Last Post Wins ][: The Resurgence

<walks over to a table across the room after he sobers up and sees a bowl of water with an empty box of margarine in it. Upon closer inspection, he sees many familiar friends, but they're tiny and seem to think that the lip of the bowl is a proper beach.>

Can I join?

<sits on the table and hears creaking as the middle bends down from my weight>

<Shifts to a more comfortable position on the table and watches them try to get the win>
Certainly! You are just in time for the unveiling of the RAT-BOAT MK. II!
unveils the new RAT-BOAT MK. II: an empty tea box

Hey that might work Meta! :D
I was hoping @Bunny Lvr would retrieve the win with that submarine made out of @Some Moron s parts, but they've become the most successful band in the world and gone on tour.

Maybe we should ask MooseHorns to give it a test drive. He does own a yachting Licsense after all.
Hmmhm~ wait a moment, was the ball even the win though?

stares over at the roulette table

Ha~ha! There it is!

moves it over to green

I'm going to get soooo much win ^w^

waits, unaware that there's no ball since Tequila ate it
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