Predators Vs. Prey

Sowwy D: I still kinda exist, am doing well, le hip is good, le joconde, la cosa, el gato, mi casa es tu casa, oh baby when you talk like that you make a woman go maaaaad BRRRRRR
o! the frog hip is better? That's great :3
clings to the good french hip
Let's go inside our casa and celeb-frog-e! :3
goes inside the casa and eats the cheese

At any rat-e! It is sleep time for meh :3
good night, furpals, see you tomorrow :3
sleepy rat fingerguns
o! the frog hip is better? That's great :3
clings to the good french hip
Let's go inside our casa and celeb-frog-e! :3
goes inside the casa and eats the cheese
pokepokes the rat-head
Yesyes @w@ I'm undergoing a sort of guided training with body movement and strengthening to prevent future issues, for hips, AND chest, laterals, head, fingers—due to my work routine, these tend to be the most potentially affected areas. A much more careful approach, I think, and some stuff I can do at home instead of going to the place, as long as I keep exploring the more "dormant" parts of the body, to make them function properly

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