This is what invincibility in Metal Arms pretty much looks like. For the many unaware - these are Titans, the main heavy, tanky ground enemy of the game encountered frequently after about a quarter of the way into the story. Not at all
common, but most levels will have at least one or two, if not more than that. Not at all a boss or miniboss, but nonetheless, the strongest ground enemy that immediately become the focus of a fight when there is one. They take an insane amount of damage to kill versus other ground units, taking several rockets or a handful of grenades when other ground units will die in just one or two, depending. Rather obviously, Titans have twin chainguns for arms, which to be honest, aren't usually an issue, because they're super inaccurate, and do very low damage, but do have a very high rate of fire, and at close range will sap away health fairly quick. The real issue with Titans is in addition to their chainguns, they all have a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, and really are just walking artillery that keeps shooting rockets at you and just refuse to die. As long as you keep your distance, you can just step out of the path of the rockets, and distance is really a Titan's weakness, because rockets are slow, and their chainguns have zero accuracy beyond a foot away. But in an enclosed space, or an area that's not that big in general, these guys WILL fuck you up. Hard. Despite being relative giants, they are also not as slow as you think, and can move as fast as any other bot, though they do start off moving somewhat slow and speed up. As though being anywhere near one is a
terrible idea, they also have a stomp attack that instakills you if you get caught by it, but they have to be basically right on top of you, otherwise they slam the ground and it creates a shockwave that launches you back a couple feet, doing no damage.
Really these guys are just walking artillery that fuck you up with rocket launchers and just don't die. Much later in the game, towards the last third or quarter, you start encountering upgraded ones, too, which have rockets that split into four more, and they have bubble shields, which pretty much doubles their already atrocious amounts of health, and THOSE guys are your bane later in the game. The ones in the picture are just the standard ones, although you can't tell visually, minus the fact they don't have bubble shields, and if anyone has ever played the game, this is much too early of a mission for those to appear. The whole point of the picture is just to show off that I've got
FIVE of the humongous bastards reprogrammed as my bodyguards. This actually took quite a bit of setup to do, having to sneak up on and take control of each one as they appear throughout the mission (and in this mission there's several), and huddle them all in a little room that took a lot of backtracking and headache to do, then throw a special grenade into the room to reprogram them all. And here you go -
FIVE friendly ones, which is a fucking LOT of Titans in the first place. Let's just say, if the game glitched out and they stopped being friendly, I'd be dead almost fucking immediately. I might make it ten feet away before I die getting rockets up the ass.
I love the voice for these guys, too. They have such a deep, menacing voice. They're assholes, too, even as far as the enemies in this game, too, but they're also dumb as hell.