A project OG Xbox I'm thinking about fixing up at some point. Maybe soon, or maybe later down the road, I don't know. But for right now, I was thinking about Xbox, and decided to try and clean up one I have sitting in my closet the best I can. I should have taken before pictures, but trust me - this thing was COVERED in dust and fairly deep marks. The dust largely all came off, but there's so many crevices and whatnot that it's still present, because Xboxes are a TERRIBLE design for collecting dust and trying to clean them. For what it's worth, the "gills" or whatever you call them on the sides, you couldn't see they were black at all - it was just completely tan, and the Xbox in general had a ton of dust just all over it. The marks...improved with a magic eraser, though a lot of light ones still remain that just won't come out. Overall, it's definitely a big improvement, even if it's not "great". It's not collector grade or anything, but it's as good as I frankly care to get it. Believe me, compared to what it was (which I sadly don't have pictures of), it looks a LOT better.
No cables, no controllers. Just the console itself for now. Technically, I think I have one controller...somewhere in my closet, but from what I remember, it's trashed and ratted out. Gross, spongey buttons, sticks practically falling off - I'm not going to bother to hunt for it. Seeing as I'll have to buy new cables for the thing (an opportunity to upgrade to an HDMI adapter anyway), a new controller is undoubtedly on the shopping list as well. No idea where the cables actually went, and it's annoyed me for years. For years, this Xbox has sat in my closet both at the current place I live, and at the old house I used to live, and even then several years ago, the cables were missing for it. Hunted EVERYWHERE for the bastards back in the day, never found them. They're just gone, probably disappeared during a previous couple moves that happened over a decade ago. Not even sure how the Xbox turned up but not the cables with it. I'm actually not even sure the Xbox WORKS or not to begin with, remembering having gone through at least one Xbox as a kid that just stopped reading discs, and I'm not sure why I stopped using the other one I only very vaguely remember. Could have sworn it worked, but the last time I played OG Xbox at all (besides playing the discs through Xbox 360 backwards compatibility) was probably 15+ years ago. So it's a crapshoot if this bastard even works even if I had the cables for it, and makes me a bit reluctant to actually go out and spend money buying said cables. But I don't know, I'm kind of curious. For now, at least the console itself looks much less horrendous. This thing, ever since probably 2009, has lived its life in closets, in sheds (god knows the amount of spiders and rats that have been all over it), under entertainment centers, and it's certainly not been treated with a lot of care and has been shoved around a lot and had stuff sit on it and scuff it all to hell. But here it is today, looking at least sort of respectable. Would be cool to get new cables, new controllers for it and upgrade it into the modern era a bit with HDMI and aftermarket goodies and turn it into the counterpart to my PS2 I currently use a lot.