Newcomer Merp merp!


7 May 2024
Hi all!

As I was exploring forums to be in and landed on another, I got referred here.

Seeing that this forum appears to actually be active, I'm excited to see what it's like around here!

Now, just yesterday I already made an introductory topic on the other forum here, so as not to repeat myself too much...

This is me! I'm a BIG sergal. Serious destruction hazard. Possible cause of many recorded earthquakes. Also a big derp, sometimes.

Being big just means more fluff to snuggle into! Hi there! Hope you enjoy your stay!
Thank you! Indeed, I'm always available for snuggling, many floofs at a time. Just don't come too close to my nose, I might sneeze!

At the moment I am thinking how I can craft together a "character sheet" in case I roleplay around here.
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hops in and snuggles the new fur, handing him some welcome yogurt

Welcome!!!!!! Yes we are active. After a quick scan you will find many shenanigans happening all over the place with a sprinkling of seriousness <oh the horror> and of course some role playing. The General Chat is always open and some of us furs hang out in there quite often so pop in and say hi.

I'm Sarah, a silly, horny bunny. My dm is always open if you want to chat, or have any questions!

Snuggles again, but too close to your nose
I'm Sarah, a silly, horny bunny.
Hi Sarah!
hops in and snuggles the new fur, handing him some welcome yogurt
takes the yoghurt, realises it's not up to his size, enlarges it and sips happily

Thanks! Very nice of you, lil' bun.
After a quick scan you will find many shenanigans happening all over the place with a sprinkling of seriousness <oh the horror> and of course some role playing. The General Chat is always open and some of us furs hang out in there quite often so pop in and say hi.
Sounds fun! I hope to stick around and to explore everything in due time.
Snuggles again, but too close to your nose
Uh oh... my nose is itching... sniff
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Hi all!

As I was exploring forums to be in and landed on another, I got referred here.

Seeing that this forum appears to actually be active, I'm excited to see what it's like around here!

Now, just yesterday I already made an introductory topic on the other forum here, so as not to repeat myself too much...

This is me! I'm a BIG sergal. Serious destruction hazard. Possible cause of many recorded earthquakes. Also a big derp, sometimes.

welcome to the pile.
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Reactions: Bunny Lvr
<emerging from a glowing portal, the sleek black cat with glowing eyes extends his paw in greetings>

Hya! Name's Mambi and pleasure to meetcha. Welcome to the pile, our little home for chaotic silliness and fun. <giggles knowingly>
Hope to see y'around and don't worry about size, here you'll fit right in methinks. <teehee> Have fun!

<with a wave and a smile, he leaps back into his portal as the glow fades in his eyes and it reseals itself>
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