You Don't Know Jack

Firuthi Dragovic

31 December 2022
New York (NOT City)
It's time for the show where high culture and pop culture collide!

It's a trivia game series of a decidedly... well, the humor can be crude at times and the questions are phrased exceptionally weirdly.

(Example of weirdly phrased questions: one of the 2011 version's DLC's questions asks about the Chinese zodiac. Instead of simply asking "which animal is not in the Chinese zodiac", the question asks "which Looney Tunes character could definitely NOT pose for a Chinese calendar?")

It was big in the late '90s, dropped off for a while after Lost Gold, came back for 2011 and... there's only been two full entries since then, because the company that made these games has branched out into party games in general. I guess trivia games don't exactly have infinite staying power.

I actually had some of these games as a preteen. Volume 3, Sports, and Television specifically - with Volume 3 the one I spent the most time on, so I got to experience the "Impossible Questions" that were exceedingly difficult but had big score payouts. Of course, that's not the only specialty question out there. The three most enduring specialty questions have been "Dis or Dat" (a rapid-fire round of matching a clue to one of two categories, occasionally both), "Gibberish Question" (find out what saying a nonsense phrase rhymes with).... and of course, I can't forget the "Jack Attack" (the final question of each game, a phrase shows up on the screen and you have to buzz when a matching answer flies by - but it only works if that match actually fits the clue).

Early on, there were multiple themed versions (Sports, Television, Movies... I think there's more but I forget) and also foreign country versions! I say "foreign country" rather than "foreign language" because the UK version's question list is nothing like the Volume 2 on which it was based. So far I can see... UK, French, German, and Japanese versions. (Multiple entries got translated to German, in fact! I count four, including a translation of "The Ride".)

I've actually been following a channel that plays all of these games. Well, okay, not the Netshows, but it does cover the foreign country entries as well as 5th Dimentia (the only one of the original six games to not get a Steam re-release because its online doesn't work anymore).

Any other veteran quizzers familiar with this series?
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VERY!!! I loved it when it started out as a purely online-only weekly updated series in Web 1.0...I have literally all the games to this day, and still play them on occasion!! It was exactly as you aid, surreal and fun and funny! Especially when they'd tap into the system clock and he'd say something like "SO, staying home playing games on a late Saturday night?", or I'd get an answer wrong that was similar to a previous one and he'd go "Gee, nice one spacy...I can almost smell the weed from here." and me and my equally stoned roomate would be blushing and start roaring in laughter! That game is great, awesomely twisted sense of humour, and lots of fun. highly recommended!

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