Good Things That Happened Recently

me and my friend finished the final boss of Guild Wars 2 main game, and he took a screenshot to keep :D

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So this friend of mine is getting super invested in Guild Wars 2, and we both agreed to do a fanfic RP together ; just now, he said that I played as Rytlock Brimstone exactly like how he'd imagine~

For those that don't know, Rytlock Brimstone is a very prominent character in the game and among the community, especially if you play as a charr (the only playable beast race) ; he accompanies you throughout most quests, going from your superior (tribune) to comrade and brother in arms (at one point he calls you a friend, not a soldier)

So, for my friend to say that I can RP as this super popular and well-known character in a game both of us like, is HUGE
It turns out I have three working GTA III discs, interestingly. I thought I only had two (one I assumed didn't work, but I haven't used it in forever). But, I was searching about my closet earlier and found a third copy I didn't realize I owned. I already know the one disc works, because that's what I've used to play on lately, but I tested the other two, and to my surprise, they both actually work as well (despite both of them being in rather rough shape, lots of scratches and scuffs), though one of the two stutters in the intro before the game loads. I just skipped that, and the gameplay itself was fine, and I had no issues at all with the other disc. Out of curiosity, I also tested to see if my save data would load across all three, since they're technically all different releases (all three North American versions, actually!), and they all load the same save just fine. Kind of interested by that, since I remember that not being the case with different Vice City versions.

How do I have THREE working GTA IIIs, and can't get a working San Andreas disc??


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