Post the Last Thing You Laughed At

So the problem is I can't exactly post this one, as I wasn't recording and it can't be described in pictures....

Was playing Darktide, and apparently with the way my microphone is I actually got mistaken for in-game voice lines. Despite not being a professional voice actor at all.

Apparently either my old Blue Yeti's holding up well, or I got too into the character of the Veteran (the class I was playing at the time. Funny enough, the Veteran I made in-game is female, so I'm even more amazed I got mistaken).
I guess I have to laugh at myself here. I was checking my camera roll a minute ago, my most recent picture being of a cool trick that happens with my eyes where they change color from dark brown to yellow/green in direct light (they're hazel). And then I noticed what my most recent Favorites picture is, and there's an uncanny and hilarious resemblance in the eyes...


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This is a short story and not a meme or anything, but I did just have an amusing moment in gaming I wish I'd have recorded (sadly I was not recording). Was playing good old GTA: Vice City on PS2. Doing stunt jumps, and had just done the last one I was completing for the time being. In completing the last jump, I had fallen off the bike (again), but it still gave me the completion anyway. Seeing as I didn't need the bike anymore, and how pissed off I was getting from falling off it 14 times (I HATE bikes in Vice City, it's seriously way too easy to fall off), I thought I'd be cheeky and throw a grenade at it. BOOM...It was the most perfectly thrown grenade, because it exploded in such a spot relative to the bike that it sent it airborne, sailing straight at me while it was on fire about to explode! It was actually kind of a cinematic and cool "OH SHIT!" moment as I had to dodge an incoming motorcycle on fire coming at me from the air, and simultaneously run far enough away not to take serious damage from it exploding. It was kind of funny, anyway.

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