

Wretched Lesser Panda Gremlin
4 March 2024
Going only from the profile pic, make an assumption about the user above you. Forget anything you know about them and only go off of profile pic.
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You possibly are the pet rat of a well known member on this forum and have inspired him to take on certain traits he finds very adorable and funny.

Also you enjoy the old black and white universal horror films!
You enjoy being naked and running naked through the various fictional anthro cities in the furry fandom, feeling the air against your fur and skin as you lope along panting with delight. No pointless and stuffy anthro clothes for you! :3
If the Fluff is long enough it's not considered exhibitionism!
doggy fingerguns while looking around for hidden cameras did he know? <w<

You are probablty the most inquisitive, daring and friendly rat of your rat cage, melting hearts far too efficiantly. So much so that your owner is considered a national hero for keeping society safe from a stolen hearts pandemic :3
You are laying on strawberry jam and are actually stuck on it

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