A cool website about Furries


Well-Known Member
26 January 2024
Northwest U.S.A
In the thread I made 'Is the Litterbox in Schools Thing Real?' (of which the conclusion was no, that's a joke/hoax/prank to spread hate towards furries for the most part) I left some links for the website Furscience, which is a website that conducts studies on furries to get actual data and not just assumptions. Very interesting for me, as I love statistics, so here's some cool pages on the site:

Home page: Furscience, the real science behind furries and their fandom.

Research findings page: Research Findings - Furscience

Some others I found interesting:

Let us use this information to stop furry prejudice!
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they were actually at the nordic fuzz con. I won a furscienece hat at their table 😅. They also conducted three surveys at the con. One before, one while and one after the convention. Certain interesting what they do, and I think a good thing.

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