Awkward social moments


Good Boy
8 March 2024
Tell us some funny little stories of social awkwardness you've experienced :D maybe general moments you keep on running into or special ones that stick out in your memory.

I personally, heh~ I mean, I never find myself in those moments û.û ....

Although I do sometimes find myself not remembering the names of new people I meet. This has caused me to overuse the word "dude" a lot, which incidentally makes remembering even worse. Nowerdays, to combat this, I just use the name of the person way too often until it sticks, for example:
"Oh, nice to meet you MIKE, that's MIKE, like in Micheal MIKE? Ok, got you, MIKE! Say, how are you doing, MIKE? Oh that's great to hear MIKE, what are your hobbies MIKE?"
I remember at my retail job, I nearly bumped into one of the loss prevention people... She was around my age and female. She said something like, "ha ha, that could have been bad" and I was like, "maybe for you!" because her job involves safety and security... obviously that would have been interpreted as me having the hots for her, and like I immediately realized that after I blurted it out. But I'm a closeted gay. Anyway, she responded with a nervous laugh, and it was never brought up again. So that interaction is just there now, burned into my memory forever, with no resolution
Thanks Rob for sharing xD I love how it became awkward even though you're actually gay, that just adds to it! Oh and thank you for reminding me of "forever burned into the memory" awkward interactions xD

I recall one evening I was at a concert. The sister of the guy playing was going to be there, I knew them both well, and she had just recently gotten together with a guy from Albania who she was bringing along.

Now, I had worked with a lady from Kosovo who knew a lot about Albanian histroy and culture. She was like my older Sister while I was working there and told me plenty of stories.

Thanks to that I was mentally ready for this encounter! Self-assured I thought of all the awesome albanian things I could talk about: legendary albanian military leader Skanderbeg, the three stringed çifteli! Yes, there was enough to impress this man! So the evening went on and so did the beers, when, finally, I'd meet this gentleman from Albania. I was kind of hopping between talking to friends and listening to music at that point. Once the concert was over I leaned over to him and said after a short banter.

Me: "Heh~ dude do you know Skanderberg, man he was really cool"

Him: "I do indeed."

Me: "Ah! A man of his culture I see! What about the cifteli? It has ...."

Him: "three strings"

Me: "Oh owo you're right ... Well I have a Baglama at home, the inspiration for the cifteli apparently! It has..."

Him: "seven strings"

Me: "Damn you're good! Wait, how do you know that? Do you play it too?"

Him: "No, but you talked about these exact things 6 times this evening already."

xD I knew, at that moment in time, that it was time to get my drunk butt home.
It was my Junior year of High School, and I was at a party my friend invited me to. He hadn't hosted the party, but was very close friends with the host. I didn't really know what to do besides snack and stand around. It was really awkward when someone tried talking to me and I couldn't speak because I had food in my mouth. I almost choked while trying to swallow it so I could speak. It was terrible. Luckily they had sympathy, and didn't think too much of it. I never saw him again, but I wish I at least caught his name.
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Man :( bad timing on his part I'd say. Who knows, maybe you might meet him again at a party :D he probably won't remember the awkwardness ^^ thats the weird thing about awkward moments: one always recalls but the others often don't.


That or the people I know treat me like a delicate flower owo
Man :( bad timing on his part I'd say. Who knows, maybe you might meet him again at a party :D he probably won't remember the awkwardness ^^ thats the weird thing about awkward moments: one always recalls but the others often don't.


That or the people I know treat me like a delicate flower owo
I hope so!
So I'm a trans woman, Been medically transitioning for some time now so when I was an escort I had a client, We went to my room and I stripped off and he looked me up and down and said "Your very convincing, aren't you"
I had to stop myself from laughing at this poor old man.
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So I'm a trans woman, Been medically transitioning for some time now so when I was an escort I had a client, We went to my room and I stripped off and he looked me up and down and said "Your very convincing, aren't you"
I had to stop myself from laughing at this poor old man.
XD gosh! Now thats a moment I'd have no idea how to handle! Brilliant, thanks for sharing that one Van :D
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I've got loads, like my whole life.

Another escort one, So often my clients would like to play hide the condom when they were leaving. You would not believe how many men did this. They would finish, take the condom off and discreetly hide it somewhere in my room. It was gross and annoying AF. Normally id find there used condoms and dispose of them. buuuuut at one point I got a new bed and the delivery guys took my old bed away, When they lifted my bed there were not one but three used condoms under the bed. I was mortified. The guys didnt say anything about it but they both saw it. They left the apartment with the bed and in the time it took them to bring the new bed in I quickly disposed of the condoms. OMG that was a big I wanna die moment, none of them could look at me after that.
Well, this just happened to me as I was reading this page.

I called my sister and told her that I have a really dumb song stuck in my head (it was mermaid sisters), and she was like "Well, as long as it's not like the last one you sent, that one was really weird," and I was like "Yeah, that one was weird."

So I sent it and it was literally the same video.

Most of my 'burned into memory' ones are self-harm related and I'm not sure I'm allowed to talk about them. Maybe I'll dm you if you're curious.

Also, most of my moments with any crush ever, lol.
Gosh Moose, I'm conflicted: First I thought "haha what a funny dorky story!" then "oh gosh, is he all right? Don't hurt yourself Moose!" I hope you've gotten past that addicting feeling of making the thoughts go away :(
Actually I'm not sure if drinking away one's social anxiety is considered self harm on my part tbh ^^;

So here's another one of my drunken escapades! Woohoo! :D

A friend and I went to a concert of another friend, who really shoudln't have the right to be so talented! Anyhow, this time my friend got rather plastered through out the evening.
Now, I need to give you a bit of our friendship's lore: Him and I, we have the tradition of always bringing our Ukuleles along. The Ukulele seems to hold magical powers, possibly granted by Maui or something, and thus always gets us into weird situations. For this night, it granted us devine protection!

As we sat drunkenly at the trainstation, the concert over and him rather hammered, a group of young adults who all seemed to hail from ex-yugoslavian countries asked me if I'd give them a few cigarettes. I said "sure" and handed them a few. My friend, in that moment of time, drunkenly said:
"Ehhh~ Bloody immigrants!"

Now he is by no means racist (I'm an immigrant after all), it is a stupid meme around here, mainly said by immigrants themselves, but man, what a time to bing up that kind of humour ^^;
I thought we were toast after one of them said "Hey!" in a displeased manner. I could've killed my friend myself at that moment, but all I could do was sit there, waiting for my arse whooping. As death seemed imminent I thought happy thoughts to enjoy my last moments on earth, when suddenly my friend said
"Hey~! I have a Ukulele!"

Immediately an audiable "Aww" was heard from the group and within a few minutes he was teaching them basic chords on the Ukulele. I just sat there, confused, wondering what life truly is and why I was brought into existence.
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Gosh Moose, I'm conflicted: First I thought "haha what a funny dorky story!" then "oh gosh, is he all right? Don't hurt yourself Moose!" I hope you've gotten past that addicting feeling of making the thoughts go away :(
Actually I'm not sure if drinking away one's social anxiety is considered self harm on my part tbh ^^;

Oh, didn't mean to make you worry, and it's a lot better than it was a few years ago and even then it wasn't bad. We all have bad habits, and apparently yours is drinking away social anxiety, so welcome to the club of things-we-do-to-ourselves-that-we-shouldn't! Yay!
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Oh, I have so many. Here are two, one from childhood and another for adulthood.

- As a kid, I was in primary 3 (7 y.o.) and it was Halloween. All the kids in school where dressed up and we had all been rounded up into the assembly hall.
We all sat on our little chairs on either side of the hall, with a small aisle up the middle. The head teacher/principle would be on stage and call out a class and those kids would walk down the aisle and onto the stage and show off their costume.
I was dressed as money. Specifically, a pound note or dollar bill and I wore it like a wide sandwich board. So, when my class was called, I walked down the tiny aisle slamming every single aisle seat kid in the back of the head with my costume. It never occurred to me to turn the costume 45 degrees to not crack kids in the skull. As I stood on the stage, I recall seeing my teachers face buried so deep into his hands.
This wasn't the only time I was socially oblivious, because...

- Back in my 20s, I met this girl who I thought was pretty cool. We got along well and arranged a date. I turned up to the date and she's not alone. Her friend was there, I understood it was probably a safety thing. We had a decent night, few drinks, flirting etc.
It got pretty late and my date said "Oh, we've missed our last train home. What will we do? 😉" so I invited them both back to my place, where we chatted a bit more.
Eventually, my date said she was getting tired and I suggested we all headed upstairs. We all headed upstairs where I pointed to my bedroom and told my date to head in there and I pointed to the spare room and told her friend to go in there. Their faces dropped!
The next morning, they ran off while I was making breakfast and I was like "whatever".
It was years before it randomly clicked in my head they wanted a threesome that night and I was too dense to realise!
Oh god yes xD the "oblivious to advances" curse!
I really do love the costume one too :D thats so funny and cute.

For me the curse was when I was at a concert of another friend of mine. I had a crush on her for sure but I was way too awkward and shy back then~ anyhow, she was high off a successful concert, with people gathering around to congratulate her, me included. After some banter and after the word "jam" fell, she turned to me and said "want to jam over there [a little forest area next to the venue was pointed at] I'll play the flute ;)"
To be fair... (well no not really, I was an idiot! Gaah!) she did play the flute. So my answer ended up being.
":( but I don't have my guitar with me."

There was a silence after that. My friends present mustve realised I was a lost cause xD
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Oh god. I just remembered one XD

Okay, so I've always been comfortable performing and enjoy the attention, so I'd do a few piano performances when I was younger especially. I remember one day when I was fourteen my whole family went to a piano concert for Sharron Pearson (who had local renown, and coincidentally became my piano teacher a year later). After the performance I got up from the seats, scooted past all the knees in the way of the aisle and walked onto the stage. I then asked Sharron if I could play something and she was surprised, but agreed, and so I sat down and played the most complex song I knew by memory (which I'm still proud of that song because I never read the sheet music nor was taught it, I just watched someone else play it a few times and learned the chord progression).

So yeah, I played a song in front of about a hundred strangers right after an actual professional. Not sure what possessed me to have such confidence.

I genuinely think that no one has ever made advances on me, but reading your guy's makes me wonder if I'm just that oblivious XD

Also, last night I drank an entire bottle of wine and got the most drunk I've ever been, then my sister video called me, and I answered. In the moment it was great, and she was with friends we both have and many of them happened to be drunk to, but now I'm recalling some of it and feel a little embarrassed. Major subject was sex and the main person who was talking to me about it was a girl I like, lol (wait, was this an advance??). Also, my sister told them that I was a furry and that she thought I was gay XD
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So i have an really iconic and loude Laugh so much that if i am at a comedy or dragshow the comic always know where to point at make fun with me.(Not at me because i think it is funny)

One time i got invitet to a tv tapping of a Danish comedy quizz show and i got seated right under a audience mic and i did try to explain that it is a bad idea but they did not listen. After some time and they took a break a sound lady came up and ask specific to lower my laugh . Lucky the episode aired and yes you can hear me

A second time i got invitet to a show where the host tries to understand different cultures or subject and see if she can make fun of it. And i ask my friend who is a Muslim if he wanted to go ......i did not know that it would be about circumcision.... And i looked very akwared at my friend. Also because we hat to sing a little song she made about forsknin. Lucky he forgiven me but he also thought it was funny.
what was more funny was to see the host and she clearly saw my friend and she was also nervous
So i have an really iconic and loude Laugh so much that if i am at a comedy or dragshow the comic always know where to point at make fun with me.(Not at me because i think it is funny)

One time i got invitet to a tv tapping of a Danish comedy quizz show and i got seated right under a audience mic and i did try to explain that it is a bad idea but they did not listen. After some time and they took a break a sound lady came up and ask specific to lower my laugh . Lucky the episode aired and yes you can hear me

A second time i got invitet to a show where the host tries to understand different cultures or subject and see if she can make fun of it. And i ask my friend who is a Muslim if he wanted to go ......i did not know that it would be about circumcision.... And i looked very akwared at my friend. Also because we hat to sing a little song she made about forsknin. Lucky he forgiven me but he also thought it was funny.
what was more funny was to see the host and she clearly saw my friend and she was also nervous

Oh xD I love loud and infectious laughs! I'm glad they kept it in :D

Man and being thrown into the topic of circumcision with someone whom you have a platonic relationship with is so awkward xD good thing you both took it with humour.

Oh god. I just remembered one XD

Okay, so I've always been comfortable performing and enjoy the attention, so I'd do a few piano performances when I was younger especially. I remember one day when I was fourteen my whole family went to a piano concert for Sharron Pearson (who had local renown, and coincidentally became my piano teacher a year later). After the performance I got up from the seats, scooted past all the knees in the way of the aisle and walked onto the stage. I then asked Sharron if I could play something and she was surprised, but agreed, and so I sat down and played the most complex song I knew by memory (which I'm still proud of that song because I never read the sheet music nor was taught it, I just watched someone else play it a few times and learned the chord progression).

So yeah, I played a song in front of about a hundred strangers right after an actual professional. Not sure what possessed me to have such confidence.

I genuinely think that no one has ever made advances on me, but reading your guy's makes me wonder if I'm just that oblivious XD

Also, last night I drank an entire bottle of wine and got the most drunk I've ever been, then my sister video called me, and I answered. In the moment it was great, and she was with friends we both have and many of them happened to be drunk to, but now I'm recalling some of it and feel a little embarrassed. Major subject was sex and the main person who was talking to me about it was a girl I like, lol (wait, was this an advance??). Also, my sister told them that I was a furry and that she thought I was gay XD
Damn! Playing after a professional :D Id be under so much pressure Moose!

The band and I once played a concert, where 3 other bands were present and we were the main act.
We had gone through a rough patch of not practicing as much as we used to and, suprise surprise, I was a bit tipsy after waiting our turn. Before we could play the supporting acts played and they were both so damn good! Tight and with the right energy!
Once we got on stage the Bass monitor fell out, so everytime I played Bass I couldnt hear myself and we made mistake after mistake. I was so incredibly angry, pissed off and let it out in the shoutier songs. I wanted to die.

After finishing the worst concert of my life a guy comes up to the stage and says "Woah Wuff! That was the best concert I think I've ever seen!"

I looked at him wondering if we were in the same universe, timeline, reality!
The rest of the evening I spent wondering if compliments are based on the truth or if all the ones Ive received were just people being nice xD
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