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been a while since I constributed to the existence of this forum.
Pile on top of me y'all! This month's on me :3
'eyup m' duck! Gonna giv' ya a tenner!
The pile shalt grow and grow!
Love you FurryPile :3
for the maybe last bastion of furry-forums…
A smol donation from a maney <3
Gotta support my habit!
One bacon, sausage and black pudding sarnie with plenty of ketchup.

Oh, and one mug of English breakfast tea, with milk and two sugars, please!
FurryPile's been great, and now I've got some money to donate to say "Thanks"!
Drops dollah billz
To help us Shine On Like Crazy Diamonds
Better pay this to the pile before I waste it on more cheese.
Oh baby I'll be your sugar daddy, give you kissin when its missin, yeah Oh
In recognition of @Universe hatch day!


This month
Reset date
28 March 2025


  1. Campaign goal
    $0.00 of $30.00

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