Last Post Wins ][: The Resurgence

Yes! Especially now that fox transformation has worn off.
Now you are, I dunno, quantum strings entangled in a fabric outside of space and space.

And, if I'm not mistaken, they can turn into absolutely anything with the right vibration. So maybe there's still a way to turn you into a furry animawl ;P ;P

That, or you're just a 90s arcade carpet XD
But I couldn't find the profile picture I waned! It's clearly just not meant to be! Please... put me down! 😭
puts you down

It's alright @Some Moron :3 Ill stop
But man you do love a challenge don't you o: even being a closet furry in the fandom? Don't worry! Your secret is safe with me :D

is accidentally standing next to a megaphone while telling you this
puts you down

It's alright @Some Moron :3 Ill stop
But man you do love a challenge don't you o: even being a closet furry in the fandom? Don't worry! Your secret is safe with me :D

is accidentally standing next to a megaphone while telling you this
Actually, that is more common than one might think :O
many paws, tails and snouts poke out of the door of the CLOSET FURRY CLOSET, @Some Moron's included

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