(NSFW) Starbase 12


3 October 2016

The year is 3299, the Galactic Federation spans across much of the known local sectors in peace alongside the Draconian Empire, AI Union, The Coalition of Nomads, The Confederation, The Imperium. Each one different from the other and all are what came after the Galactic Wars, The war went from the years 3099–>3290, though there been many moments of peace, they didn’t last long as war started up again. Many other nations had fallen and some crumbled from within. But oddly the Union is the only neutral ones that survived.

Galactic Federation, a human dominated nation though has recently opened up to other races. Though the wars has left most the population weary of other races. Ruled by a president, named John Cameron, that is voted on and set to lead for 5 years, many presidents came and went though in rare cases during the wars, few went beyond the 5 years. But the new president is a human who is set on peace now. And his term is coming to an end though soon next year and he’s hoping to have a new term.

Draconian Empire, Once a nation that was ruled by its clans and families that look like dragons, the clan and caste system was abolished by its current Emperor, Immortal Dragon Emperor, Though known to been ruthless, he’s willing to make sure his newly formed nation lives on under his reign. Draconians known to live for thousands of years, some considered them to be immortal. Known to have the strongest military now, they are territorial and have strict rules as well and their way of life is unlike any others.

AI Union, Unknown race of sentient AI and robots, rumored to be the oldest race in the galaxy. Not much is known about them except that they are made by whoever lived on their planet and are now more observers. Though their tech is way beyond the other nations last time someone tried invading them, the Union wiped them out in a day. Ruled over b an advance AI called The Overseer, the Union rarely interferes with the goings on with the galaxy.

The Coalition of Nomads, Made up of races that survived the war, many came together and formed one of the biggest fleets in the galaxy. They travel around trading, doing odd jobs for anyone and upgrade their ships. Consisting of 30,000 ships, and millions of people, ranging from small corvettes to the largest known as The Dreadnought, ruled by The Council, numbering 6 total, each one handles the many things that is needed from trading to security.

The Confederation, A nation of another human looking race, only difference in their looks is they have red skin and horns on their head, the nation ruled by a Baron, they are a nation run by business and known to be very posh, they tend to think highly of themselves. The only race in the galaxy that uses slaves as well, though to the Confederation it’s called Indentured Servitude. The ConFed and Dracon Empire are said to been rivals even though they seem to be getting along now. It is known their females are beautiful to everyone some call them succubus.

The Imperium, A race of elvish, another old nation that are beautiful and wise as they also can live for a long time. They are ruled by a King and Queen, they were able to survive the wars with their powerful ships and mostly been on the defensive. Now they are diplomats and were ones, along with the Union, were able to get the others to stop fighting for good.

Now the races made a neutral station called Starbase 12, orbiting a planet with a colony and over some ruins where the peace has been finalized, the races come together to do business and to make sure the mistakes of the past never happens again. But even in a time of peace there is still trouble and each nation has its secrets.
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Station 12, a large station that looks like a large cylinder with a sphere at one end where Operations is at. With 20 levels inside, few are crew quarters, some having their families and workers. A level called the Promenade where the embassies are of the nations ambassadors are at and few important buildings there from a bank to an information center. Few levels for the stations systems, food processors, defensive and traffic controls. One level with shops and restaurants called Commerce Level a level known as the Red Light District where one might find few criminal and black markets and more.

Four starship hangers for the ships that patrol the area and guard the station. Housing nearly 20 Capitol ships and 4 squadrons of 12 fighters each. Many the ships range from corvettes to cruisers. Much of the ships are crewed by mix races from all the nations as it’s also a place for cross race cooperation. Many the ships are the same across them all but each one is painted differently.

The colony is known as New Port City on the planet called New Port, colony population is 500,000 people of all races and many the city is in sections. Embassies are there as well and a research station studying the ruins that have been recently discovered.

The leader of the station and city are different, though the colony is ruled by a council while the station is led by a human named Tera, newly out of the academy and chosen to help out with the station and make sure things run smoothly.
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Chapter 1

Ambassador Draco is sitting at the table on the promenade as he’s sipping some tea. He’s looking over a data pad that shows him some reports from home. He sees things are going well and that he’s to soon get a new helper. He takes a sip before sees a blue uniform with few red stripes on the side marking a security officer.

He looks up and smiles at a female human officer. “Ah chief security officer Cassie, what do I owe this pleasure?” He asked her as he sits back and puts down his data pad. He can’t help but smile at her as the human crosses her arms as she seems to glare at him.

“You know what I’m here for?” She asked as Draco looks up and rubs his scaled chin.

“Hmm unsure. Last time was about a rumored weapons deal you thought I was responsible for. Before that was some slavers which I should remind you my people removed that long ago. And before that was a drug operation that was selling spice.” He said as he seems to be talking casually to her.

Cassie seems to sigh as she grips the bridge of her nose as she grumbles. “Sadly not this time. This time I’m just here letting you know the ship from Draconia is here.” She said.

Draco soon gets up and adjusts his clothing that is red and gold with bits of black along it. His red scales shine from the lighting as he smiles at her. “Well I enjoy these chats, but I must be heading off now.” He said. He then starts heading off towards the docking area leaving Cassie sighing as she heads on towards the security office.

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