Returning Making a name for myself.

Jack Foxtrot

Well-Known Member
24 October 2019
For some reason, I never thought to make one of these since the site's kerfuffle that happened a while back. But thinking about it now, probably a good idea.

Hi, I'm Jack! You can call me "Jackie" if you prefer. I'm an avid reader and writer, musician, and a bit of a car guy. I'm your Average Cuddle Enjoyer
and I enjoy the quieter things in life. Sitting under a tree with a pot of tea, cuddled close to somebody and reading a book is what I'd consider a good afternoon. I'm very open-minded and do the best I can to be there for people. Sometimes people might take that the wrong way, but I still try my best, and at least knowing that I tried is good enough in my eyes. Still, I don't bite, and you're more than welcome to chat with me about anything that's on your mind. Sometimes, we just need to be heard, and we all need a shoulder to lean on sometimes.

I'm also an activist who is helping people remember their consumer rights, particularly with things such as the "Stop Killing Games" campaign. The full thread for that can be found here. I also help out with global campaigns that fight against other shady practices, such as microtransactions/gambling in full-priced games, overpriced "editions" that lock significant chunks of the game behind a paywall, live services/battle passes, FOMO, and releasing games that are rushed/broken/unfinished at launch to make a quick buck. This also includes things such as "Terms of Services" or "End User License Agreements", where companies expect consumers to sign away their rights and give said companies permission to screw consumers over in any way they see fit (but it's okay because you signed a document letting them do so, even though that's not how the law works).

I've also been helping with other campaigns such as Right To Repair (especially in the United States), or fighting against shadier practices like forced arbitration, planned obsolescence, implied agreements (by continuing to use a product that means you agree to some kind of terms, even if you were never notified of those terms), etc.

Just remember that the world may seem bleak, but there's always people to meet, places to see, and friendships to cherish. And when we all work together, we can make a difference.

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