For the past two and a half days, I've been writing out this giant, long section of a smut story involving my fursona, Xaphra. While Xaphra himself is not described within the story (it's assumed you already know what he looks like from previous threads), you can find details of him in Character Sheets (make sure it's the 2025 version, as that's what Xaphra here is intended to be) where I made a whole written character sheet for him - or retroactively, I have also repeated his current description after the end of this short(ish) story. Anyway. This is not intended to really be finished or anything, and I'm more or less doing this just as a one-off segment of a much larger implied story, so do NOT expect updates or follow-ups to this. This was pretty much just an exercise to see if I can write a story at all, seeing as story is basically something I NEVER do. I want to spend way longer continuing to make edits, rewording things and blah blah blah, but to be honest - I'm just going to release it as it is, because I've already spent forever editing it, and I feel like the longer I nitpick, it's never going to be ready for release. Interestingly, though Xaphra has no "canon" story now after his recent update (he's supposed to be easily inserted into most stories as a sort of self insert/cooler version of me), this whole universe that it takes place in IS in fact his original intended future post apocalypse canon that was meant for him for the longest time, and I pretty much just took what was meant to be his main story and just wrote out a segment of it showing an example of what it would have been, had I made it a full-fledged thing. Without further ado...
It was nightfall, and was time to take shelter for the night. It was dangerous to be out after dark, as this was when bands of raiders got particularly bold, ambushing from the shadows, and many large, nocturnal beasts which these raiders hunted also began to prowl, as dangerous as the raiders themselves if their territory was encroached upon - all too easy when one would get lost in the dark among the many great forests, and the ruins of the old world; one of many such derilect planets. Nature certainly recovered in the hundred or so years since the Great Planetary War, now reigning supreme in an ironic twist of fate, but civilization itself had been much slower, consisting of old, creaking colony ships scattered through space which often competed with and even fought one another for food and supplies, and many groups of survivors had broken away long ago to rebuild in pockets of habitable atmosphere among the irradiated, toxic planets, many of said groups being driven to savagery from hardships, and from mutation. Only some of these were well-known, but there were many more such groups undocumented, thought to be the remnants of ships that went silent over the years, and none could be trusted; you never knew whether a group encountered was peaceful, in need of supplies you had none to spare, or if they would simply kill you and eat you. It was not uncommon to be fired upon even by peaceful groups, thinking yours was out to kill them. Remember: friendly fire isn't! Nature may have recovered, but despite future technology, which by now was ancient and falling apart from entropy, society was effectively dead, reduced to little more than tribals, and the few colony ships still out there formed the last shreds of distant "civilized" life. Xaphra and a fellow survivor by the name of Sol had broken away from the main scavenging party earlier that day so the two parties could search independantly, and would regroup the next day to extract back to the ship. There were only three in the other group.
Like Xaphra, Sol was part velociraptor - perfect for scavenging and reconnaissance teams like this - but unlike him, she was a hybrid cobra, not a dragon, lacking horns and wings, instead having a hooded neck, and an overall slightly more snake-like head. Sol got her name from having been born in the middle of the night, being short for "Solstice", her birth having coincided with the Winter Solstice of the cycle of the nearest planet to which she was born. Though Xaphra was by no means the largest in the team - that award going to a much older dragon who was not a hybrid - he nonetheless served as the dedicated fighter of his temporary duo with Sol, who was half his size. Sol was a small thing, and at 20 years old, was also the youngest member of the group. What she lacked in fighting capability, she made up for by being the most nimble of the team, and could fit in places no one else could, often being the one to break into locked structures by having another hoist her over a wall, through a window, or helping her crawl into old ducts. She was yellow and cream in color, having the same black feathers as Xaphra, but instead of stripes, she had dark body markings reminiscent of an Anaconda, and had lavender eyes, her feathers also having lavender highlights where Xaphra had yellow. The two had no family relation that they knew of, despite both being raptor hybrids in a rather small genetic pool of survivors. Sol was very small, but well-formed, having decently-sized breasts, very curvy, wide hips, and a round, shapely ass. Perhaps most notably to those around her - unfortunately stealing the show, along with her stunted size - her left forearm was prosthetic, replaced by sleek, skeletal metal from the elbow onward; she had lost part of her arm when she was little. She had plenty of attractiveness going in a small package, but it was her much taller and voluptuous pure cobra sister who always got the boys' attention, much to Sol's envy growing up. As a girl in a post-apocalypse, it wasn't hard to find someone to reproduce with her if she really wanted, but virtually anyone that noticed her was quite scummy - creeps that even in the old world would have gotten only dismay and disgust out of girls, not arousal. She wore a white tank top, a black backpack slung over one shoulder, a brown, leather fanny pack, a black, wool fingerless glove on her flesh hand, taupe cargo pants (tight and slightly short in length, just like Xaphra's), and had brown, leather hiking boots made for raptor feet, being one of few anthro survivors who wore footwear, the other being a female Lucario on the other team - her best friend, Nicole, actually. Her clothes, like most in this setting, were old and worn, most of which handed down or scavenged. Not having Xaphra's electric powers, nor his cool bodily glow with it, her main weapon was an assault rifle she couldn't hope to control should she fire it, being almost oversized in her small arms, but supplies were limited, and so that's just what she got, and she could at least scare an attacker with it and keep their head down while backup arrived...that is if she didn't hit other survivors in the group with it. It didn't help that the semi auto selector switch was broken (her whole rifle is more duct tape than plastic furniture and aging internals - but it continues to go bang, which may actually be detrimental to the team sometimes), and she practically didn't know what a safety was or how to engage it. Who the hell gave the most inept one on the team a full auto assault rifle too big for their little arms?! Other than her rifle, she of course had her raised inner toe claws, being a velociraptor hybrid, and she also had a rusty old dagger, which was more for breaking into things than defense.
Xaphra stood in front of the main window of an old structure he and Sol were laying low in for the night. It was a small house and a garage in one; a boring, utilitarian box that was architecturally disappointing for the future, the main door and the garage door leading to a large, open room containing the main living area, an indoor parking space for a car, which was long gone by now, a kitchen (dubiously right behind the garage area, because exhaust fumes and motor oil apparently go great with cooking), which of course was long before ransacked of anything edible, and then a short T-shaped hallway in the back leading to a bathroom, and single bedroom - Sol having claimed the bedroom for the night. Being the "protector" of the two for the night, that was okay with Xaphra, and for now he stood watch. The house was completely decrepit and overgrown; vines covered the walls, grass was growing through what remained of the wooden floor, sprouting up all between the gaps, and the ceiling was caving in a bit concerningly. It was questionable if the ancient, rusted and roached garage door would even open, which was at least a good thing, being one less point of entry for intruders. He gazed at the two massive moons overlapping in the night sky, one of which was shattered from a huge explosion inside of a colony that once resided there during the war. The stars were clear and bright, and it was a very beautiful night, almost detached from the dangerous world around him it blessed. Mysterious glowing steadily pulsed among the leaves, and glowing, firefly-like spores emanated from the ground - a common sight deep within the old worlds, nature itself seemingly glowing with happiness to have reclaimed them. It was an eerily quiet night; the trees would rustle, a mix of ominous atmosphere and the false sound of an ocean the rustling leaves emulated, and occassionally, the sound of wild animals in the distance, but beyond this, there was nothing - and that concerned him. He felt vulnerable, being separated from the others for the night, and was practically on his own, his only "backup" being Sol who he was better off without in a fight. He was weary, and thought about laying down on the sofa and resting, but he didn't think he would be able to sleep. He needed to keep watch. He could rest tomorrow when he was back on the ship, and for now, it was his duty to stand guard. Perhaps it was anxiety, but something just felt strange about this night.
It was at this point Xaphra began to detect something, and he stood at alert. He heard nothing, but he could smell something very faint. Something that immediately caught his attention. It demanded him. Whatever it was, it was...pleasant. He lifted his head and stood on his toes, curiously smelling about. He huffed, pacing about the room, trying to find it. He couldn't tell what it was, or more importantly where, but it started to become clearer to him after a moment. He knew this smell. A female...? He had smelled this before, and was no stranger to women, but the only female he knew of right now was Sol, who was in the other room. His first instinct was not her, but perhaps a thief - or worse, a raider scout, not that the two weren't usually one in the same - lurking outside. He smelled more, and still, there it was. He was not mistaking nor imagining it, he DID smell a female. What species, or where, neither of which he knew. All he could determine was that whomever or whatever it was is a girl. He looked out the window all around, and anxiously gazed about, but did not see anything. He had his hand on the grip of his pistol, ready to go outside and investigate as his yellow electricity sparked from his brightly glowing body, but before he made more than one step toward the door, the smell got stronger. It beckoned him now, and he knew it was not coming from outside, but inside. Its strength was too close. At this moment, his eyes and the markings on his body all began to glow brighter, and he was feeling...aroused...He was starting to get hard in his pants. He quickly covered the window with the remains of some old cloth or sheet that had been lain over the couch since the old war, most likely, hiding his glowing figure in the window from anyone watching. The smell was still ever present, and it drew him in. It captured him. It...allured him. This was pheromones, either from arousal or heat. He should have known sooner, as many girls as he had been with. He knew it had to be Sol. They were alone, so it must be. Was she masturbating or just having a wet fantasy? Boys will be boys...he was too curious not to check it out. Xaphra stepped toward the hallway, being careful that his claws did not click on the wooden floor, though his raised inner claws did give a brief, intrigued tap. The closer he got, the more powerful it became, and by now he was blushing across his scaled cheeks. His body glowed warmly, and he was getting harder and harder. His blood was turning hot, and his heart was pounding. Whatever was going on, it was exciting Xaphra a lot. As if he didn't know already, the closer he got to the room, he knew Sol's arousal was exactly what he was smelling, much to his naughty excitement, and all but cementing his curiosity. He could faintly smell flowers - Sol had a hint of flowers to her body, just as Xaphra had a hint of lemons. It was definitely her. As he approached the door, however, he could smell that it was something other than simple arousal. Something ever more delightful. Something that drove him wild within and made his body glow so vibrantly. Like a moth to flame, something much more primal and deeply rooted: Sol must be coming into heat...what a time for it, when they're on a mission like this? Their behavior was a little strange lately, and it should have been a sign this was coming. This was going to be problematic for protecting her, as he now worried she was going to give them away, and he knew he wasn't going to be able to focus and stay alert with her turning him on so badly like this! Sol...always a liability, but to be fair, this was an honest inconvenience, for both of them; when the cycle hits, and it wasn't until they already embarked to the planet days ago for the expedition that Sol began to behave strangely. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help it - he wanted to peek at what was going on. To make sure she was okay and not hacked to pieces and being eaten by an intruder, you know? Or so he jokingly thought to himself. It was driving him crazy. He didn't see any way to get a look, and was afraid to open the door, knowing the ancient thing would creak and give him away. He almost jumped when something scurried across his foot, and grabbed his gun, but saw that it whatever it was had darted behind an old picture on the wall. It was tiny - some small, harmless lizard, most likely. He carefully removed the picture, and couldn't believe his luck - there was a hole in the wall, a small one just big enough to put his finger through, and on the other side, a chunk of the interior wall was missing, having collapsed. This was perfect! He looked through his lucky and ever so convenient peephole, and what did he see?
It was a little dim, an old lamp lit inside, but the dragon-raptor's eyes were well-adjusted. Sol was laying on the bed - nude, fingering herself! She had one leg lifted up as she was laid upon her side, relaxed and slowly pleasuring herself, slipping her fingers in and out of her slit and rubbing her clitoris. Xaphra's heart almost fell from his chest seeing this, and the smell of Sol's pheromone's enticed him. His mind and nose were infected with the chemicals she was releasing, and he couldn't possibly unsee what he was seeing now. His mouth was agape just slightly, his breath shaking softly. His blush was uncontrollable, his face felt like it was on fire, as was his blood, and his bulge was now very uncomfortable as his pants barely contained him. He knew he needed relief...just get this over with, he told himself, knowing he could not possibly do his duty without giving into such low desires first. This was a horrible time to be getting horny, but if he made it quick, perhaps a release would help get his mind right and help him had been a while since he last had sex, and was very pent-up. Come on, he had to! He literally had a cute, naked girl masturbating before his eyes - sometimes, you've just got to do it when the universe throws you a bone like this...and my god, Xaphra's bone was raging below. Being as quiet as he could, he unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, his hands unsteady and shaking slightly, and pulled them and his shorts beneath down far enough to expose himself, finally giving his cock and balls much-gratifying freedom. His member was badly engorged and thick with blood as it sprung eagerly upward, standing rock-solid as it pulsed, glowing vibrantly with lust. He placed one hand on the wall to balance himself, and he began to stroke himself with his other hand, peering in at the horny cobra-raptor inside. His whole body was filled with an intense desire to mate - to breed - as Sol's scent within drove him feral with desire. He couldn't help it. He needed this. He needed Sol...and Sol wasn't going to make it easy for him. Typical...She was really getting into it in there, biting her lip and curling her toes while she deeply slid in and out. He could even hear her soft, restrained grunts and tiny moans! Or maybe he was imagining it...his mind was utterly gone in this moment, caught in a lustful trance. He couldn't fucking take it. He placed his muzzle against the hole in the wall and silently inhaled, not minding the mustiness of the wall itself as all he could think about was what was between Sol's legs, the scent only growing more powerful the more worked up Sol got. He stroked firmly, but attempted to pace himself, trying not to get too excited and make any noise, which was a challenge in itself. His entire body burned for this. He couldn't remember the last time a simple jerking session had felt so incredible, so right. He was going to remember this for a good, long time as a guilty pleasure; a wonderful, naughty memory to savor of watching Sol play with herself. This was absolutely going to change how he looked at her, and he hoped he could be sly and not let her catch on that he saw her, let alone what he did while watching her. This would be his naughty little secret. He wondered...could he maybe get with her someday? After all, what the hell - they were both raptors, right? Maybe she'd be interested in him if he tried his luck sometime? Fuck, he wanted this, and he thought about how he was going to work up the courage to ask her, thinking of the right time to approach her about it. He wondered just how to woo her, if maybe flowers would do the trick. If he offered his gun as payment, would she be more likely to say yes, or just feel insulted that he thinks she's a prostitute? It wasn't his intention to imply that, but to be fair, it had worked before for him, and he was always on the lookout on these expeditions for anything he thought a lady might be interested in for a little fun. You'd be surprised how much pussy it had gotten him in the past - at least a handjob or a footjob. It certainly made risking his life outside the ship far more worthwhile. Scavenging for food and supplies were just a means of survival, but there had to be more to life than just that. For now, getting with Sol would have to wait. He didn't need permission to watch if she didn't know he was there, and this was free of charge...As he gently humped his hand and jerked himself, he closed his eyes as his tongue drooped just a tiny but from his mouth as he was really getting into this. Saliva dripped from his tongue, and he stood on his toes, his claws digging into the old, wooden floor, arching his back as his breathing was so heavy and shaky. He could almost feel her insides squeezing around him, her warm, juicy folds suckling him, so much excited imagination vividly went through his entranced mind as he thrusted softly into his leather, fingerless glove. Thick pre was leaking all over the floor at his feet. His thrusting only ever grew faster, and he shut his eyes tighter. Bolts of electricity were sparking from his body, arcing along him and zapping the wall. His cheeks were like needles stabbing into them as he happily winced. Hnnngh...he was close! Come on...that's it, right...t-there...f-fuck...! His mouth hung open a little wider as his mind focused on a mental close-up of Sol's lovely, wet raptor pussy. Yeess...!! Aaaahh!!
Right as the dragon was so frustratingly close to climax, something loud crashed in the main area of the house. He was on the absolute knife's edge, and his cock throbbed and twitched so furiously. One more stroke, and he would have came hard all over the wall. God DAMN it!! Arrrrghhh!! The dragon snapped alert, giving an exasperated and disappointed mix of a huff and a growl, and hastily shoved his still raging hard cock into his pants as he quickly pulled them up and slung his pistol right out. He took cover at the edge of the hallway - not that the wall would do much other than concealment - and he peered around it, ready to start shooting. God damn it, he KNEW there was something wrong with this night! FUCK! Couldn't they let him finish before he fucking died?! His heart was racing like mad, his body still glowed with lust and excitement, and he couldn't keep his pistol steady as arcs of his electricity kept jolting, fearing giving his position away as whomever was there would surely see the flashes. He couldn't make it stop! However, as he peered, he noticed that the ceiling had partially fallen in by the kitchen, and a bunch of ancient cookware had crashed all over the floor. Fucking hell...He exhaled, and put away his gun after a moment longer to ensure no one else came snooping around outside, and then turned around. He jumped and quickly scrambled to the side as he found himself staring down the barrel of a rifle - Sol was standing right behind him, having been ready to start firing as well. She was still naked, hiding around the edge of the doorway, blushing warmly and pointing her gun right at him.
"Jesus, Sol, don't aim that thing at me! It's alright! The roof just collapsed in there..."
Sol finally lowered her gun after a moment, and sighed with relief, laying her head against the doorway with a THUNK as she closed her eyes for a second, giving a nervous chuckle.
"Fuck! I thought that was it. I thought we were..."
She didn't quite finish her sentence, opening her eyes after a moment to look at him while talking. It didn't take her long at all to notice that Xaphra's face was still deep red, and saw that his pants were unzipped, looking at his very obviously tenting pants. His pleasure betrayed him, and she knew then and there that he knew. She recalled having heard something right outside the door when the crash happened. Her face turned darker with embarrassment, and pointed her gun back at him with a dead-serious expression on her face, aiming blindly as his heart.
Xaphra's heart sank. He knew he was caught. His body flashed bright yellow, then died down to a much dimmer glow.
"L-Look, I'm sorry, okay? Really! I could smell you from the other room...I couldn't help it...alright? I admit it! Just don't...don't shoot? Alright, I'm sorry...I don't know what I was thinking. I WASN'T thinking."
Sol looked him dead in the eyes. Her rifle shook unsteadily as she didn't know whether or not to shoot. Her urges still burned within her, and now it was worse than ever after her session was interrupted. Xaphra was kind of cute...cuter than most guys that would do something like this, and she had known him for a long time. He had saved her ass on more than one occassion...She sighed anxiously, lowering her gun. She stepped back a little, allowing him to see her standing there, not a shred of clothing on her body, only a relatively huge rifle in her small hands. She still had a very serious look in her eyes, embarrassed and still ready to change her mind if Xaphra dared get too weird or make a sleazy comment.
"Fine...happy now? But let's make this fair. You've seen me - now I want to see you. Do it or I'll shoot and strip you myself, and leave your corpse for the savages. I'll just say THEY killed you..."
Conflict raced through Sol's mind. She was embarrassed and wanted to shame Xaphra, but her heat made her genuinely curious as well to see him naked, now that she had him at gunpoint. Seeing as the opportunity was there, she wanted to see him strip for her. It was only fair. Xaphra nervously huffed, but couldn't help but feel excited deep down. Despite his precarious predicament, he was still hard as hell, and Sol's scent was threatening to get him killed for sure with a rash move. Maybe he wouldn't mind getting shot by this raptor trying his least it was better than the thousand other ways to die. Was she...inviting him? He couldn't tell, but loved where this was going, attempting to remain collected and apologetic. He really did feel bad over this, and maybe he did deserve punishment - he couldn't say he blamed Sol's frustration. But how could he have resisted? He had to do what he did...He stepped cautiously into the bedroom. Piece by piece, he carefully took off his clothes. His entire body tingled, still blushing like mad - as was Sol. He waited to take his pants off last, looking into her serious eyes as though to confirm she wanted this. He pulled down his pants and shorts, shyly letting her see his erect cock, as once more it stood tall and full, still enormously hard. It glowed so bright with eagerness. He wished it would go down, but nothing he did made it any better. He was stuck like this, stuck so badly aroused. The more he tried, the more the bright glow of his body would return, getting stronger. He let his pants fall to the floor, and stepped out of them, kicking them aside. He now stood in front of Sol, both of them nude, and he did his best to stay looking her in the eyes, his face red as he could still smell her as strongly as ever. It all but made him salivate. It was torture, trying not to stare at her body below, especially after what he had just seen. What he still saw every time he blinked...Sol eyed Xaphra good. She looked over every inch of him, especially his bright yellow member standing so tall and excitedly between them, but also to the scars covering Xaphra's whole body, including his shoulder where she had accidentally shot him before. She prodded his cock with the barrel of her gun, letting the barrel slide right beneath his shaft, using the end of it lift his glowing member some. She silently admired how big he was. She was still mad at him, but oh...she liked what she saw. She loved every inch of his crotch, its shape, its features. It would be a shame to shoot him. Xaphra wasn't any bigger than a normal dragon, but to Sol, he was huge. No doubt, she was extremely tempted, and was well aware of the dragon's own desire. She knew he wanted to. But should she admit she wanted to as well? Did she dare reward the dragon for invading her privacy? He was at least attempting to be respectful...She asked sarcastically:
"How does it feel?"
Xaphra closed his eyes tight and winced a little as Sol used her gun to tease him, turning his head away some. He was nervous.
"N-Not good...But, if you want my honesty...k-kind of good...? I'm sorry, but that's the truth, and if you're going to shoot me, shoot me, but I kind of like this. Not the gun to my...but...y-you know..."
He thought for sure he was going to get it now. How to be honest about being nude with her literally being hot to him, especially when she was in heat, yet remain respectful about it? There really WASN'T a way to say it without just going there and taking the risk, but Sol deserved that honesty, he thought. And then...much to Xaphra's surprise and great relief, Sol lowered the gun once more.
"Good...I believe you."
Sol said, stepping back and laying her rifle standing up against the foot of the bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed, looking to him. She had a serious, but longing look in her eyes, her face still red. She sat with her breasts in full view of his eyes, and her legs lay apart just slightly. She posed herself like this for him intentionally, wanting him to stare. She more than believed him. The dragon may have broken her privacy, her trust even, but he was nonetheless trying to be honest, and it was a start. She liked that she could read him like an open book, and knew exactly what he was feeling, that Xaphra even admitted it. She could at least respect calling it for what it was, rather than playing some creepy game or lying about it. He was kind of adorable when he was nervous - what could she say? She rather liked the status quo, never having any sort of power in her life, never being taken seriously or respected, and now she had a dragon at her mercy. A velociraptor hybrid like herself, at that. A cute dragon-velociraptor hybrid as horny as she was right now...and it was killing her. Just as Xaphra was being driven wild with lust, so was Sol. She had an uncontrollable itch to be mated right now. To be ravaged...
"Don't make me beg now. Let's just do this and get it over with, so we can stop thinking about it. A little fun, and maybe we'll both feel better. Just once - and then we're even from you saving me before. But I swear, I WILL kill you if you get creepy or tell anyone..."
Deep down, Sol didn't really mean her threat. She kind of wanted him to get a little weird, and maybe it would be an "IN YOUR FACE, SLUT" to her sister that she got to hook up with a cute guy that her sister hadn't already been with - as far as she knew - if word got out they slept together, but Xaphra didn't need to know this. Her threat was more a "please don't make me regret this" than literally meaning she'd kill him. She kind of liked him. She always thought he was sweet, but had just never had this deeper dynamic with him, nor thought about it until now. Deep inside, she was as excited as he was, loving having gotten to see his goods up close, and wanted more than just a look now. She wasn't done pleasuring herself tonight, and now she had something so much better than her fingers! It was an unexpected but pleasant evolution of their casual friendship they had for so long, though this was a rather shaky start to something new. After all, Xaphra DID save her a few times, and she had never properly repayed him, despite his prior insistance that she didn't owe him anything. In hindsight, it made her feel a little better about this, knowing he actually would be interested in her, but never tried with her, despite any other guy open to her would have no doubt wanted one thing if they had saved her as he did, let alone more than once. She kind of regretted almost shooting him not but a minute or two ago...
Xaphra's heart froze as Sol invited him - demanded more than anything. His blood felt like it was on fire for the young cobra-raptor he had known for ages. One he had fought alongside, and even bled for. One he had bled because of. He had always held a fondness for her, despite her impulsiveness, and despite almost having killed him repeatedly - not including tonight - as the dumb raptor would get excited in a fight and fire off. He always took pity to her being the "runt" of the group who hardly ever got taken seriously, especially by her hot sister he always had his eye on. After almost being shot intentionally by her minutes ago, now he was being beckoned towards her, to mate with her! Oh, how his heart shook in his chest for this, every vein in his body pulsed, and his body was extra sensitive the world around him. He could feel everything so sharply as time seemed to stop in its tracks. How dare he say no to her - could he even? His body was hardly under "his" control, already having been driven feral within by the powerful pheromones in the air. His mind was laced with the scent of the raptor on the bed. He knew he wanted this. He knew he was ready for this. As Sol commanded, his body slinked forth, shyly, cautiously, yet so excitedly. Everything in him tingled with anticipation. How his night had turned from very fortunate, to very UNfortunate, to EXTREMELY fortunate! He climbed up over Sol, laying on top of her on the bed, his cock throbbing immensely between them. His eyes, every marking, and his dick all glowed vibrant, bright yellow, pulsing slowly with passion as sparks traveled all along his scaled body. He gave a playful huff, and Sol put her robotic hand to his cheek. Cold metal met a cheek on fire from blushing so hard, and he growled happily, closing his eyes as he felt Sol's small, cold, metallic fingers caressing him, then he opened them again and looked her in the eyes. This was it...
Sol herself was so very shy and red in the face. It had been years since she had been with a boy like this. Last time, her slut sister ended up stealing them from under her, and then they wasted that relationship anyway. Sol was NOT going to let her have Xaphra. For once, something in her life was HERS, not her sister's. She wanted this as badly as he did, and her heat was overriding her rationality. To hell with the looming danger all around them, to hell if sleeping with Xaphra was even a good choice - she wanted this, and if this was just one time as they went their separate ways, so be it, but her horniness was raging. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to get wild. She wanted to get crazy and dumb just for a night and enjoy this without thinking any more on it - not until morning. It didn't even cross her mind in her moment of desire and pheromones going rampant that she and Xaphra were both velociraptors and probably very compatible reproductively - that she was literally in heat, and that absolutely no precautions had been taken. No condom, no contraceptives. Not once did it cross Sol's impulsive mind as she was lost in her want for this to just happen regardless of it being very risky, and it never crossed Xaphra's mind either. How would they feed their offspring when there wasn't enough supplies as it is? Sol was no hunter, except to her own teammates. The only worry that vaguely crossed Xaphra's mind was of being caught in bed by raiders. His mind didn't dwell on it long, unable to focus with how lost in lust he was. Just make this quick and get it over with and keep watch...If Sol had been thinking rationally, she should have called this off now, but what did she do? Looking Xaphra right in the eyes, staring straight into his soul in this moment, she placed a small kiss on his lips, and wrapped her legs around his waist, locking them closely together. The choice had been made, and there was no going back, but was she going to regret this? Neither of the two cared about consequences. Both of them let their weakness get the best of them and indulge in a night of passion and pleasure. Sometimes, life requires a risk now and again to truly live.
As the two velociraptors' lips met, Xaphra's spine shivered, and his heart skipped a beat, feeling Sol's lips touching his. He instinctively pressed back into hers with his, the two of them giving a long, gentle suckle, staring deep into the other's eyes for a moment as they did, before slowly closing their eyes. Sol's flower-scented breath mixed with Xaphra's lemon, and they broke away very softly with a soft, wet smooch before meeting again. As they were slowly and affectionately kissing, the dragon adjusted his hips, aligning his tip with Sol's moist folds. He pressed carefully into her, making the steady plunge as his raging hard cock stretched Sol's needy cunt right apart, and her jaw quivered while she let out a soft whimper, closing her eyes tighter. He used his electricity to very gently shock along her body, her pussy especially, which tingled and tickled, and it relaxed her muscles within, easing things on poor Sol as Xaphra penetrated her. She couldn't help but softly exclaim into his mouth, giggling slightly as her body tingled from the shocking sensation. Her legs shook, but her toes curled the deeper Xaphra pushed, and he let out a deep and very longing sigh to her as he came to hilt her, his knot pressing against her opening as her warm, slippery insides completely enveloped his eager and throbbing shaft. Sol's walls contracted and squeezed hard around him, throbbing as much as he was, and though it was quite uncomfortable for her at first, she was deeply liking this. She wanted to continue, not stop. Her anger with Xaphra was entirely gone; now she just wanted to make something of this and go all the way with him, for better or worse, and so far, she was not at all disappointed, but impressed! Everything inside the two raptors longed for this. The dragon himself growled blissfully to her, the feeling of Sol's juicy and delicate pussy was divine to him. Oh...what had he done (so RIGHT)? His mind was now lost in the dark and naughty deed, and ever so softly, he began to slip in and out of her, carefully pulling out as his bright yellow shaft left moist and shiny with her fluids, pushing back into her before his tip left her. The restraint was killing him as he began to mate with her, everything in his body burned to destroy her, to smash her at full force, but he managed to maintain most of his composure, taking it easy - for now - on the raptor beneath him. The two of them continued kissing as the room was filled not only with the gentle sounds of their suckling and breaking away, but of the tender, quivering moans escaping Sol's maw into Xaphra's, and their shared heavy breathing. Rrrrrrfff...! The dragon himself growled and rurred passionately, playfully to her, thrusting gently below as Sol squeezed his hips as tightly as she could. Every now and again she winced and whined a little in discomfort, but steadily became used to it as her stretched insides adjusted. She gasped and let out a pleasured "Aaah!" rather loudly, giggling to him as she smiled greatly into the kissing, all of which thankfully muffled within his mouth as his lustful growls vibrated down her throat, and the dragon responded by thrusting deeper, spearing and penetrating his mate. Every single thrust, every time Xaphra's needy member slid in and out of her, it was the most sensual and naughty massage, and it felt more than incredible. It drove both of them out of their minds and demanded more! Xaphra was no virgin before this, but even he had to admit, Sol's tightness was fucking great. He'd been with countless girls, ranging from legitimately hot, to downright skanks, even for a post apocalypse; space skanks...This was certainly up there for some of the best he'd ever had! Sol was definitely the smallest partner he had ever been with - and as far as sex goes, fucking hell it was hard to compete with such tightness! On the other hand, Sol had only ever had sex a couple times in her life, years ago at that, and neither which were honestly that great in hindsight, though she fondly remembered said sessions, since they were her only prior experience - but this blew either of those clear out of the water. This was a REAL sexual experience, pleasure she had never had before, and all she wanted was more! God, MORE! Maybe Xaphra was just the perfect size for her, his cock shaped just so that it massaged and stretched her in exactly the right places, but even the best sessions of fingering herself or playing with her toys back on the ship never compared to this! The more Sol relaxed, the firmer Xaphra got, and the bed began to creak and squeak beneath them, the headboard gently tapped the wall. His breath grew heavier, his moans and growls deeper. Sol was getting very excited, herself, shakily exclaiming to him and clinging onto his lower body with her legs for dear life. F-Fuck!! He wasn't going to be able to control himself like this for long, but the two were in it now. If anyone outside was going to hear them, they were just going to have to get this over with and deal with it, but they couldn't stop - not now when it was getting so good! His claws scratched and sliced at the ancient, musty sheets beneath them, and he moaned deeply into Sol's mouth as their kissing grew sloppy among their moaning and panting. Every single inch of him burned for this, and he was lost in bliss, the feeling of the raptor's slippery walls squeezing and suckling his member as he thrusted was better than any itch that could possibly be scratched. It was a feeling of pure and utter ecstasy, and it was getting the best of him. He was losing control. He let off a mix of a growl and a roar to her as his wings splayed wide and full in a display of dominance, occasionally attempting to flap a little. By now, her juices were dripping down his balls and onto the bed below as his knot wetly slapped against her over and over, his balls gently thumping against her anus.
"Rrrrr! Hhhh! C-Come on...! Come on...!"
"Aaah! Aaaah! Fuuck! Haaah! X-Xaaph...!!"
Amidst the intense pleasure turning to desperation, Sol rolled onto her side, lifting one leg high up as Xaphra sat up, grasping beneath her paw with one hand, the ball of her foot with the other, holding her leg up. He firmly thrusted into her below, starting to get rough with her as Sol's breasts softly jiggled back and forth, and her mouth was slightly agape, her lustful eyes distant in a look of pure excitement as she struggled to keep them open. OH!! This was too much! This was joy in its purest form, for both of them! Huge amounts of pre were leaking into her, and Xaphra watched Sol's lavender eyes gazing lustfully at him, that was when he wasn't staring at her breasts softly bouncing - or even the very lovely leg lifted in front of him, enjoying watching Sol's toes twitching and curling as he mated her, and he couldn't help but hold her foot to his muzzle for a moment, smelling the wonderful aroma of sex and perspiration mixed with Sol's alluring - entrancing - feminine scent, and the hint of her old leather hiking boots. Being post-apocalypse, regular bathing really wasn't a thing, intensifying all of this. He greatly wanted to lick or kiss her paw and further indulge his fetish, though was too busy panting and moaning to her, his tongue drooping from a slightly agape maw. Everything inside of him relaxed a little as Sol's scent was exquisite to him, and he happily sighed amongst his desperate pants and growls, thrusting harder...harder! Xaphra's muzzle against Sol's foot surprised her and slightly tickled, and she squeaked and gasped and firmly kicked him square in the muzzle, causing his eyes and markings to all flash brightly as energy discharged from him, shocking the bed and zapping Sol slightly. Xaphra huffed and growled in a mix of confusion and annoyance, his muzzle twitching for a second as a trace of blood dripped from one of his nostrils, though his sheer pleasure was too great to care about the mild pain for more than a split second - and perhaps he had inadvertently gotten what he wanted (just not the way he wanted it, but if it works, it works), Sol's scent now firmly ingrained into his senses from the quite rude kick he had received, and he could still feel her flesh against his face. He loved this, not that he wanted to be kicked again. He was just lucky her claws had narrowly missed giving his face a nasty gash.
"Aaah!! S-Sorry, Xaph! D-Don't stop! Don't you fucking stop!!"
There was no more kissing, no more muffling to their joy as their moans loudly echoed, the bed squeaked louder, and the headboard - that stupid headboard - kept smacking against the wall again and again. Being kicked in the face only invigorated him to keep going and pick up intensity. More! Fucking MORE!! Yeess!! Xaphra roared to Sol and winced, growling and moaning to her as he endlessly humped and pounded her, her prior kick only having briefly stunned but not stopped his thrusting, though he no longer attempted to examine her paw, just focusing on holding her leg. Perhaps that would have to be something they worked on if they mated again. "Again"...he sure as hell hoped Sol would want this again, and was incredibly hopeful from her joyful exclaims! Oh, how her every cry simply fueled him to keep going in the darkest and most primal way possible, every moan and every gasp made his heart race faster! Every time their wet crotches tapped together, it made a soft, wet thumping sound, barely audible amongst the heated excitement going on. Sol squirmed and struggled to stay still, and her entire body shook as she deeply curled her toes, crying out to Xaphra in bliss. Hhhhh! He was getting close! Just a little more...!! Come on!! Both of their breathing was heavy and exhausted, and both of their hearts felt like they would beat straight out of their chests. Arcs of bright electricity shot across Xaphra's body in his excitement, shocking Sol right in her clitoris, causing her to squeal hard and loud, a mix of surprise, slight pain (more startling than "painful"), but so MUCH ecstasy! Sol's body shook like mad with excitement as Xaphra did his best to keep her still, and her love cries pierced the room as she was close to climax, shrilly squealing "Aaaahhh!! Aaaaahhh!!!" while the dragon gave her all he could, roaring fiercely to her. Fuuucck, this was it!! His entire body shaking, his cock began to tense up and throb worse than ever; he had reached the point of no return. Even if he pulled out now, he was going to cum - hard! He couldn't pull out of Sol, however. His thrusting had become entirely feral, and was beyond his control. His body was no longer his temporarily as his actions were of pure instinct - of primal desire to breed. Over and over he thrusted deep and hard into Sol's poor, gaping taint, and as her squeals echoed into the night while Xaphra loudly roared, wincing with joy and pleasure. He tried to knot her, though it was just not going to happen - not this time while Sol was still so tight. She cried out in pain and whimpered as Xaphra tried, using her foot to softly kick his chest and desperately try in vain to push him back, letting him know she couldn't do it and wanted him to stop, and he somehow managed in his excitement to let off, continuing to hump her and force her breasts to jiggle back and forth. His attempts were rapidly forgiven as Sol herself was right on the edge. He gave her all he could and gave her one last, good burst of energy, pounding her soaking wet folds, which by this point hardly resembled the small slit they used to be as they were stretched and gaping wide apart with Xaphra's vibrantly glowing cock thrusting inbetween them. Saliva dripped from his maw as he ferally growled and penetrated her firm and fast. Sol squealed very loudly, louder than she had the whole night, crying out in complete happiness and all but announcing to everyone for miles of her orgasm as she squirted, sending her fluids gushing all over the dragon's crotch. Xaphra was not far behind. He couldn't take it anymore! He lifted his head and let off his hardest and loudest roar of the night, proudly letting himself be known to the forest and as he pounded Sol's warm and juicy pussy. Full ropes laced with his virile seed shot hard from his tip straight into Sol's dark, cavernous depths, releasing repeated shots that landed in the furthest places of her slippery womanhood. While this was going on, his body flashed repeatedly as his markings pulsed with utter passion, and he discharged his electricity all over the room, shocking everything, including Sol, though did not harm her or anything in the room, but it would tingle his raptor mate and even sting a little - as well as massaging her every muscle and completely relaxing her, like a strange form of shock therapy. Over and over, his thick, white cum shot impressively in size and distance into her, giving one last weak spurt before dying down to a steady drip. His thrusting slowed, and his heart felt like it gave out. All energy ceased within him, his eyes and his markings all lost their glow entirely. He pulled out of her after a moment of relishing inside of her and savoring her, and out came leaking his thick, white seed from Sol's defiled and wrecked slit as Xaphra's cock arced upward, throbbing and twitching, completely wrapped in reptilian vaginal juices as it dripped onto his mate below. So shiny, so wet, just as a dragon's cock should be. It was a hell of a money shot if someone had a camera - unfortunately, there was no one filming, but perhaps not a shame in itself; this was their moment, and only needed to between them, and them alone. It was done...and my GOD, it was fucking good!
With a weak but very satisfied groan, he laid down against her, laying in a wet mess of their mixed fluids. Sol deeply and loudly moaned as she could feel Xaphra's seed burning within her, coating her walls within. They laid limply together, both smelling quite strongly of exhaustion as they panted and sighed happily to one another, blushing dark red as they looked lovingly into one another's eyes. Only the occasional tiny spark of electricity emitted from Xaphra's body as he had nothing left; no energy, and not one drop of seed in his drenched balls. His heart was ready explode, as was Sol's, and both of their crotches still throbbed with passion as pleasure and satisfaction still radiated through both of their bodies. The two laid beside one another for a while in a mess of mixed fluids of love, stroking and caressing one another's cheeks and staring into the other's eyes with a look of pure tenderness within. Whatever this was, it was more than just sex. It was the incredible beginning of being so much more than friends. Their hearts still raced, gushing with feelings for one another, their faces red as their cheeks felt like they emanated heat from within. The two were absolutely going to see one another again - there was no doubt about that! The real question was what their dynamic would now be, going forward. There was no going back to being just casual friends, not after a night like this. Could Xaphra still perform his duties and not jeopardize himself or others over being too protective of Sol? Was Sol now infinitely more a liability to him, likely to get him or others killed by following him everywhere? How long would it be before the group finds out that the two had mated? That there was now feelings between them? There was no doubt going to be some interesting missions ahead with the added difficulties of sneaking around to spend quality time with Sol, while trying to stay functional and do what they were supposed to do, and keep their secret passion under the radar. All of these things went through Xaphra's mind as Sol mostly just swooned over her new lover within, hardly thinking about consequences. She was infatuated with him, and all she could think about now was seeing him. She was excited for the missions ahead and being off the ship for some wonderful and very naughty adventures on a strange planet. She saw it as fun time; she wanted to play, to explore this side of herself denied for much of her life. Xaphra would protect her as they snuck off for little adventures, right? For now, the two just enjoyed one another, this new territory in their long friendship now turned into something else.
Eventually, as Sol finally fell asleep, Xaphra smiled warmly. He rubbed her head, ruffling the feathers of the cobra-raptor's head, and quietly left the bed. He rurred gently and proudly to himself, taking one last look at the nude reptile laying satisfied and asleep on the bed, brushing the crusty old blood that had dried beneath his nostril. He eyed her from head to toe claw. God...the smell of her heat was still so strong...By now, his energy was slowly coming back to him, and his body was glowing softly, pulsing steadily, slowly with tenderness, and from arousal, as Sol's scent getting him in the mood all over again. He was already partially erect, and naughtily grinned to himself. He licked his teeth, watching Sol sleep, and softly smelled the air, savoring the sleeping raptor's scent. Argh, focus! Not now! He had to get back to watching the house from threats, whom he was still very anxious had heard the activity. His raised claws tapped the floor contently, feeling the cool night air on his dick, which was still so moist and sticky from his lustful encounter with Sol. His whole crotch was covered in partially dried womanly fluids, and he would die no other way. If he was to die tonight, dying with a wet dick after fully pleasing a lady was his badge of honor, and he was complete. He took the remains of the old covers and laid them over her to keep her warm overnight. He didn't bother to put on his clothes for now, grabbing his sword in its sheath from the floor, putting it over his torso, and grabbed his gun from its holster off the floor, carrying it with him, shutting the door slowly behind him. He didn't realize until a few content steps away that the door didn't even squeak. He tossed his gun onto the old, crusty sofa, and returned to his spot in front of the window, taking the old sheet he had used to cover it off. He felt confident for some reason. He stood nude in front of the window, his arms behind his back with a smirk across his face, his claws still happily tapping the floor every now and again as his body softly glowed. He saw nothing out of place outside. Nothing had seemingly happened while he was away, and the night was still so still. So silent. This night was just right. The glow pulsing along the trees had grown stronger, more lush, as though the forest had enjoyed the dark deed that had been done between the two raptors. Xaphra chuckled beneath his breath and teasing muttered "shut up..." at the forest outside as he grinned to himself, and the trees pulsed brightly in response, syncing with the pulsing of his eyes and bodily markings. His stomach growled. His night of passion was not without toll, and he was hungry. He hoped that some good food awaited him on the ship. He could care less what it was, as anything would taste divine to him right now in his pleasured and content state. Everything was perfect, and he had no regrets. Just as his mind began to blissfully wander, he felt something cold and metallic touch his hip, startling him. He grunted beneath his breath, his body flashing brightly in surprise as he quickly turned around, jumping a bit and grabbing the hilt of his sword as he did, ready to unsheath it and slash someone apart. It was Sol, of course, having snuck up on him. Where did she come from, wasn't she just...?! Whatever...She was still nude, just as he was, standing there with a sad look in her lavender eyes, holding her tail with her hands pathetically. He had to admit she was very adorable, and it was working on him, whatever it was she wanted.
"Why did you leave, Xaph...? Won't you stay with me? I'm scared...and lonely..."
Xaphra rolled his eyes and sighed playfully. He looked back at the window. There was nothing there, and it would be morning soon anyway - it wouldn't be long before they had to move out and start heading back to regroup with the others. Probably for the best, given how loud they had been. He picked up his gun from the sofa, and handed it to Sol. He then swept her gently off her feet and into his arms, holding her just like a bride as she smiled and giggled, leaning up and licking him tenderly on the cheek as she caressed his other, and he walked back to the room with her, closing the door behind them with his foot. Sol really was going to be problematic...but, you know what? Fuck it. He was ready for it. Bring it on. He was ready to die with her...ready to die FOR her. He let her down onto the bed, and joined her as she laid his gun aside, sitting on his knees behind her. At first, he caressed her hips from behind, pressing himself against her and letting his partially erect member rub against her back while he rested his head against her from above, smearing the cobra-raptor's own sticky fluids against her backside. Eventually, he slid his hands up her chest and began to fondle her breasts, massaging her nipples between his fingers as he cupped and squeezed each boob, even using his electricity to stimulate her, which she all but melted into, laying back against him and closing her eyes with a very happy and gentle sigh. He and Sol would spend a while laying like this, intimately relishing in one another. Eventually, Sol fell back asleep, and Xaphra would watch over her through what little time there was left, holding his mate and protecting her. This time, he did not leave. Everything was all quiet in their musty love nest.
When it was morning, the two of them set off again. Sol was more than happy. Xaphra watched with amusement as she'd run ahead and dance about or twirl, sometimes walking very closely and brushing up against him, and would make him give her a piggyback ride at one point, aiming her rifle about and making noises with their mouth as she'd pretended to shoot trees - Xaphra just hoped it wouldn't go off for real. They would eventually meet up with the group, and they would all finally go home. They could tell Sol was in heat, perhaps getting an eye or two from another guy on the team, but no one was really affected. Everyone just wanted to go home. No one caught on at first that something had happened between them, only noticing that Sol was very chipper for some reason, and that she was suddenly very friendly with Xaphra. She was way more attached to him now, actively staying near him at all times like a magnet. Whatever she was so happy about, everyone figured her interest in him was probably because of her hormones going crazy, that he was simply the only male present when she came into heat, let alone the two of them both being raptors. They figured the two had just hit it off and had some sort of bonding experience during their alone time - they just didn't think it was THAT "bonding" experience. To be honest, everyone was either indifferent, or happy Sol was Xaphra's problem, not theirs, though they did sympathize with him, having to protect her while she was in heat, and the obvious temptations and dangers it presented. Of course, it would mean that Sol would have to stay away from the team and split up again on the next mission should she go, so as not to lure raiders to them from her scent - and by de facto, Xaphra was to be the one to go with her. When they got back to the ship, she followed him everywhere when she wasn't with her friend Nicole - who she might have let slip the painstaking, juicy details of their passionate night together as the Lucario was the only one who knew why Sol was suddenly so fond of Xaphra, which made so much sense after the dark secret was shared, and perhaps took second looks at him as he would walk by, unable to see him the same way as she wondered just how exaggerated her cobra-raptor friend's wet story was, or if he really was that good. She wondered if it was true, his foot fetish. She didn't really know what to think of that one way or another if it was really true, but was nonetheless curious. Still, after how how highly her friend had talked him up, it burned every time she saw him on the ship, thinking about the supposed sleazy night the two had. Sol shadowed Xaphra constantly and surprised him around every corner. She couldn't stay away, and the dragon was all too happy to see her, not at all minding this clinginess. The two had a wonderful, renewed friendship with something far greater going now. They didn't really get much alone time, however, but that didn't mean they weren't commonly seen together. Where he was, so was she; they ate together, they played together, and their duo extended to working on fixing the aging, broken ship together, wrenching on rusty, greasy bolts together in cramped, uncomfortable places, contorting their bodies, resulting in a couple of quite awkward moments as their sexuality was certainly tested. Working in cramped corridors and nooks often gave Sol a chance to surprise Xaphra with a kiss on the lips, pulling him aside as the two of them passionately explored their feelings for one another and nurtured their bond beyond just being close friends - as long as no one was walking by, having to reluctantly break their smooching and get back to work as they would hear boots, or the clicking of claws from bare feet approaching. While Xaphra was the better fighter, both of them were equals when it came to fixing things, and Sol's compact size gave her an unfair advantage, so long as her stunted height didn't get in the way - and that was Xaphra's department, reaching everything Sol couldn't, and he would often let her sit on his shoulders, or hold her up as she stood on his hands to work on something. There was practically nothing, high or low, that the two couldn't fix together. Their sexuality was always present, even if they never could get alone time together. It was like an elephant in the room, and both couldn't help but imagine the other nude. They hardly saw one another's clothes at all - to the other, their outfit was invisible. They couldn't help but remember how fucking great it had been not long prior, their night of passion. It was a challenge sometimes, trying not to get too aroused around one another with others watching them - Sol's constant heat did NOT make this easy, and Xaphra would often have to nervously hide an erection, as well as a blush. To make matters worse, Sol loved to put herself in quite provocative positions while working on things, even lifting her tail in plain view of the dragon or brushing up against him just to tease him and turn him on. The tension killed them both, and it was so difficult to refrain from mating, regardless of who saw them. On the plus side, always being together, other males left Sol alone, seeing Xaphra there with her all the time. But there would always be a strange concentration of men in the area wherever Sol went. It was always when she was in heat; no one cared about her when she wasn't receptive...
It wouldn't be until the next mission only a couple days later that the next development for Xaphra and Sol would happen, and the real kick in the head would begin: Sol was pregnant. On top of this, they would lose contact with the rest of the group, who would end up having to leave the two of them behind. It would not be for almost a year before they would come across the others again on another mission. And so, for a very long time, the two were stuck on a hostile planet full of sentient and feral creatures that wanted to kill them, wandering through the forests, the old ruins of crumbling cities and deserted towns, trying to scratch by night after night while always on the move, never staying in one place as they would quickly be discovered by raiders if they did. Food was always as much a problem as the hostility of the planet itself. Even as Sol began to swell like a watermelon, and later laid two eggs - TWINS, a girl and a boy, as it would turn out - Sol was as needy as ever, continually making the dragon jeopardize his mission to protect her and his new family to sate her almost nympho sexuality that had been sparked by her night with him, on TOP of her already being a liability as it was. What could possibly go wrong? What had Xaphra done, sleeping with her in the first place? least while it was a struggle, day and night, his dick was always wet, and his balls never had much seed built up within them. As a guy, he couldn't exactly say he was living a bad life at all, in spite of the situation. Especially in a post apocalypse, where it's not like life aboard the ship was all that glamorous, despite being far safer. He was rather enjoying his adventurous and passionate life on the run with his lover - not that he had a choice. What could he say? The pussy was too damn good to complain.
It was nightfall, and was time to take shelter for the night. It was dangerous to be out after dark, as this was when bands of raiders got particularly bold, ambushing from the shadows, and many large, nocturnal beasts which these raiders hunted also began to prowl, as dangerous as the raiders themselves if their territory was encroached upon - all too easy when one would get lost in the dark among the many great forests, and the ruins of the old world; one of many such derilect planets. Nature certainly recovered in the hundred or so years since the Great Planetary War, now reigning supreme in an ironic twist of fate, but civilization itself had been much slower, consisting of old, creaking colony ships scattered through space which often competed with and even fought one another for food and supplies, and many groups of survivors had broken away long ago to rebuild in pockets of habitable atmosphere among the irradiated, toxic planets, many of said groups being driven to savagery from hardships, and from mutation. Only some of these were well-known, but there were many more such groups undocumented, thought to be the remnants of ships that went silent over the years, and none could be trusted; you never knew whether a group encountered was peaceful, in need of supplies you had none to spare, or if they would simply kill you and eat you. It was not uncommon to be fired upon even by peaceful groups, thinking yours was out to kill them. Remember: friendly fire isn't! Nature may have recovered, but despite future technology, which by now was ancient and falling apart from entropy, society was effectively dead, reduced to little more than tribals, and the few colony ships still out there formed the last shreds of distant "civilized" life. Xaphra and a fellow survivor by the name of Sol had broken away from the main scavenging party earlier that day so the two parties could search independantly, and would regroup the next day to extract back to the ship. There were only three in the other group.
Like Xaphra, Sol was part velociraptor - perfect for scavenging and reconnaissance teams like this - but unlike him, she was a hybrid cobra, not a dragon, lacking horns and wings, instead having a hooded neck, and an overall slightly more snake-like head. Sol got her name from having been born in the middle of the night, being short for "Solstice", her birth having coincided with the Winter Solstice of the cycle of the nearest planet to which she was born. Though Xaphra was by no means the largest in the team - that award going to a much older dragon who was not a hybrid - he nonetheless served as the dedicated fighter of his temporary duo with Sol, who was half his size. Sol was a small thing, and at 20 years old, was also the youngest member of the group. What she lacked in fighting capability, she made up for by being the most nimble of the team, and could fit in places no one else could, often being the one to break into locked structures by having another hoist her over a wall, through a window, or helping her crawl into old ducts. She was yellow and cream in color, having the same black feathers as Xaphra, but instead of stripes, she had dark body markings reminiscent of an Anaconda, and had lavender eyes, her feathers also having lavender highlights where Xaphra had yellow. The two had no family relation that they knew of, despite both being raptor hybrids in a rather small genetic pool of survivors. Sol was very small, but well-formed, having decently-sized breasts, very curvy, wide hips, and a round, shapely ass. Perhaps most notably to those around her - unfortunately stealing the show, along with her stunted size - her left forearm was prosthetic, replaced by sleek, skeletal metal from the elbow onward; she had lost part of her arm when she was little. She had plenty of attractiveness going in a small package, but it was her much taller and voluptuous pure cobra sister who always got the boys' attention, much to Sol's envy growing up. As a girl in a post-apocalypse, it wasn't hard to find someone to reproduce with her if she really wanted, but virtually anyone that noticed her was quite scummy - creeps that even in the old world would have gotten only dismay and disgust out of girls, not arousal. She wore a white tank top, a black backpack slung over one shoulder, a brown, leather fanny pack, a black, wool fingerless glove on her flesh hand, taupe cargo pants (tight and slightly short in length, just like Xaphra's), and had brown, leather hiking boots made for raptor feet, being one of few anthro survivors who wore footwear, the other being a female Lucario on the other team - her best friend, Nicole, actually. Her clothes, like most in this setting, were old and worn, most of which handed down or scavenged. Not having Xaphra's electric powers, nor his cool bodily glow with it, her main weapon was an assault rifle she couldn't hope to control should she fire it, being almost oversized in her small arms, but supplies were limited, and so that's just what she got, and she could at least scare an attacker with it and keep their head down while backup arrived...that is if she didn't hit other survivors in the group with it. It didn't help that the semi auto selector switch was broken (her whole rifle is more duct tape than plastic furniture and aging internals - but it continues to go bang, which may actually be detrimental to the team sometimes), and she practically didn't know what a safety was or how to engage it. Who the hell gave the most inept one on the team a full auto assault rifle too big for their little arms?! Other than her rifle, she of course had her raised inner toe claws, being a velociraptor hybrid, and she also had a rusty old dagger, which was more for breaking into things than defense.
Xaphra stood in front of the main window of an old structure he and Sol were laying low in for the night. It was a small house and a garage in one; a boring, utilitarian box that was architecturally disappointing for the future, the main door and the garage door leading to a large, open room containing the main living area, an indoor parking space for a car, which was long gone by now, a kitchen (dubiously right behind the garage area, because exhaust fumes and motor oil apparently go great with cooking), which of course was long before ransacked of anything edible, and then a short T-shaped hallway in the back leading to a bathroom, and single bedroom - Sol having claimed the bedroom for the night. Being the "protector" of the two for the night, that was okay with Xaphra, and for now he stood watch. The house was completely decrepit and overgrown; vines covered the walls, grass was growing through what remained of the wooden floor, sprouting up all between the gaps, and the ceiling was caving in a bit concerningly. It was questionable if the ancient, rusted and roached garage door would even open, which was at least a good thing, being one less point of entry for intruders. He gazed at the two massive moons overlapping in the night sky, one of which was shattered from a huge explosion inside of a colony that once resided there during the war. The stars were clear and bright, and it was a very beautiful night, almost detached from the dangerous world around him it blessed. Mysterious glowing steadily pulsed among the leaves, and glowing, firefly-like spores emanated from the ground - a common sight deep within the old worlds, nature itself seemingly glowing with happiness to have reclaimed them. It was an eerily quiet night; the trees would rustle, a mix of ominous atmosphere and the false sound of an ocean the rustling leaves emulated, and occassionally, the sound of wild animals in the distance, but beyond this, there was nothing - and that concerned him. He felt vulnerable, being separated from the others for the night, and was practically on his own, his only "backup" being Sol who he was better off without in a fight. He was weary, and thought about laying down on the sofa and resting, but he didn't think he would be able to sleep. He needed to keep watch. He could rest tomorrow when he was back on the ship, and for now, it was his duty to stand guard. Perhaps it was anxiety, but something just felt strange about this night.
It was at this point Xaphra began to detect something, and he stood at alert. He heard nothing, but he could smell something very faint. Something that immediately caught his attention. It demanded him. Whatever it was, it was...pleasant. He lifted his head and stood on his toes, curiously smelling about. He huffed, pacing about the room, trying to find it. He couldn't tell what it was, or more importantly where, but it started to become clearer to him after a moment. He knew this smell. A female...? He had smelled this before, and was no stranger to women, but the only female he knew of right now was Sol, who was in the other room. His first instinct was not her, but perhaps a thief - or worse, a raider scout, not that the two weren't usually one in the same - lurking outside. He smelled more, and still, there it was. He was not mistaking nor imagining it, he DID smell a female. What species, or where, neither of which he knew. All he could determine was that whomever or whatever it was is a girl. He looked out the window all around, and anxiously gazed about, but did not see anything. He had his hand on the grip of his pistol, ready to go outside and investigate as his yellow electricity sparked from his brightly glowing body, but before he made more than one step toward the door, the smell got stronger. It beckoned him now, and he knew it was not coming from outside, but inside. Its strength was too close. At this moment, his eyes and the markings on his body all began to glow brighter, and he was feeling...aroused...He was starting to get hard in his pants. He quickly covered the window with the remains of some old cloth or sheet that had been lain over the couch since the old war, most likely, hiding his glowing figure in the window from anyone watching. The smell was still ever present, and it drew him in. It captured him. It...allured him. This was pheromones, either from arousal or heat. He should have known sooner, as many girls as he had been with. He knew it had to be Sol. They were alone, so it must be. Was she masturbating or just having a wet fantasy? Boys will be boys...he was too curious not to check it out. Xaphra stepped toward the hallway, being careful that his claws did not click on the wooden floor, though his raised inner claws did give a brief, intrigued tap. The closer he got, the more powerful it became, and by now he was blushing across his scaled cheeks. His body glowed warmly, and he was getting harder and harder. His blood was turning hot, and his heart was pounding. Whatever was going on, it was exciting Xaphra a lot. As if he didn't know already, the closer he got to the room, he knew Sol's arousal was exactly what he was smelling, much to his naughty excitement, and all but cementing his curiosity. He could faintly smell flowers - Sol had a hint of flowers to her body, just as Xaphra had a hint of lemons. It was definitely her. As he approached the door, however, he could smell that it was something other than simple arousal. Something ever more delightful. Something that drove him wild within and made his body glow so vibrantly. Like a moth to flame, something much more primal and deeply rooted: Sol must be coming into heat...what a time for it, when they're on a mission like this? Their behavior was a little strange lately, and it should have been a sign this was coming. This was going to be problematic for protecting her, as he now worried she was going to give them away, and he knew he wasn't going to be able to focus and stay alert with her turning him on so badly like this! Sol...always a liability, but to be fair, this was an honest inconvenience, for both of them; when the cycle hits, and it wasn't until they already embarked to the planet days ago for the expedition that Sol began to behave strangely. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help it - he wanted to peek at what was going on. To make sure she was okay and not hacked to pieces and being eaten by an intruder, you know? Or so he jokingly thought to himself. It was driving him crazy. He didn't see any way to get a look, and was afraid to open the door, knowing the ancient thing would creak and give him away. He almost jumped when something scurried across his foot, and grabbed his gun, but saw that it whatever it was had darted behind an old picture on the wall. It was tiny - some small, harmless lizard, most likely. He carefully removed the picture, and couldn't believe his luck - there was a hole in the wall, a small one just big enough to put his finger through, and on the other side, a chunk of the interior wall was missing, having collapsed. This was perfect! He looked through his lucky and ever so convenient peephole, and what did he see?
It was a little dim, an old lamp lit inside, but the dragon-raptor's eyes were well-adjusted. Sol was laying on the bed - nude, fingering herself! She had one leg lifted up as she was laid upon her side, relaxed and slowly pleasuring herself, slipping her fingers in and out of her slit and rubbing her clitoris. Xaphra's heart almost fell from his chest seeing this, and the smell of Sol's pheromone's enticed him. His mind and nose were infected with the chemicals she was releasing, and he couldn't possibly unsee what he was seeing now. His mouth was agape just slightly, his breath shaking softly. His blush was uncontrollable, his face felt like it was on fire, as was his blood, and his bulge was now very uncomfortable as his pants barely contained him. He knew he needed relief...just get this over with, he told himself, knowing he could not possibly do his duty without giving into such low desires first. This was a horrible time to be getting horny, but if he made it quick, perhaps a release would help get his mind right and help him had been a while since he last had sex, and was very pent-up. Come on, he had to! He literally had a cute, naked girl masturbating before his eyes - sometimes, you've just got to do it when the universe throws you a bone like this...and my god, Xaphra's bone was raging below. Being as quiet as he could, he unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, his hands unsteady and shaking slightly, and pulled them and his shorts beneath down far enough to expose himself, finally giving his cock and balls much-gratifying freedom. His member was badly engorged and thick with blood as it sprung eagerly upward, standing rock-solid as it pulsed, glowing vibrantly with lust. He placed one hand on the wall to balance himself, and he began to stroke himself with his other hand, peering in at the horny cobra-raptor inside. His whole body was filled with an intense desire to mate - to breed - as Sol's scent within drove him feral with desire. He couldn't help it. He needed this. He needed Sol...and Sol wasn't going to make it easy for him. Typical...She was really getting into it in there, biting her lip and curling her toes while she deeply slid in and out. He could even hear her soft, restrained grunts and tiny moans! Or maybe he was imagining it...his mind was utterly gone in this moment, caught in a lustful trance. He couldn't fucking take it. He placed his muzzle against the hole in the wall and silently inhaled, not minding the mustiness of the wall itself as all he could think about was what was between Sol's legs, the scent only growing more powerful the more worked up Sol got. He stroked firmly, but attempted to pace himself, trying not to get too excited and make any noise, which was a challenge in itself. His entire body burned for this. He couldn't remember the last time a simple jerking session had felt so incredible, so right. He was going to remember this for a good, long time as a guilty pleasure; a wonderful, naughty memory to savor of watching Sol play with herself. This was absolutely going to change how he looked at her, and he hoped he could be sly and not let her catch on that he saw her, let alone what he did while watching her. This would be his naughty little secret. He wondered...could he maybe get with her someday? After all, what the hell - they were both raptors, right? Maybe she'd be interested in him if he tried his luck sometime? Fuck, he wanted this, and he thought about how he was going to work up the courage to ask her, thinking of the right time to approach her about it. He wondered just how to woo her, if maybe flowers would do the trick. If he offered his gun as payment, would she be more likely to say yes, or just feel insulted that he thinks she's a prostitute? It wasn't his intention to imply that, but to be fair, it had worked before for him, and he was always on the lookout on these expeditions for anything he thought a lady might be interested in for a little fun. You'd be surprised how much pussy it had gotten him in the past - at least a handjob or a footjob. It certainly made risking his life outside the ship far more worthwhile. Scavenging for food and supplies were just a means of survival, but there had to be more to life than just that. For now, getting with Sol would have to wait. He didn't need permission to watch if she didn't know he was there, and this was free of charge...As he gently humped his hand and jerked himself, he closed his eyes as his tongue drooped just a tiny but from his mouth as he was really getting into this. Saliva dripped from his tongue, and he stood on his toes, his claws digging into the old, wooden floor, arching his back as his breathing was so heavy and shaky. He could almost feel her insides squeezing around him, her warm, juicy folds suckling him, so much excited imagination vividly went through his entranced mind as he thrusted softly into his leather, fingerless glove. Thick pre was leaking all over the floor at his feet. His thrusting only ever grew faster, and he shut his eyes tighter. Bolts of electricity were sparking from his body, arcing along him and zapping the wall. His cheeks were like needles stabbing into them as he happily winced. Hnnngh...he was close! Come on...that's it, right...t-there...f-fuck...! His mouth hung open a little wider as his mind focused on a mental close-up of Sol's lovely, wet raptor pussy. Yeess...!! Aaaahh!!
Right as the dragon was so frustratingly close to climax, something loud crashed in the main area of the house. He was on the absolute knife's edge, and his cock throbbed and twitched so furiously. One more stroke, and he would have came hard all over the wall. God DAMN it!! Arrrrghhh!! The dragon snapped alert, giving an exasperated and disappointed mix of a huff and a growl, and hastily shoved his still raging hard cock into his pants as he quickly pulled them up and slung his pistol right out. He took cover at the edge of the hallway - not that the wall would do much other than concealment - and he peered around it, ready to start shooting. God damn it, he KNEW there was something wrong with this night! FUCK! Couldn't they let him finish before he fucking died?! His heart was racing like mad, his body still glowed with lust and excitement, and he couldn't keep his pistol steady as arcs of his electricity kept jolting, fearing giving his position away as whomever was there would surely see the flashes. He couldn't make it stop! However, as he peered, he noticed that the ceiling had partially fallen in by the kitchen, and a bunch of ancient cookware had crashed all over the floor. Fucking hell...He exhaled, and put away his gun after a moment longer to ensure no one else came snooping around outside, and then turned around. He jumped and quickly scrambled to the side as he found himself staring down the barrel of a rifle - Sol was standing right behind him, having been ready to start firing as well. She was still naked, hiding around the edge of the doorway, blushing warmly and pointing her gun right at him.
"Jesus, Sol, don't aim that thing at me! It's alright! The roof just collapsed in there..."
Sol finally lowered her gun after a moment, and sighed with relief, laying her head against the doorway with a THUNK as she closed her eyes for a second, giving a nervous chuckle.
"Fuck! I thought that was it. I thought we were..."
She didn't quite finish her sentence, opening her eyes after a moment to look at him while talking. It didn't take her long at all to notice that Xaphra's face was still deep red, and saw that his pants were unzipped, looking at his very obviously tenting pants. His pleasure betrayed him, and she knew then and there that he knew. She recalled having heard something right outside the door when the crash happened. Her face turned darker with embarrassment, and pointed her gun back at him with a dead-serious expression on her face, aiming blindly as his heart.
Xaphra's heart sank. He knew he was caught. His body flashed bright yellow, then died down to a much dimmer glow.
"L-Look, I'm sorry, okay? Really! I could smell you from the other room...I couldn't help it...alright? I admit it! Just don't...don't shoot? Alright, I'm sorry...I don't know what I was thinking. I WASN'T thinking."
Sol looked him dead in the eyes. Her rifle shook unsteadily as she didn't know whether or not to shoot. Her urges still burned within her, and now it was worse than ever after her session was interrupted. Xaphra was kind of cute...cuter than most guys that would do something like this, and she had known him for a long time. He had saved her ass on more than one occassion...She sighed anxiously, lowering her gun. She stepped back a little, allowing him to see her standing there, not a shred of clothing on her body, only a relatively huge rifle in her small hands. She still had a very serious look in her eyes, embarrassed and still ready to change her mind if Xaphra dared get too weird or make a sleazy comment.
"Fine...happy now? But let's make this fair. You've seen me - now I want to see you. Do it or I'll shoot and strip you myself, and leave your corpse for the savages. I'll just say THEY killed you..."
Conflict raced through Sol's mind. She was embarrassed and wanted to shame Xaphra, but her heat made her genuinely curious as well to see him naked, now that she had him at gunpoint. Seeing as the opportunity was there, she wanted to see him strip for her. It was only fair. Xaphra nervously huffed, but couldn't help but feel excited deep down. Despite his precarious predicament, he was still hard as hell, and Sol's scent was threatening to get him killed for sure with a rash move. Maybe he wouldn't mind getting shot by this raptor trying his least it was better than the thousand other ways to die. Was she...inviting him? He couldn't tell, but loved where this was going, attempting to remain collected and apologetic. He really did feel bad over this, and maybe he did deserve punishment - he couldn't say he blamed Sol's frustration. But how could he have resisted? He had to do what he did...He stepped cautiously into the bedroom. Piece by piece, he carefully took off his clothes. His entire body tingled, still blushing like mad - as was Sol. He waited to take his pants off last, looking into her serious eyes as though to confirm she wanted this. He pulled down his pants and shorts, shyly letting her see his erect cock, as once more it stood tall and full, still enormously hard. It glowed so bright with eagerness. He wished it would go down, but nothing he did made it any better. He was stuck like this, stuck so badly aroused. The more he tried, the more the bright glow of his body would return, getting stronger. He let his pants fall to the floor, and stepped out of them, kicking them aside. He now stood in front of Sol, both of them nude, and he did his best to stay looking her in the eyes, his face red as he could still smell her as strongly as ever. It all but made him salivate. It was torture, trying not to stare at her body below, especially after what he had just seen. What he still saw every time he blinked...Sol eyed Xaphra good. She looked over every inch of him, especially his bright yellow member standing so tall and excitedly between them, but also to the scars covering Xaphra's whole body, including his shoulder where she had accidentally shot him before. She prodded his cock with the barrel of her gun, letting the barrel slide right beneath his shaft, using the end of it lift his glowing member some. She silently admired how big he was. She was still mad at him, but oh...she liked what she saw. She loved every inch of his crotch, its shape, its features. It would be a shame to shoot him. Xaphra wasn't any bigger than a normal dragon, but to Sol, he was huge. No doubt, she was extremely tempted, and was well aware of the dragon's own desire. She knew he wanted to. But should she admit she wanted to as well? Did she dare reward the dragon for invading her privacy? He was at least attempting to be respectful...She asked sarcastically:
"How does it feel?"
Xaphra closed his eyes tight and winced a little as Sol used her gun to tease him, turning his head away some. He was nervous.
"N-Not good...But, if you want my honesty...k-kind of good...? I'm sorry, but that's the truth, and if you're going to shoot me, shoot me, but I kind of like this. Not the gun to my...but...y-you know..."
He thought for sure he was going to get it now. How to be honest about being nude with her literally being hot to him, especially when she was in heat, yet remain respectful about it? There really WASN'T a way to say it without just going there and taking the risk, but Sol deserved that honesty, he thought. And then...much to Xaphra's surprise and great relief, Sol lowered the gun once more.
"Good...I believe you."
Sol said, stepping back and laying her rifle standing up against the foot of the bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed, looking to him. She had a serious, but longing look in her eyes, her face still red. She sat with her breasts in full view of his eyes, and her legs lay apart just slightly. She posed herself like this for him intentionally, wanting him to stare. She more than believed him. The dragon may have broken her privacy, her trust even, but he was nonetheless trying to be honest, and it was a start. She liked that she could read him like an open book, and knew exactly what he was feeling, that Xaphra even admitted it. She could at least respect calling it for what it was, rather than playing some creepy game or lying about it. He was kind of adorable when he was nervous - what could she say? She rather liked the status quo, never having any sort of power in her life, never being taken seriously or respected, and now she had a dragon at her mercy. A velociraptor hybrid like herself, at that. A cute dragon-velociraptor hybrid as horny as she was right now...and it was killing her. Just as Xaphra was being driven wild with lust, so was Sol. She had an uncontrollable itch to be mated right now. To be ravaged...
"Don't make me beg now. Let's just do this and get it over with, so we can stop thinking about it. A little fun, and maybe we'll both feel better. Just once - and then we're even from you saving me before. But I swear, I WILL kill you if you get creepy or tell anyone..."
Deep down, Sol didn't really mean her threat. She kind of wanted him to get a little weird, and maybe it would be an "IN YOUR FACE, SLUT" to her sister that she got to hook up with a cute guy that her sister hadn't already been with - as far as she knew - if word got out they slept together, but Xaphra didn't need to know this. Her threat was more a "please don't make me regret this" than literally meaning she'd kill him. She kind of liked him. She always thought he was sweet, but had just never had this deeper dynamic with him, nor thought about it until now. Deep inside, she was as excited as he was, loving having gotten to see his goods up close, and wanted more than just a look now. She wasn't done pleasuring herself tonight, and now she had something so much better than her fingers! It was an unexpected but pleasant evolution of their casual friendship they had for so long, though this was a rather shaky start to something new. After all, Xaphra DID save her a few times, and she had never properly repayed him, despite his prior insistance that she didn't owe him anything. In hindsight, it made her feel a little better about this, knowing he actually would be interested in her, but never tried with her, despite any other guy open to her would have no doubt wanted one thing if they had saved her as he did, let alone more than once. She kind of regretted almost shooting him not but a minute or two ago...
Xaphra's heart froze as Sol invited him - demanded more than anything. His blood felt like it was on fire for the young cobra-raptor he had known for ages. One he had fought alongside, and even bled for. One he had bled because of. He had always held a fondness for her, despite her impulsiveness, and despite almost having killed him repeatedly - not including tonight - as the dumb raptor would get excited in a fight and fire off. He always took pity to her being the "runt" of the group who hardly ever got taken seriously, especially by her hot sister he always had his eye on. After almost being shot intentionally by her minutes ago, now he was being beckoned towards her, to mate with her! Oh, how his heart shook in his chest for this, every vein in his body pulsed, and his body was extra sensitive the world around him. He could feel everything so sharply as time seemed to stop in its tracks. How dare he say no to her - could he even? His body was hardly under "his" control, already having been driven feral within by the powerful pheromones in the air. His mind was laced with the scent of the raptor on the bed. He knew he wanted this. He knew he was ready for this. As Sol commanded, his body slinked forth, shyly, cautiously, yet so excitedly. Everything in him tingled with anticipation. How his night had turned from very fortunate, to very UNfortunate, to EXTREMELY fortunate! He climbed up over Sol, laying on top of her on the bed, his cock throbbing immensely between them. His eyes, every marking, and his dick all glowed vibrant, bright yellow, pulsing slowly with passion as sparks traveled all along his scaled body. He gave a playful huff, and Sol put her robotic hand to his cheek. Cold metal met a cheek on fire from blushing so hard, and he growled happily, closing his eyes as he felt Sol's small, cold, metallic fingers caressing him, then he opened them again and looked her in the eyes. This was it...
Sol herself was so very shy and red in the face. It had been years since she had been with a boy like this. Last time, her slut sister ended up stealing them from under her, and then they wasted that relationship anyway. Sol was NOT going to let her have Xaphra. For once, something in her life was HERS, not her sister's. She wanted this as badly as he did, and her heat was overriding her rationality. To hell with the looming danger all around them, to hell if sleeping with Xaphra was even a good choice - she wanted this, and if this was just one time as they went their separate ways, so be it, but her horniness was raging. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to get wild. She wanted to get crazy and dumb just for a night and enjoy this without thinking any more on it - not until morning. It didn't even cross her mind in her moment of desire and pheromones going rampant that she and Xaphra were both velociraptors and probably very compatible reproductively - that she was literally in heat, and that absolutely no precautions had been taken. No condom, no contraceptives. Not once did it cross Sol's impulsive mind as she was lost in her want for this to just happen regardless of it being very risky, and it never crossed Xaphra's mind either. How would they feed their offspring when there wasn't enough supplies as it is? Sol was no hunter, except to her own teammates. The only worry that vaguely crossed Xaphra's mind was of being caught in bed by raiders. His mind didn't dwell on it long, unable to focus with how lost in lust he was. Just make this quick and get it over with and keep watch...If Sol had been thinking rationally, she should have called this off now, but what did she do? Looking Xaphra right in the eyes, staring straight into his soul in this moment, she placed a small kiss on his lips, and wrapped her legs around his waist, locking them closely together. The choice had been made, and there was no going back, but was she going to regret this? Neither of the two cared about consequences. Both of them let their weakness get the best of them and indulge in a night of passion and pleasure. Sometimes, life requires a risk now and again to truly live.
As the two velociraptors' lips met, Xaphra's spine shivered, and his heart skipped a beat, feeling Sol's lips touching his. He instinctively pressed back into hers with his, the two of them giving a long, gentle suckle, staring deep into the other's eyes for a moment as they did, before slowly closing their eyes. Sol's flower-scented breath mixed with Xaphra's lemon, and they broke away very softly with a soft, wet smooch before meeting again. As they were slowly and affectionately kissing, the dragon adjusted his hips, aligning his tip with Sol's moist folds. He pressed carefully into her, making the steady plunge as his raging hard cock stretched Sol's needy cunt right apart, and her jaw quivered while she let out a soft whimper, closing her eyes tighter. He used his electricity to very gently shock along her body, her pussy especially, which tingled and tickled, and it relaxed her muscles within, easing things on poor Sol as Xaphra penetrated her. She couldn't help but softly exclaim into his mouth, giggling slightly as her body tingled from the shocking sensation. Her legs shook, but her toes curled the deeper Xaphra pushed, and he let out a deep and very longing sigh to her as he came to hilt her, his knot pressing against her opening as her warm, slippery insides completely enveloped his eager and throbbing shaft. Sol's walls contracted and squeezed hard around him, throbbing as much as he was, and though it was quite uncomfortable for her at first, she was deeply liking this. She wanted to continue, not stop. Her anger with Xaphra was entirely gone; now she just wanted to make something of this and go all the way with him, for better or worse, and so far, she was not at all disappointed, but impressed! Everything inside the two raptors longed for this. The dragon himself growled blissfully to her, the feeling of Sol's juicy and delicate pussy was divine to him. Oh...what had he done (so RIGHT)? His mind was now lost in the dark and naughty deed, and ever so softly, he began to slip in and out of her, carefully pulling out as his bright yellow shaft left moist and shiny with her fluids, pushing back into her before his tip left her. The restraint was killing him as he began to mate with her, everything in his body burned to destroy her, to smash her at full force, but he managed to maintain most of his composure, taking it easy - for now - on the raptor beneath him. The two of them continued kissing as the room was filled not only with the gentle sounds of their suckling and breaking away, but of the tender, quivering moans escaping Sol's maw into Xaphra's, and their shared heavy breathing. Rrrrrrfff...! The dragon himself growled and rurred passionately, playfully to her, thrusting gently below as Sol squeezed his hips as tightly as she could. Every now and again she winced and whined a little in discomfort, but steadily became used to it as her stretched insides adjusted. She gasped and let out a pleasured "Aaah!" rather loudly, giggling to him as she smiled greatly into the kissing, all of which thankfully muffled within his mouth as his lustful growls vibrated down her throat, and the dragon responded by thrusting deeper, spearing and penetrating his mate. Every single thrust, every time Xaphra's needy member slid in and out of her, it was the most sensual and naughty massage, and it felt more than incredible. It drove both of them out of their minds and demanded more! Xaphra was no virgin before this, but even he had to admit, Sol's tightness was fucking great. He'd been with countless girls, ranging from legitimately hot, to downright skanks, even for a post apocalypse; space skanks...This was certainly up there for some of the best he'd ever had! Sol was definitely the smallest partner he had ever been with - and as far as sex goes, fucking hell it was hard to compete with such tightness! On the other hand, Sol had only ever had sex a couple times in her life, years ago at that, and neither which were honestly that great in hindsight, though she fondly remembered said sessions, since they were her only prior experience - but this blew either of those clear out of the water. This was a REAL sexual experience, pleasure she had never had before, and all she wanted was more! God, MORE! Maybe Xaphra was just the perfect size for her, his cock shaped just so that it massaged and stretched her in exactly the right places, but even the best sessions of fingering herself or playing with her toys back on the ship never compared to this! The more Sol relaxed, the firmer Xaphra got, and the bed began to creak and squeak beneath them, the headboard gently tapped the wall. His breath grew heavier, his moans and growls deeper. Sol was getting very excited, herself, shakily exclaiming to him and clinging onto his lower body with her legs for dear life. F-Fuck!! He wasn't going to be able to control himself like this for long, but the two were in it now. If anyone outside was going to hear them, they were just going to have to get this over with and deal with it, but they couldn't stop - not now when it was getting so good! His claws scratched and sliced at the ancient, musty sheets beneath them, and he moaned deeply into Sol's mouth as their kissing grew sloppy among their moaning and panting. Every single inch of him burned for this, and he was lost in bliss, the feeling of the raptor's slippery walls squeezing and suckling his member as he thrusted was better than any itch that could possibly be scratched. It was a feeling of pure and utter ecstasy, and it was getting the best of him. He was losing control. He let off a mix of a growl and a roar to her as his wings splayed wide and full in a display of dominance, occasionally attempting to flap a little. By now, her juices were dripping down his balls and onto the bed below as his knot wetly slapped against her over and over, his balls gently thumping against her anus.
"Rrrrr! Hhhh! C-Come on...! Come on...!"
"Aaah! Aaaah! Fuuck! Haaah! X-Xaaph...!!"
Amidst the intense pleasure turning to desperation, Sol rolled onto her side, lifting one leg high up as Xaphra sat up, grasping beneath her paw with one hand, the ball of her foot with the other, holding her leg up. He firmly thrusted into her below, starting to get rough with her as Sol's breasts softly jiggled back and forth, and her mouth was slightly agape, her lustful eyes distant in a look of pure excitement as she struggled to keep them open. OH!! This was too much! This was joy in its purest form, for both of them! Huge amounts of pre were leaking into her, and Xaphra watched Sol's lavender eyes gazing lustfully at him, that was when he wasn't staring at her breasts softly bouncing - or even the very lovely leg lifted in front of him, enjoying watching Sol's toes twitching and curling as he mated her, and he couldn't help but hold her foot to his muzzle for a moment, smelling the wonderful aroma of sex and perspiration mixed with Sol's alluring - entrancing - feminine scent, and the hint of her old leather hiking boots. Being post-apocalypse, regular bathing really wasn't a thing, intensifying all of this. He greatly wanted to lick or kiss her paw and further indulge his fetish, though was too busy panting and moaning to her, his tongue drooping from a slightly agape maw. Everything inside of him relaxed a little as Sol's scent was exquisite to him, and he happily sighed amongst his desperate pants and growls, thrusting harder...harder! Xaphra's muzzle against Sol's foot surprised her and slightly tickled, and she squeaked and gasped and firmly kicked him square in the muzzle, causing his eyes and markings to all flash brightly as energy discharged from him, shocking the bed and zapping Sol slightly. Xaphra huffed and growled in a mix of confusion and annoyance, his muzzle twitching for a second as a trace of blood dripped from one of his nostrils, though his sheer pleasure was too great to care about the mild pain for more than a split second - and perhaps he had inadvertently gotten what he wanted (just not the way he wanted it, but if it works, it works), Sol's scent now firmly ingrained into his senses from the quite rude kick he had received, and he could still feel her flesh against his face. He loved this, not that he wanted to be kicked again. He was just lucky her claws had narrowly missed giving his face a nasty gash.
"Aaah!! S-Sorry, Xaph! D-Don't stop! Don't you fucking stop!!"
There was no more kissing, no more muffling to their joy as their moans loudly echoed, the bed squeaked louder, and the headboard - that stupid headboard - kept smacking against the wall again and again. Being kicked in the face only invigorated him to keep going and pick up intensity. More! Fucking MORE!! Yeess!! Xaphra roared to Sol and winced, growling and moaning to her as he endlessly humped and pounded her, her prior kick only having briefly stunned but not stopped his thrusting, though he no longer attempted to examine her paw, just focusing on holding her leg. Perhaps that would have to be something they worked on if they mated again. "Again"...he sure as hell hoped Sol would want this again, and was incredibly hopeful from her joyful exclaims! Oh, how her every cry simply fueled him to keep going in the darkest and most primal way possible, every moan and every gasp made his heart race faster! Every time their wet crotches tapped together, it made a soft, wet thumping sound, barely audible amongst the heated excitement going on. Sol squirmed and struggled to stay still, and her entire body shook as she deeply curled her toes, crying out to Xaphra in bliss. Hhhhh! He was getting close! Just a little more...!! Come on!! Both of their breathing was heavy and exhausted, and both of their hearts felt like they would beat straight out of their chests. Arcs of bright electricity shot across Xaphra's body in his excitement, shocking Sol right in her clitoris, causing her to squeal hard and loud, a mix of surprise, slight pain (more startling than "painful"), but so MUCH ecstasy! Sol's body shook like mad with excitement as Xaphra did his best to keep her still, and her love cries pierced the room as she was close to climax, shrilly squealing "Aaaahhh!! Aaaaahhh!!!" while the dragon gave her all he could, roaring fiercely to her. Fuuucck, this was it!! His entire body shaking, his cock began to tense up and throb worse than ever; he had reached the point of no return. Even if he pulled out now, he was going to cum - hard! He couldn't pull out of Sol, however. His thrusting had become entirely feral, and was beyond his control. His body was no longer his temporarily as his actions were of pure instinct - of primal desire to breed. Over and over he thrusted deep and hard into Sol's poor, gaping taint, and as her squeals echoed into the night while Xaphra loudly roared, wincing with joy and pleasure. He tried to knot her, though it was just not going to happen - not this time while Sol was still so tight. She cried out in pain and whimpered as Xaphra tried, using her foot to softly kick his chest and desperately try in vain to push him back, letting him know she couldn't do it and wanted him to stop, and he somehow managed in his excitement to let off, continuing to hump her and force her breasts to jiggle back and forth. His attempts were rapidly forgiven as Sol herself was right on the edge. He gave her all he could and gave her one last, good burst of energy, pounding her soaking wet folds, which by this point hardly resembled the small slit they used to be as they were stretched and gaping wide apart with Xaphra's vibrantly glowing cock thrusting inbetween them. Saliva dripped from his maw as he ferally growled and penetrated her firm and fast. Sol squealed very loudly, louder than she had the whole night, crying out in complete happiness and all but announcing to everyone for miles of her orgasm as she squirted, sending her fluids gushing all over the dragon's crotch. Xaphra was not far behind. He couldn't take it anymore! He lifted his head and let off his hardest and loudest roar of the night, proudly letting himself be known to the forest and as he pounded Sol's warm and juicy pussy. Full ropes laced with his virile seed shot hard from his tip straight into Sol's dark, cavernous depths, releasing repeated shots that landed in the furthest places of her slippery womanhood. While this was going on, his body flashed repeatedly as his markings pulsed with utter passion, and he discharged his electricity all over the room, shocking everything, including Sol, though did not harm her or anything in the room, but it would tingle his raptor mate and even sting a little - as well as massaging her every muscle and completely relaxing her, like a strange form of shock therapy. Over and over, his thick, white cum shot impressively in size and distance into her, giving one last weak spurt before dying down to a steady drip. His thrusting slowed, and his heart felt like it gave out. All energy ceased within him, his eyes and his markings all lost their glow entirely. He pulled out of her after a moment of relishing inside of her and savoring her, and out came leaking his thick, white seed from Sol's defiled and wrecked slit as Xaphra's cock arced upward, throbbing and twitching, completely wrapped in reptilian vaginal juices as it dripped onto his mate below. So shiny, so wet, just as a dragon's cock should be. It was a hell of a money shot if someone had a camera - unfortunately, there was no one filming, but perhaps not a shame in itself; this was their moment, and only needed to between them, and them alone. It was done...and my GOD, it was fucking good!
With a weak but very satisfied groan, he laid down against her, laying in a wet mess of their mixed fluids. Sol deeply and loudly moaned as she could feel Xaphra's seed burning within her, coating her walls within. They laid limply together, both smelling quite strongly of exhaustion as they panted and sighed happily to one another, blushing dark red as they looked lovingly into one another's eyes. Only the occasional tiny spark of electricity emitted from Xaphra's body as he had nothing left; no energy, and not one drop of seed in his drenched balls. His heart was ready explode, as was Sol's, and both of their crotches still throbbed with passion as pleasure and satisfaction still radiated through both of their bodies. The two laid beside one another for a while in a mess of mixed fluids of love, stroking and caressing one another's cheeks and staring into the other's eyes with a look of pure tenderness within. Whatever this was, it was more than just sex. It was the incredible beginning of being so much more than friends. Their hearts still raced, gushing with feelings for one another, their faces red as their cheeks felt like they emanated heat from within. The two were absolutely going to see one another again - there was no doubt about that! The real question was what their dynamic would now be, going forward. There was no going back to being just casual friends, not after a night like this. Could Xaphra still perform his duties and not jeopardize himself or others over being too protective of Sol? Was Sol now infinitely more a liability to him, likely to get him or others killed by following him everywhere? How long would it be before the group finds out that the two had mated? That there was now feelings between them? There was no doubt going to be some interesting missions ahead with the added difficulties of sneaking around to spend quality time with Sol, while trying to stay functional and do what they were supposed to do, and keep their secret passion under the radar. All of these things went through Xaphra's mind as Sol mostly just swooned over her new lover within, hardly thinking about consequences. She was infatuated with him, and all she could think about now was seeing him. She was excited for the missions ahead and being off the ship for some wonderful and very naughty adventures on a strange planet. She saw it as fun time; she wanted to play, to explore this side of herself denied for much of her life. Xaphra would protect her as they snuck off for little adventures, right? For now, the two just enjoyed one another, this new territory in their long friendship now turned into something else.
Eventually, as Sol finally fell asleep, Xaphra smiled warmly. He rubbed her head, ruffling the feathers of the cobra-raptor's head, and quietly left the bed. He rurred gently and proudly to himself, taking one last look at the nude reptile laying satisfied and asleep on the bed, brushing the crusty old blood that had dried beneath his nostril. He eyed her from head to toe claw. God...the smell of her heat was still so strong...By now, his energy was slowly coming back to him, and his body was glowing softly, pulsing steadily, slowly with tenderness, and from arousal, as Sol's scent getting him in the mood all over again. He was already partially erect, and naughtily grinned to himself. He licked his teeth, watching Sol sleep, and softly smelled the air, savoring the sleeping raptor's scent. Argh, focus! Not now! He had to get back to watching the house from threats, whom he was still very anxious had heard the activity. His raised claws tapped the floor contently, feeling the cool night air on his dick, which was still so moist and sticky from his lustful encounter with Sol. His whole crotch was covered in partially dried womanly fluids, and he would die no other way. If he was to die tonight, dying with a wet dick after fully pleasing a lady was his badge of honor, and he was complete. He took the remains of the old covers and laid them over her to keep her warm overnight. He didn't bother to put on his clothes for now, grabbing his sword in its sheath from the floor, putting it over his torso, and grabbed his gun from its holster off the floor, carrying it with him, shutting the door slowly behind him. He didn't realize until a few content steps away that the door didn't even squeak. He tossed his gun onto the old, crusty sofa, and returned to his spot in front of the window, taking the old sheet he had used to cover it off. He felt confident for some reason. He stood nude in front of the window, his arms behind his back with a smirk across his face, his claws still happily tapping the floor every now and again as his body softly glowed. He saw nothing out of place outside. Nothing had seemingly happened while he was away, and the night was still so still. So silent. This night was just right. The glow pulsing along the trees had grown stronger, more lush, as though the forest had enjoyed the dark deed that had been done between the two raptors. Xaphra chuckled beneath his breath and teasing muttered "shut up..." at the forest outside as he grinned to himself, and the trees pulsed brightly in response, syncing with the pulsing of his eyes and bodily markings. His stomach growled. His night of passion was not without toll, and he was hungry. He hoped that some good food awaited him on the ship. He could care less what it was, as anything would taste divine to him right now in his pleasured and content state. Everything was perfect, and he had no regrets. Just as his mind began to blissfully wander, he felt something cold and metallic touch his hip, startling him. He grunted beneath his breath, his body flashing brightly in surprise as he quickly turned around, jumping a bit and grabbing the hilt of his sword as he did, ready to unsheath it and slash someone apart. It was Sol, of course, having snuck up on him. Where did she come from, wasn't she just...?! Whatever...She was still nude, just as he was, standing there with a sad look in her lavender eyes, holding her tail with her hands pathetically. He had to admit she was very adorable, and it was working on him, whatever it was she wanted.
"Why did you leave, Xaph...? Won't you stay with me? I'm scared...and lonely..."
Xaphra rolled his eyes and sighed playfully. He looked back at the window. There was nothing there, and it would be morning soon anyway - it wouldn't be long before they had to move out and start heading back to regroup with the others. Probably for the best, given how loud they had been. He picked up his gun from the sofa, and handed it to Sol. He then swept her gently off her feet and into his arms, holding her just like a bride as she smiled and giggled, leaning up and licking him tenderly on the cheek as she caressed his other, and he walked back to the room with her, closing the door behind them with his foot. Sol really was going to be problematic...but, you know what? Fuck it. He was ready for it. Bring it on. He was ready to die with her...ready to die FOR her. He let her down onto the bed, and joined her as she laid his gun aside, sitting on his knees behind her. At first, he caressed her hips from behind, pressing himself against her and letting his partially erect member rub against her back while he rested his head against her from above, smearing the cobra-raptor's own sticky fluids against her backside. Eventually, he slid his hands up her chest and began to fondle her breasts, massaging her nipples between his fingers as he cupped and squeezed each boob, even using his electricity to stimulate her, which she all but melted into, laying back against him and closing her eyes with a very happy and gentle sigh. He and Sol would spend a while laying like this, intimately relishing in one another. Eventually, Sol fell back asleep, and Xaphra would watch over her through what little time there was left, holding his mate and protecting her. This time, he did not leave. Everything was all quiet in their musty love nest.
When it was morning, the two of them set off again. Sol was more than happy. Xaphra watched with amusement as she'd run ahead and dance about or twirl, sometimes walking very closely and brushing up against him, and would make him give her a piggyback ride at one point, aiming her rifle about and making noises with their mouth as she'd pretended to shoot trees - Xaphra just hoped it wouldn't go off for real. They would eventually meet up with the group, and they would all finally go home. They could tell Sol was in heat, perhaps getting an eye or two from another guy on the team, but no one was really affected. Everyone just wanted to go home. No one caught on at first that something had happened between them, only noticing that Sol was very chipper for some reason, and that she was suddenly very friendly with Xaphra. She was way more attached to him now, actively staying near him at all times like a magnet. Whatever she was so happy about, everyone figured her interest in him was probably because of her hormones going crazy, that he was simply the only male present when she came into heat, let alone the two of them both being raptors. They figured the two had just hit it off and had some sort of bonding experience during their alone time - they just didn't think it was THAT "bonding" experience. To be honest, everyone was either indifferent, or happy Sol was Xaphra's problem, not theirs, though they did sympathize with him, having to protect her while she was in heat, and the obvious temptations and dangers it presented. Of course, it would mean that Sol would have to stay away from the team and split up again on the next mission should she go, so as not to lure raiders to them from her scent - and by de facto, Xaphra was to be the one to go with her. When they got back to the ship, she followed him everywhere when she wasn't with her friend Nicole - who she might have let slip the painstaking, juicy details of their passionate night together as the Lucario was the only one who knew why Sol was suddenly so fond of Xaphra, which made so much sense after the dark secret was shared, and perhaps took second looks at him as he would walk by, unable to see him the same way as she wondered just how exaggerated her cobra-raptor friend's wet story was, or if he really was that good. She wondered if it was true, his foot fetish. She didn't really know what to think of that one way or another if it was really true, but was nonetheless curious. Still, after how how highly her friend had talked him up, it burned every time she saw him on the ship, thinking about the supposed sleazy night the two had. Sol shadowed Xaphra constantly and surprised him around every corner. She couldn't stay away, and the dragon was all too happy to see her, not at all minding this clinginess. The two had a wonderful, renewed friendship with something far greater going now. They didn't really get much alone time, however, but that didn't mean they weren't commonly seen together. Where he was, so was she; they ate together, they played together, and their duo extended to working on fixing the aging, broken ship together, wrenching on rusty, greasy bolts together in cramped, uncomfortable places, contorting their bodies, resulting in a couple of quite awkward moments as their sexuality was certainly tested. Working in cramped corridors and nooks often gave Sol a chance to surprise Xaphra with a kiss on the lips, pulling him aside as the two of them passionately explored their feelings for one another and nurtured their bond beyond just being close friends - as long as no one was walking by, having to reluctantly break their smooching and get back to work as they would hear boots, or the clicking of claws from bare feet approaching. While Xaphra was the better fighter, both of them were equals when it came to fixing things, and Sol's compact size gave her an unfair advantage, so long as her stunted height didn't get in the way - and that was Xaphra's department, reaching everything Sol couldn't, and he would often let her sit on his shoulders, or hold her up as she stood on his hands to work on something. There was practically nothing, high or low, that the two couldn't fix together. Their sexuality was always present, even if they never could get alone time together. It was like an elephant in the room, and both couldn't help but imagine the other nude. They hardly saw one another's clothes at all - to the other, their outfit was invisible. They couldn't help but remember how fucking great it had been not long prior, their night of passion. It was a challenge sometimes, trying not to get too aroused around one another with others watching them - Sol's constant heat did NOT make this easy, and Xaphra would often have to nervously hide an erection, as well as a blush. To make matters worse, Sol loved to put herself in quite provocative positions while working on things, even lifting her tail in plain view of the dragon or brushing up against him just to tease him and turn him on. The tension killed them both, and it was so difficult to refrain from mating, regardless of who saw them. On the plus side, always being together, other males left Sol alone, seeing Xaphra there with her all the time. But there would always be a strange concentration of men in the area wherever Sol went. It was always when she was in heat; no one cared about her when she wasn't receptive...
It wouldn't be until the next mission only a couple days later that the next development for Xaphra and Sol would happen, and the real kick in the head would begin: Sol was pregnant. On top of this, they would lose contact with the rest of the group, who would end up having to leave the two of them behind. It would not be for almost a year before they would come across the others again on another mission. And so, for a very long time, the two were stuck on a hostile planet full of sentient and feral creatures that wanted to kill them, wandering through the forests, the old ruins of crumbling cities and deserted towns, trying to scratch by night after night while always on the move, never staying in one place as they would quickly be discovered by raiders if they did. Food was always as much a problem as the hostility of the planet itself. Even as Sol began to swell like a watermelon, and later laid two eggs - TWINS, a girl and a boy, as it would turn out - Sol was as needy as ever, continually making the dragon jeopardize his mission to protect her and his new family to sate her almost nympho sexuality that had been sparked by her night with him, on TOP of her already being a liability as it was. What could possibly go wrong? What had Xaphra done, sleeping with her in the first place? least while it was a struggle, day and night, his dick was always wet, and his balls never had much seed built up within them. As a guy, he couldn't exactly say he was living a bad life at all, in spite of the situation. Especially in a post apocalypse, where it's not like life aboard the ship was all that glamorous, despite being far safer. He was rather enjoying his adventurous and passionate life on the run with his lover - not that he had a choice. What could he say? The pussy was too damn good to complain.
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