Scandalous Rumours!


Well-Known Member
25 December 2022
What's some scandalous rumour about the user above you?

Maybe they're not the species they say the are?
Maybe they're part of a super secret organization that's meant to supplant furries?
Or perhaps something as silly as still wetting the bed at times

Let's find out ;P ;P
I've heard these rumours <w< that the Badger secretly enjoys hiring bunnies to build setts for them, watching the bunnies with a rather supercilious smile while listening to "Bright Eyes" from Art Garfunkel
I've heard these rumours <w< that the Badger secretly enjoys hiring bunnies to build setts for them, watching the bunnies with a rather supercilious smile while listening to "Bright Eyes" from Art Garfunkel
This is slander! I object! This is a smear campaign! Bunny tunnels are too small!

Besides, we hire them to lay the flooring, teehee.

Anyway, you're one to talk, word on the grapevine is that those swirls arn't blueberry flavoured but in fact raspberry flavoured with blue food dye!
I think this one could be true... I don't know for sure, but I'm just saying!

Apparently Spilo likes to sit on the copying machine and print out pictures of his butt! (and I totally didn't fish out a copy of it from the paper waste bin)

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