Who is Hotter

Okay, another pick. Minerva Mink from Animaniacs, Lola Bunny from Space Jam, or Sally Acorn from Sonic?
Why is it that people hate furries but if it's by Disney it's okay? Like 90% of Disney's cartoons especially way back when were all anthro animals, most still are (and don't forget WB Looney Tunes as well, and Max Fleischer), and everyone loves that, but if an individual likes anthro designs suddenly it's a bad thing. Like you don't even have to be a horny person, some people will shun others just for the anthro ideology itself even without all the eroticism. Even more ironic when you bring up characters like SJ1 Lola who was practically designed to be sexy on purpose, and yet that was totally fine.

And Marius, what you've got going on, I really want to see more of. The whole WB/Disney style thing. It's always interesting seeing fursonas and stuff with that classic Looney Tunes style applied to them, comedic effects and all.
Even more ironic when you bring up characters like SJ1 Lola who was practically designed to be sexy on purpose, and yet that was totally fine.

I heard Lola's design was originally toned down from the original concept art.

And Marius, what you've got going on, I really want to see more of. The whole WB/Disney style thing. It's always interesting seeing fursonas and stuff with that classic Looney Tunes style applied to them, comedic effects and all.

I have more, some with Disney & WB characters.
Where's a good place to share them?
I mean, I've seen fan art of existing characters (Lola, Diane Foxington, etc.) that keep the same style, but I rarely ever see original fursonas and stuff adapted to said designs. Which is kinda sad.

I'm unsurprised. For some reason,a woman/female character isn't allowed to be smart, confident, and sexy.

Between the three, I'd have to go with Minerva....that tail....burr!

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