Meta would squeak indignantly! And clench the rat-fist of rage for good measure!! And then he would go to sleep in a weird sleeping position, because he is a rat.

Suddenly, the Spanish inquisition. WWYFD?
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Reactions: Spilo
Meta would stare at his burning hammock with shock. Wow, the rat bodily effluvia are surprisingly flammable. Also now he has to get a new hammock, he had spent weeks lying in that hammock to the scent right >:O
Also, he had no idea skunks could do that :O

Ay ay ay! A cupboard full of oranges! WWYFD.
  • Haha
Reactions: Spilo
Well like the saying goes, when life gives you oranges, you make orange juice! Or was it lemons? Either way, Spilo would eat all the oranges by cutting them in half, suckling on them, and maybe adding a sprinkle of worm salt :3

Oh no, you find yourself trapped in a cellar with this skunk. WWYFD? It's tight in here :P
  • Wow
Reactions: metatherat
Oh no, you find yourself trapped in a cellar with this skunk. WWYFD? It's tight in here :P

That's easy...block out any airholes, tickle you mercilessly until you spray, get high as fuck off the scent with you, and make out dizzily while laughing nonstop.

You're making out with a hot sexy skunk and realize you're running out of oxygen, but it feels too good to stop for actual air! WWYFD?
Use frozen fruit and some milk to make some makeshift ice cream :3 (it actually works, it's kind of crazy).

Someone stole your account and is acting like you, but in a super poorly manner, still, people aren't sure if it isn't you all along: WWYFD?
  • Wow
Reactions: metatherat
<the kitty reaches into his special safe, and pulls out a bejewelled box with a retinal scanner attached. Looking into it, a light changes colour and with a beep, the box pops open and the kitty gasps a special baggie of golden-yellow glowing catnip is revealed. With delicate paws, he gingerly lifts the precious baggie out of the box and slowly sets it down as he reaches for his bowl with a wink and a giggle>

My last batch of "golden-strain"...saved for special occasions...but for you, I got this!! 36 hours? HA, see you in three days!! <laughs and closes the door>

You return three days later to see a half-destroyed room, several boxes of tissues and assorted food boxes, various sex toys and photos of felines in erotic poses, and a completely nude passed out cat flat on his back with a huge grin covered by tomato sauce and noodles, moaning softly with mangled matted fur and heavy red eyes. WWYFD?
  • Haha
Reactions: metatherat
Ah-ha! Foods, luckyy~
Meta would climb on the cat's mouth and lick off the tomato sauce and noodles. Mm foods. (Also it's fun to lick the muzzle of a scary predator while they're all delirious, eehehe)

Your sona finds a bejewelled box with a rat alchemist made retinal scanner attached. Looking into it, the light changes colour and a ratty voice squeaks: "Yep, that's a retina alright. Kick ass." WWYFD?

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