What does a night at home look like for you?

Mine’s not much different tbh! Add snacking in there and occasionally watching someone’s stream, that’s about it. Night is my favourite time, always found it to be the most cozy & chill
I close the store, walk across town, maybe chat with my neighbor who is also my friend of late. I cook dinner, usually eggs, and listen to music, maybe read whatever book I have.
By the time it's dark I'll be in my room, listening to music, checking the Pile, playing piano, drawing, watching youtube. Once I decide it's late enough I read a little bit of whatever scripture interests me, then flop into bed.
I close the store, walk across town, maybe chat with my neighbor who is also my friend of late. I cook dinner, usually eggs, and listen to music, maybe read whatever book I have.
By the time it's dark I'll be in my room, listening to music, checking the Pile, playing piano, drawing, watching youtube. Once I decide it's late enough I read a little bit of whatever scripture interests me, then flop into bed.
Sounds nice!
I have one of those jobs that demands more than it gives leaving me tired and depressed each night. Getting home means serious relaxing and boosting myself up. My cat hears my car coming and waits then gets smothered in petting and tummy rubs meowing and rolling in glee. A major morale boost!

We head inside for our evening snacks, mine being more for medicine requirements and as some comfort food. I sit down and turn the TV on for background entertainment. If it's the day before my day off, I try a streaming movie or one of my console games. I also turn on the computer to browse and relax. In the meantime. the cat wants attention and conversation (ginger cats are talkers) as we verbally respond to each other. This goes on for a couple hours then bedtime.

In the morning, I have a similar routine to relax before work and not let the day get me too down. If it's Monday, I go to the gaming store with my laptop and various RPG material and totally relax for six hours. So far, I have 43 pages of notes and stories about a furry character I created.
I have one of those jobs that demands more than it gives leaving me tired and depressed each night. Getting home means serious relaxing and boosting myself up. My cat hears my car coming and waits then gets smothered in petting and tummy rubs meowing and rolling in glee. A major morale boost!

We head inside for our evening snacks, mine being more for medicine requirements and as some comfort food. I sit down and turn the TV on for background entertainment. If it's the day before my day off, I try a streaming movie or one of my console games. I also turn on the computer to browse and relax. In the meantime. the cat wants attention and conversation (ginger cats are talkers) as we verbally respond to each other. This goes on for a couple hours then bedtime.

In the morning, I have a similar routine to relax before work and not let the day get me too down. If it's Monday, I go to the gaming store with my laptop and various RPG material and totally relax for six hours. So far, I have 43 pages of notes and stories about a furry character I created.
Wow. Sounds amazing! I can’t do many of my relaxing activities at the moment. My wrist is broken. Also, we haven’t met yet, so nice to meet you!
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Well if I'm not glued to the Pile I usually watch a documentary, youtube or make some music. I really should get back into reading again! I moved recently and had to get used to my living partners schedules and reading, together with sewing, got pushed to the side a bit! A shame.

I also have a sheet music book for piano, still havent cracked that sucker yet!
Sometimes I also do scratch tracks so I can record on a free day :3

PS: I forgot (since last week I was a lazy Dog) but I do excercises too and cuddle with the dogs :D
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get home from work, check out if theres any new interesting Fallout 4 mods on Xbox, play some Fallout or Warframe, do some reading(Currently reading book 2 in the Magnus Chase series from Rick Riordan, i recommend ALL of his books, start with the Percy Jackson series, then Heroes of Olympus, then Trials of Apollo, THEN Magnus Chase), take a shower, talk with my irl friends on the phone, get ready for bed, sleep, repeat
A night at home for me would be YouTube, video games, and hanging out on the Pile! What about you? I'm curious to see how my night at home would be different from other people's... 🤔
Yepyep, usually I chat with my fuzzy furpals somewhere or another, watch some video or another, or play vidyo games :3
I also used to read a whole lot, but I usually do that during the day nowadays. I don't even know why, it's just a habit I've formed 🤔

One crucial thing to take note here is that I usually work evening shifts, which has resulted in a pretty late daily rhythm: I usually get off from work after 9 in the evening, go to sleep around 3 A.M. and wake up somewhere around 10 A.M. or so. On working days, night time is the time for me to wind down after work, which is why I generally spend it doing not-very-demanding things :3
A night at home for me would be YouTube, video games, and hanging out on the Pile! What about you? I'm curious to see how my night at home would be different from other people's... 🤔
Sounds about right for me too. Once work if over, I eat, hang out on the Pile and play some videogames while I do it. Either that, or I'm doing something to do with tabletop gaming.

Over the weekend, I seem to end up at my Mother's or a friend of mine invites me over for something.

Somehow, I manage to sneak in some miniature painting somewhere within the schedule.
Depends if it's a work-night, but on work-nights I typically:

get home late, I work nights

then, I make something to eat; cooking is a huge hobby, so depending on energy levels, I might spend 30-60 mins whipping up something tasty; pastas, stir-fries, pizza if I have dough and sauce pre-made

while I eat, I check the baseball scores for the day, browse the New York Times, then check furry Telegram and a few other places to see what's up in furry-world; after this, I'll write a bit, replies, messages, notes, writing ideas

oh...and a bath! before bed, I light candles, bust out the fancy suds, and take a relaxing bath

(sometimes, there is also 'squeaky rubber skunk funtime', but as this takes a bit to prepare for it is more on my days off :P)

on days off, I do different stuff, today I planed various seeds to get them started indoors, for the spring, herbs, and a few flowers. A lot of what I like to do revolves around design and decor, I feel calmest and best in an environment that looks pleasing to me
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