Predators Vs. Prey

pours CONFUSION POTION on the ground
Needs some!
Blugh. Apologies for yesterday xP
Tudo bem?
Tudo joia! Muitos dias lindos com tarde de chuva~
The thing from Gremlins? :O
I guess the gremlins were a bad influence...
And also the Spelunkians, and the Dabadoobibwah, and the Bloblolos!



One more free Kéké gif
*files a complaint through the proper department of complaints that hears complaints
over cheating, asking them to make you spacebar stuck*
Dear Mushroom Guy,
After careful consideration we have deemed the afore mentioned crime of destroying food to be worthy of punishment, not by sticking spacebar, but by alternating alt stickiness. The accused, @Universe the dragon, will have 10.5 seconds to file an appeal, do 105 jumping jacks, and drink a pint of milk before the complaint department administers the punishment.

The Proper Department of Complaints That Hears Complaints Over Cheating
Dear Mushroom Guy,
After careful consideration we have deemed the afore mentioned crime of destroying food to be worthy of punishment, not by sticking spacebar, but by alternating alt stickiness. The accused, @Universe the dragon, will have 10.5 seconds to file an appeal, do 105 jumping jacks, and drink a pint of milk before the complaint department administers the punishment.

The Proper Department of Complaints That Hears Complaints Over Cheating
marks the email message as spam because there is no way they responded that quickly

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