NSFW Above's User Profile Picture Reminds me of... (nsfw allowed ;3 )

It’s reminding me of @Some Moron’s first pfp in this forum while he was hallucinating with circles, but including his high furry self in this case

EDIT: Oops, that was Wuff-wuff in the first page. Maybe I’m high too, coz I’m seeing a fairy or something from Fairly Oddparents now
Your pfp reminds me of a tropical resort :3
Don't worry though, in an aversion to the norm, this tropical resort is located next to a lake. No saltwater there! :3
(Funnily enough, I currently am in a tropical resort right now..! And the beach is right there, but I’d rather enjoy the pool and the sweet freshwater, of course :3)
The Sound of Music? Can’t quite tell why :3
It sure does!

Your picture reminds me of a psychotic hamster I used to know. Seriously, this thing would scream - literally scream at you for no reason! And it bit everyone that tried to go near it.
It is a hamster, what else did anyone expect?!

As for your pfp, it reminds me of someone who can't tell an awesome friendly courageous snuggly awesome rat apart from a mean skittish bitey psycho territorial hamster! >:O

shows RAT LICENSE, where the word "RAT" has been circled, underlined, and has a bunch of arrows pointing at it
As for your pfp, it reminds me of someone who can't tell an awesome friendly courageous snuggly awesome rat apart from a mean skittish bitey psycho territorial hamster! >:O
That's the problem with sociopaths - you can't always tell by looking.

Don't worry, the friends who had that hamster replaced it with a very friendly hooded rat when it died - probably choked on someone's finger, the little git - so I guess you kinda remind me of him too. He used to sit on your shoulder and whisper in your ear. It sounded like 'vert vert vert' so I guess he was a Tony Hawks fan?

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