Subtle ways in which you show you're a furry


Active Member
30 December 2022
I generally don't do this as I'm kinda in the middle of nowhere and the knowledge of internet subcultures is near-zero around me. So I don't bother. But recently I was looking for a chainstay protector for my bike (a kind of wrapping that protects the frame from being damaged by the swinging chain when riding on rough ground). And I got one with a paw print on it as it immediately caught my attention.
What about you guys, do you have your little ways? Share them, maybe I'll take some inspiration.
Buying and wearing merch from furry brands that don't look like the stereotypical furry style. I recently bought a reversible sweater from 0 Fox Shop that looks totally badass, but isn't recognizably furry/anthro art unless someone knows who that creator is
Now you got me very curious how does that sweater look like.

Yeah, subtler merch could be a way to go, except it's all poorly accessible to me.
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I have an older small-size laptop which, after installing lightweight Linux and upgrading RAM to 8GB, is still perfectly good for Serious Stuff (not games). As it was a gift from my good fox bro, it has a fox sticker on it. Really subtle as this is a completely regular fox, but at the same time it stands out in the land where stickers are not a thing.
I think that my fox tattoos do the job for me. One is visible to the exterior world on my lower inner right arm when I’m wearing a short sleeved shirt. I’m a passive ambassador for the fandom; I don’t proselytize, but if anyone asks about it, I will tell. The amount that I tell depends on how receptive or curious the person making inquiry appears to be. Some people are more accepting than you might imagine. When the minister of my church saw me at a recent event, he laughingly said, “There’s the fox!” On some level, I think he understands me. I was quite happy with that…

Let people know and accept you as yourself first, and then your furry identity will follow quite naturally, almost as an embellishment. I crank it up for those who are receptive, and tone it down for those who are not. This is part of being sly…
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Another way that you can “front for the fandom” is in the tagline that you use in association with your profile or pic on non-furry sites that you visit where you’re a member, and have an account. My profile pic on such sites is always that of an anthropomorphic fox, and my tagline is “token fox furry.”

Some people readily understand this, but others do not and ask questions, which can lead to opportunities to educate, and at times eliminate misconceptions that you are some kind of perverted fetishist… 🙀
Another way that you can “front for the fandom” is in the tagline that you use in association with your profile or pic on non-furry sites that you visit where you’re a member, and have an account.
Been doing that for years now. Also, paw print stickers on the bumper and a needle point fox rear view mirror decoration. If they know, they know, and if they don't, they cam always ask. Otherwise, I don't go looking to make confurts.
My taste in games, mostly digital but now slowly tabletop as well, which mostly feature anthros.
Definitely relate! I have MANY RPG tabletop systems as well as video games that feature being a furry character.

As to subtle, not for one instance. I created a modified rennfaire character turning him into a furry that is very well known for 14 years by thousands of people who are now familiar with a furry is. He has also frequently hosted and introduced other furs in fursuits to the crowds. Kinda, kinda not subtle.

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