Focusing on only one character at a time...

PC Master Race

Well-Known Member
21 December 2022
So I decided to return to Guild Wars 2 after months of lack of interest...
The base game is fun, the expansions have fun features but get a bit too grindy for my taste (mostly due to having to unlock and complete achievements/masteries). But I still want to see it through, so back at it again.
But now, I find myself focusing on the one that's still at the base game, not even into the DLCs yet.
This is going to be pain.
On the plus side, I know I'm going to only focus on ONE char now, and push forward : my ranger charr, named "Purr of the Wild" (because "Breath of the Wild" was taken).

Same for Elder Scrolls Online, I'm only focusing on my warden argonian, named "Path of Nature". Though, she's actually my most... progressed-in-the-game (?), compared to other chars that are still catching up.

Time to wing it~
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So I decided to return to Guild Wars 2 after months of lack of interest...
The base game is fun, the expansions have fun features but get a bit too grindy for my taste (mostly due to having to unlock and complete achievements/masteries). But I still want to see it through, so back at it again.
But now, I find myself focusing on the one that's still at the base game, not even into the DLCs yet.
This is going to be pain.
On the plus side, I know I'm going to only focus on ONE char now, and push forward : my ranger charr, named "Purr of the Wild" (because "Breath of the Wild" was taken).

Same for Elder Scrolls Online, I'm only focusing on my warden argonian, named "Path of Nature". Though, she's actually my most... progressed-in-the-game (?), compared to other chars that are still catching up.

Time to wing it~
OMG I love ESO! Pythine is my go-to and I seriously only play her, although I have several other kitties too
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OMG I love ESO! Pythine is my go-to and I seriously only play her, although I have several other kitties too
And I focus on my warden :D mainly cuz I wanna stick to my idea of nature-friendly and all, with how my sona's go~

Frost staff and AOE attacks when I need to tank through large groups and/or world bosses, and two-handed-weapons with single-target attacks when I wanna wreck through things quickly~
And I focus on my warden :D mainly cuz I wanna stick to my idea of nature-friendly and all, with how my sona's go~

Frost staff and AOE attacks when I need to tank through large groups and/or world bosses, and two-handed-weapons with single-target attacks when I wanna wreck through things quickly~
Sound like my vamp, who uses daggers to slice through single targets like butter and her lightning staff to control the crowd, although she's a little scarier than most....
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Sound like my vamp, who uses daggers to slice through single targets like butter and her frost staff to control the crowd, although she's a little scarier than most....
... Mine is a werewolf... because big bad doggo is awesome :D

Although, I've been trying to grind for the ultimate attack of the Fighters' Guild skill tree, Dawnbreaker~

Other than that, I can solo almost anything, world bosses and world event no issues !

Heck, even solo'd a group dungeon one time... that one with a massive dwemer spider at the end of part 2, I forgot the name but it was like hell ! Keep dying over and over, but eventually I managed to pull through~
Ohhh sounds so great!!!
If you ever need a buddy to play with, I'd love to!
I'm also a crafter so I can make you gear if you need any >.< I always offer...
I also like making houses!
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Ohhh sounds so great!!!
If you ever need a buddy to play with, I'd love to!
I'm also a crafter so I can make you gear if you need any >.< I always offer...
I also like making houses!
Hehe, I'll be sure to take that offer one of these days~ I could use some help with group dungeons for sure...

As far as equipment go... I actually don't know all that well, sadly, so I can't really decide what I want (other than weapons with "Decisive" trait, giving you a chance to gain additional ultimate ?)...

To be honest when it comes to armors, I'm more interested in skins and appearances, something pretty revealing~
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