Firuthi Dragovic

31 December 2022
New York (NOT City)
Yep, the MMO-styled game that caught out a surprising number of people with its options for... character proportions.

All jokes aside, when I say MMO-styled, this is not the relatively mindless World of Warcraft style. Oh, no. You're going to need to dodge, block, and even parry right from the get-go if you want to survive.

....or at least, that was my starting experience going with a Dexterity build (with some Vitality in case I screw up, I'm doing the single-player experience).

Doesn't represent a huge number of races in this - you basically have your water demons (Imp), rabbits (Poon), draconians (Kubold), avians (Byrdle), and rodents (Chang) as playable. I think the difference amounts to one skill each? The real difference comes at level 10 when you decide your class.

Anyways, I went with a Kubold and specced him into Bandit. Yeah, Firuthi's playing against type. Probably going to have a Chang Fighter and Poon Mystic as other characters, and we'll see from there.
Yep, the MMO-styled game that caught out a surprising number of people with its options for... character proportions.

All jokes aside, when I say MMO-styled, this is not the relatively mindless World of Warcraft style. Oh, no. You're going to need to dodge, block, and even parry right from the get-go if you want to survive.

....or at least, that was my starting experience going with a Dexterity build (with some Vitality in case I screw up, I'm doing the single-player experience).

Doesn't represent a huge number of races in this - you basically have your water demons (Imp), rabbits (Poon), draconians (Kubold), avians (Byrdle), and rodents (Chang) as playable. I think the difference amounts to one skill each? The real difference comes at level 10 when you decide your class.

Anyways, I went with a Kubold and specced him into Bandit. Yeah, Firuthi's playing against type. Probably going to have a Chang Fighter and Poon Mystic as other characters, and we'll see from there.
I'm rolling with a Fighter Poon, and I find myself constantly having to block/parry like crazy in the later dungeons, otherwise I'd get tossed around like a freaking pin ball...

Gonna try the Bandit and Mystic class next to see how quick I kill them or they kill me (lol)
I'm rolling with a Fighter Poon, and I find myself constantly having to block/parry like crazy in the later dungeons, otherwise I'd get tossed around like a freaking pin ball...

Gonna try the Bandit and Mystic class next to see how quick I kill them or they kill me (lol)
After playing the class builds up to these points... I can tell you that with soloing, it seems like the Mystic is better vs bosses and the Fighter is better vs regular mobs. But that's only the setup leading up to level 10. From that point, I have no idea which does better.

Hard to say with the Bandit, given I was still learning the game at the time.

(Also, for Bandit and Mystic I used a distribution up to this point of 2 points of primary stat to 1 point of Vitality for every level. I dumped a bunch of points into Vitality early for the Fighter given the melee-only focus.)

Anyways, I got Mystic and Fighter to level 10, so from here it's Bandit until he's max level.

Race-wise, I feel like the Chang are the race you'd recommend to a player who's just starting out, with Byrdle or Poon being the expert's choice of race. Though I'm told you can get the race skills as random drops so....
After playing the class builds up to these points... I can tell you that with soloing, it seems like the Mystic is better vs bosses and the Fighter is better vs regular mobs. But that's only the setup leading up to level 10. From that point, I have no idea which does better.

Hard to say with the Bandit, given I was still learning the game at the time.

(Also, for Bandit and Mystic I used a distribution up to this point of 2 points of primary stat to 1 point of Vitality for every level. I dumped a bunch of points into Vitality early for the Fighter given the melee-only focus.)

Anyways, I got Mystic and Fighter to level 10, so from here it's Bandit until he's max level.

Race-wise, I feel like the Chang are the race you'd recommend to a player who's just starting out, with Byrdle or Poon being the expert's choice of race.
I think Mystic with the BELL weapon can do well against mobs too, given the multi-hit AOE attacks ; pretty fun to play as~ although, correction, you only get to choose your class WHEN you're at level 10, sweetie. 1 to 9, you just pick whatever weapon you like and see for yourself if it works well for your style.

Bandit is getting to be harder than other 2 classes for me ; long-range with bow doesn't feel as good as wand (or scepter ?), and close-range with dagger is just really not OK, when you're so small and the enemies are 2-3 times bigger than you, and it doesn't hit multiple enemies as good as other melee weapons...

Otherwise, yeah distributing stats seems to be like that ; every level-up, 1 vitality and 2 any other. I do the same too~

Chang, the rodent race with the auto-parry skill ? Yeah, sounds like it, because otherwise you can easily get overwhelmed... though, I'm doing fairly well with my Poon, despite him being my 2nd char (the 1st was Imp).
I think Mystic with the BELL weapon can do well against mobs too, given the multi-hit AOE attacks ; pretty fun to play as~ although, correction, you only get to choose your class WHEN you're at level 10, sweetie. 1 to 9, you just pick whatever weapon you like and see for yourself if it works well for your style.
Yeah... I should have specified that a bit better. From 1 to 9 I was still building stat points as if I was in the class (why waste the crowns on using the stat-relearning book that early?) and sticking to that class's weapons, despite not having the supplemental skills yet.

I actually find one-handed weapons and bows to be too weak for the 1-9 span. That's really the time for heavy weapons if you can swing it with parrying.
Yeah... I should have specified that a bit better. From 1 to 9 I was still building stat points as if I was in the class (why waste the crowns on using the stat-relearning book that early?) and sticking to that class's weapons, despite not having the supplemental skills yet.

I actually find one-handed weapons and bows to be too weak for the 1-9 span. That's really the time for heavy weapons if you can swing it with parrying.
For one-handed weapons, I actually find swords and scepters pretty decent.

For two-handed weapons, I recommend spears : they have decent attack speed and high damage, and every swing at the target counts as 2 hits, if I'm right, which is pretty huge. Hammers and axes, on the other hand, WAY too slow... and, with the size of spear weapons, it might actually help in case you're getting swarmed by enemies and can barely see your char~
Saw this game and thought "Yup, Furry bait". As far as I know the game was supposed to be straight out porn, but they decided to make it very adult oriented instead with sexualized characters and character creation.
Saw this game and thought "Yup, Furry bait". As far as I know the game was supposed to be straight out porn, but they decided to make it very adult oriented instead with sexualized characters and character creation.
Given there's straight-up an achievement for smacking one of the quest-givers' asses during a specific animation (beware, she smacks back), I'm not at all surprised the game could have gone more adult than it is (right now it claims it's merely suggestive every time you open the game. "Nothing explicit", it insists).

Anyways, more about Bandit.

I'm strong enough to go full-on Bow user for now, and I'm seriously disappointed in the Volley skill. Seriously, maybe it's more powerful overall but the aiming and the delay make it a major letdown when Spread Shot exists and can be attained off a scroll before level 10.

I may redistribute skill points when I hit max level but for now, I'm focusing on Bow to the exclusion of the daggers.
Anyways, more about Bandit.

I'm strong enough to go full-on Bow user for now, and I'm seriously disappointed in the Volley skill. Seriously, maybe it's more powerful overall but the aiming and the delay make it a major letdown when Spread Shot exists and can be attained off a scroll before level 10.

I may redistribute skill points when I hit max level but for now, I'm focusing on Bow to the exclusion of the daggers.
One major point for bandit is that you can jump 3 times rather than 2, which can be HUGE when exploring places with platforms, but actual fighting is pretty rough.
Honestly loving Atlyss right now, I made a dummy thicc kubold fighter, a dummy thicc poon bandit and to my surprise you can't make Chang too thicc as all of it goes to their butt and they're lewd mice...made a change mystic though as the auto counter is amazing. Chang apparently hop like kangaroo... and when in a sprint go to all fours so..I..can see why they're bottom heavy now. Who here has spanked the mystic warden btw? ^^; I might make a guy character but idk what right now... I might just try to recreate my chocobo gal peach as a bird girl in that game at this point but that's easier said than done with the color sliders. I found cannon pigs btw...think we'll see a gun weapon at one point?
Who here has spanked the mystic warden btw? ^^;
I've tried hitting her all the time but never got any ; I dunno what I've missed...

I found cannon pigs btw...think we'll see a gun weapon at one point?
Those boars are probably the most annoying enemies to me in the game, especially those with big spear horns (I forgot their name) ; their charge attacks send me flying like a pinball, and even causes bleeding damage too
To spank her you gotta wait till she starts bending over and when bent over hit her with your weapon, she'll kick you across the room and blush but that's about it. Thing is her tail lifts up as she bends over which looks to me like she's begging for it but I could be wrong there. Just don't stand too close and watch her, she'll eventually bend over to pick up a book and then you go in for the spank. As for the pigs with bleed inducing spears I think they're called Rageboar as the spear you make from that horn is called a rage spear if I recall right. The cannon boars though are seen in a gauntlet that's not fully finished yet, I got to a door that would not open but through the gap you see nothing behind it. Hope that helps, only achievement I lack is playing with other people but nobody on my steam friend list seems to play Atlyss, I'd show it to my buddy Windchill but he seems to avoid early access games
As for the pigs with bleed inducing spears I think they're called Rageboar as the spear you make from that horn is called a rage spear if I recall right.
Well those things are certainly rage-inducing for me. It's just super annoying getting 3-4 of them rushing at me constantly and knocking me back every single time. And if I get knocked into a wall with spikes, then... yeah.

The cannon boars though are seen in a gauntlet that's not fully finished yet, I got to a door that would not open but through the gap you see nothing behind it.
Need quite a bit of exploring ; I remember having to jump through platforms quite a bit to look for levers to open the gates, but even then it's pretty hard to navigate for me. A compass would've helped a lot...

I think I reached the end of the current version, at a complete dead end in Tuul Valley, a large open area, but nothing else and nowhere else to go, other than going back. And I've done all the not-repeatable quests too, so only the repeatable ones left.
Posts on the creator of the game's Twitter shows the red forest is getting stuff. Not sure if its up yet though but there is a teleporter outside the fort. If you use the fast travel point you'd use to get to the outside of the fort I believe you can get to the red forest from there. Act like you're going for the rope but go right instead of climbing it.
So I've successfully beaten the Colossus boss. Rough one as a Bandit, if only because my stat point distribution means I can basically be two-shotted. I think I took 20 tries to take him out? Key for the Bandit taking on that boss is being able to double-dash, because that's more-or-less the only way you're dodging the laser in the second half.

I've also done all but two quests at this point (the repeatable one in the Grove, and the first monolith chestpiece one).

So it's either time for me to try the Mystic or Fighter, or (because that chest in the shop seems to be account-wide rather than per-character) go out searching for cosmetic items and materials. I do actually have a couple items I'm seeking (no, not the Bunhost set, you can get those and the Festive set from the three chests around Sanctum), but sadly one of them is going to require visits to that gambler behind the shop....
Posts on the creator of the game's Twitter shows the red forest is getting stuff. Not sure if its up yet though but there is a teleporter outside the fort. If you use the fast travel point you'd use to get to the outside of the fort I believe you can get to the red forest from there. Act like you're going for the rope but go right instead of climbing it.
I can confirm that the red forest stuff isn't up yet.

Though that did remind me to grab the second safe area (Wall of the Stars) for later.

Anyways, I've done everything that can be done in this version with the Bandit, except max out his level.

I did wind up using an Agility Stone to switch a spear's damage scaling to Dexterity... good god, these are better than the katars that Bandits usually would use. And since bow skills (aside from Spread Shot which is generic) largely suck, I've decided to switch to a melee build with the spear.

And let me tell you, Pay Day may not be the #1 source of funds (that'd be selling the revival items I'm fairly sure), but it's a huge deal when you hit a boss with it and make them drop over 1000 crowns.

With that, and knowing that the chest is currently account-wide rather than character-specific, I think I know my objectives with the current version:
  • Max the level of one character for each of the classes.
  • Get all the current cosmetic items.
  • Get highest gear available for each character.
  • Get two of each Skill Scroll that isn't tied to quests.
  • Get at least ten of each of the stat-conversion stones (the ones that let you change a weapon's damage scaling).
I actually think the fourth one's gonna be the biggest pain because I've gotten like 7-8 Execute scrolls in the Sanctum Catacombs (where a lot of these scrolls drop).

Any of the above five objectives gets backburnered the instant new content is added. They're all "whenever I feel like progressing them".
I've already been working on one of each class, they're all almost the same level. Still finding it funny the skill for bandit gave my poon bandit a large bunny hop but I felt it fitting for her. It..does seem like mystic has more skimpy items than the other two classes as one pair of pants for mystics is just shoes but my chang mystic has the garterbelt one and a carbuncle robe. Been trying to farm the current last boss for gear for more than just my fighter but it keeps dropping things I already got...good money source but annoying in its own right. Then my mystic is farming the ice ghoul for his weapons as some of them are better than later stuff to my surprise. My fight has a heavy weapon and a sword with shield but I only got the shield as fighters got skills demanding a shield. nice the scepters can be used with a shield though extra defense is always nice. Seems the gambling guy is the main source for most cosmetic items outside the bunny outfit which is found with some platforming in the main safe zone
Quick update for those that play this:

I've heard tell that Kiseff (the game's creator) is working on a rework of the enchanting system. So... don't get too attached to your weapon and armor enchants because they might be gone next update.

He's also working on gamepad support. As much as I played this game with keyboard + mouse... if we have to play with gamepad later to have the full experience, I'll be okay with it because of how ridiculously mobile you are in this game (especially as the Bandit). (Also because I've heard that gamepad support is actually an accessibility feature for a lot of games, but that never came up in the discussions.)

Kiseff is taking his time on the updates, that much is certain.

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