watches the ant till the soil and complain about city folk not understanding the value of hard worktraps them in an ant "farm" that is more like a farm
watches the ant till the soil and complain about city folk not understanding the value of hard worktraps them in an ant "farm" that is more like a farm
pretty much, but a machine steals half of their children when they get to full size to make ant based foodwatches the ant till the soil and complain about city folk not understanding the value of hard work
eventually the machine breaks, and because it is a farm machine the licensing contract says that it can only be serviced by a licensed technician, try to repair it yourself and you will get suedpretty much, but a machine steals half of their children when they get to full size to make ant based food
With a bubble helmet nodnodIs in the super solar space station, lying in bed, and gazing at the stars
"Draw me like one of your Space Skunks"
mushrooms ready their rifles for the legal fighteventually the machine breaks, and because it is a farm machine the licensing contract says that it can only be serviced by a licensed technician, try to repair it yourself and you will get sued
With a bubble helmet nodnod
scratches rat-headmushrooms ready their rifles for the legal fight
the mushrooms repair their equipment while prepared to have physical disagreements with the legal systemscratches rat-head
pokes rat-finger at a random piece of mushroom equipmentthe mushrooms repair their equipment while prepared to have physical disagreements with the legal system
GET OUT!Is in the super solar space station, lying in bed, and gazing at the stars
"Draw me like one of your Space Skunks"
WE WILL DECOMPOSE THE BODIES OF THE LAWYERS, TO WARGo Mushrooms! Maybe we can finally force greedy corporations into norming their spare parts!
pokes rat-finger at a random piece of mushroom equipment
(wait that sounds potentially naughty. although I guess poking the naughty bits of a mushroom just means poking the mushroom, instead of the mycelium)
(the mushroom people have all their organs in the mushroom looking part)Yes, the mushroom is the reproductive organ of the fungi :P
(the mushroom people have all their organs in the mushroom looking part)
Good night Uni :3Goodnight everyone
Uhhh... where's the exit door again? I forgot how I entered, heheh! :3GET OUT!
The mushroom organ generates a lot of spores from its pipesplays a mushroom organ
Ohh, coffee! My favorite!!Good night Uni :3
has a parcel of COFFEE POTION delivered to your space station via space courier, for when you wake up
Beams you outUhhh... where's the exit door again? I forgot how I entered, heheh! :3
The mushroom organ generates a lot of spores from its pipes
Ohh, coffee! My favorite!!
Thanks a bunch for sending coffee up here drinks Eh, of course I'll share the rest drinks more
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