A possible car "restoration" project

A long overdue update. Started taking the car to work instead of going by bus on some days. After all the aforementioned repairs, yet another issue revealed itself. Curiously (and infuriatingly), the engine was stalling from just letting off the gas completely and then pressing the clutch. Such as when approaching a crossroad, roundabout or a sharp turn. So, to the shop again...

Turned out the throttle was out of whack, but the ruined clutch was "masking" the issue previously. Now that it revealed itself, it was dealt with. Not only the random stalling is alleviated, the throttle response got much nicer too. The mechanic says the throttle will need exchange eventually but for now, it got adjusted and it can be as it is.

While at it, got new windshield wipers, motors and all, the old ones were barely functional. And the alternator belt was starting to squeak, I dealt with it before it got unbearable (I don't get how some people can stand driving around with loud squealing noises...).

Gosh, it feels like this vehicle is like the ship of Theseus... It becomes a philosophical question, is it still the same car as before the overhauls!
Alright, the throttle managed to get out of whack again... Will be exchanged when it's time for it but currently I'll need the car around Christmas and New Year. Gotta grapple with the engine turning off for now in such a case...

The thing that saves me from being really pissed is that I went over 100 miles on a highway today - and it was way better than the previous short attempt! No more feeling like the car is going to fall apart next second. When going fast, the engine works fine; experimentally pushed it to 90 mph, no biggie (and who would think that I'm gonna have such a lead hoof, lol). It's only in city traffic when I need to be ready to make a restart at a moment's notice after reducing the gear.
Another update! The throttle body got swapped yesterday. I drove around the town for some 10 km, the engine didn't cut out. Let's hope it stays that way!

And that would conclude the overhaul of the internal parts (external ones remaining but this needs to wait). Five months in total, around $1k equivalent. Only time will tell if it was worth it in the long run, but right now the car finally drives the way I wanted it. And again, for such a cost I wouldn't be able to get anything better, just another set of problems.

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