Give the poster below you an Unique Sona Trait - for them to describe

Hahaha Spilo :D I really love that picture!

We should totally hang it up, let's find a fitting place :3 maybe one of the forum's bed rooms, let me see...

OwO Oh god! Oh no! Oh what! It's everywhere!!! Ewww D: Why didn't anyone wash the bed sheets >w< Oh god oh god oh.... and how the hell did it get up there ;w; do I really want to know?

Memory Wipe
With this power, I'll wipe all of your computer hard drives clean! All your furry images, all that furry smut, all of your furry porn and/or yiff will be gone! Mwahahaha! ;3 ;3

Spontaneous bubblegum creation
He's too powerful D: someone stop him!

My body can now produce random bubblegum for people to freshen up their breaths :3 but I'd best not tell them where it came from

Major of Wankdorf (it's a real place)

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