Talk to the Doggo! :3

This is a thread where you can ask me anything. It can be a question about myself, a question about what the weather will be like, a question about anything!! So don't hesitate to post a question. I'm always happy to talk to someone.

Do you think it's absolutely silly this baseless rumour that...get this...cats and dogs don't get along naturally? Absurd, right??
Do you have a favourite Bird :3? And why is it the duck? (Trick question, just look at them, it needs no explination!)

Ok a more serious one x3
Do you play any instruments :3?
Do you have a favourite Bird :3? And why is it the duck? (Trick question, just look at them, it needs no explination!)

Ok a more serious one x3
Do you play any instruments :3?
I do have a favorite bird actually! It's the Blue Jay! I do really like ducks too though. :3

I have a bit of experience with electric guitar and I also play trumpet but that's about it.
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