs more are just gonna take their place. Greed is a universal vice after all. (plus I'm the CEO of DOMino's so I don't want to get hurt). So let's make everyone more aware! (of how good my pizza is)

You arrive home from work one day and find 3000 baby hamsters tucked in numerous little cardboard boxes. Apparently your neighbor played a prank on you and scribbled "Sanctuary for Orphaned Hamsters" in pink marker on your door. They're all hungry and will only eat Strottarga Bianco Caviar for some reason. To pay off the $400,000 per month it costs to stuff their well-cultured mouths, would you rather run a crypto scam or smuggle cocaine in a Winnebago?
Wait, those are the two options? I can't just... sue my neighbour for damages? Or shove the hamsters through his letterbox? Or send them to a REAL pet sanctuary? Frankly, I'd be more likely to sit the hamsters down with a bowl of normal hamster chow, say "It's this or you starve", then look after the ones that survived. They'd eat once they got hungry enough. Possibly each other, but hey! That's fewer mouths to feed. Or I could feed the cocaine to the hamsters. Then I could be a coked-up hamster dealer to the rich and powerful.

Oh well, that's not how you play the game. Let's see.

I think I'd go with the crypto scam. As unpleasant and scummy as those things are, I just couldn't bring myself to ruin people's lives and health by dealing a dangerous addictive substance. At least a crypto scam only hurts their wallets - and frankly, they're practically legal. Just look at meme coin stocks, those might as well be scams for the way they operate. So I guess you'd better be ready for HamCoin and endless near-identical hamster NFTs in the 'Bored Ape' mould. I could put them in little costumes and everything. Heck, I could just sell the bloody hamsters, things have gotten so crazy now people might actually start using rodents as currency!


Would you rather marry a drop-dead gorgeous trophy husband / wife who is amazing at the sex but does absolutely nothing else around the house other than watch TV and go to the gym, or a really industrious person who does all the housework, has a career, helps pay the bills and is an amazing cook, but is average-looking at best and also a total prude who refuses to do anything more adventurous in the bedroom than vanilla missionary?
Can I transom the trophy husband into a HUNK SKUNK? If I can transform the trophy husband into a HUNK SKUNK who smells that would make me forget all of the downsides :3

Let's see. Would you rather eat a rather sizeable ball of wasabi, let's say the size of your fist, or a similarly sized ball made of carolina reaper pepper paste? Don't worry, you'll be kindly offered a glass of milk after the ordeal :)
Can I transom the trophy husband into a HUNK SKUNK? If I can transform the trophy husband into a HUNK SKUNK who smells that would make me forget all of the downsides :3

Let's see. Would you rather eat a rather sizeable ball of wasabi, let's say the size of your fist, or a similarly sized ball made of carolina reaper pepper paste? Don't worry, you'll be kindly offered a glass of milk after the ordeal :)
It would have to be the Wasabi! It hits you harder but way way shorter!

WYR: Never be able to eat Bread or never be able to eat Rice again?
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WYR: Never be able to eat Bread or never be able to eat Rice again?
Easy one! I hate rice! Bread it is!

Assuming there were no associated health issues and your physical abilities scaled proportionally to your size, would you rather be twelve feet tall or two inches tall?
Two inches tall, please. Go go team smol. Once you go smol, you won't.... go back...ol.
All of the food, low living costs, being eaten by a badger, Team Smol has it all.

It's time to become a fantastic beast rancher. Would you rather ranch squirrel-snake hybrids or frost giants?
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Squirrel-snake hybrids. Not only would they probably be cuter, but I also wouldn't be constantly worrying that Loki or Thor had broken into my giant coop and killed all of my livestock. They don't exactly make chickenwire strong enough to keep norse gods out. Besides, what produce am I going to get out of them? Snowcones? At least the squirrel-snakes (Squakes? Snirrels?) might give eggs or nuts or something.

If the wages were the same, which job would you rather have: zoo keeper, or bouncy castle tester?
Oh! Bouncy castle tester! Bouncy castle tester! That sounds sooooo fun!! :D

More especially if it's kinky bouncy castles for smelly rubber furs parti-... you get the idea ;P

Ahh would you rather we be able to learn to do stuff by simply had it uploaded into our brains, like in the Matrix, or learn to do them in hyperrealistic simulations (where you can be anything, from your own fursona or another animal or thing) that from your perspective can last days but irl they only take a few minutes or hours?
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