Writing Prompts (SFW)


New Member
15 February 2025

Back in the old Furaffinity Forums, there was a writing prompt thread I enjoyed.

The rules are simple:
  • Pick a prompt you like and write a short story following it.
  • Create your own prompt.
  • Repeat.

I'll start off with the first prompt:

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Prompt: Moonlight

Cool fall air had settled across the open field as only a few stars managed to poke through the clouds obscuring the night sky. Near pitch blackness had covered the land with only the distant light of town trying to peak over the distant trees. Unseen crickets, hidden in the tall grasses, chirped and frogs croaked loudly from their calm pond to the east. Gently rippling waves shimmered in what little light managed to beam through the shield of clouds lazily drifting overhead.

Laying face up in the tall, slightly damp grass, a man cradled his head as his knuckles brushed the lush, green weeds. A cool breeze swept over him, catching his loose shirt and pulling it upward slightly. Should there have been enough light, his modestly toned stomach would be revealed; the cool air tickling his exposed skin. Heaving a relaxed sigh, he shifted and sat upward with the grass shuffling quietly beneath him.

No more than three feet from his right, sock covered foot was the silhouette of another sitting within the darkness of the field alongside the man. As he took in the black outline of his companion, a brilliant beam of light from the moon poked through a small break in the clouds. The ray illuminated a woman with her back turned to the man. She had long, slightly wavy hair and was dressed in nothing more than short shorts and crop top. Taking in the sight of his closest friend, the man’s gaze shifted upward as wind pushed the mass of clouds out of the way.

Gentle, blue eyes shone brilliantly in the bright light of the full moon as the massive orb in the night sky, peppered with shining stars, watched over the darkened world. Fixated squarely upon the glowing moon, the man could hear his own heartbeat pounding away at the inside of his chest. At first, the rhythmic beat was quiet but gradually grew louder and louder to the point that it drowned out the nighttime orchestra surrounding him. Lifting his hand upwards, fingers cupping around the beautiful ball in the darkened sky, the man noticed the dark gray hair that now covered his hand.

Although his heart raced wildly within him, a certain calm settled over the man’s mind as that darkly colored fur began to crawl down his arm toward his body like an infection. The corners of his mouth tugged back into a slight smile as his fingernails narrowed and sharpened into large claws atop his digits. As the new hair worked its way along his bicep, the muscle beneath his skin could be felt constricting before pushing outward as it grew in size. With a quiet snort of amusement, the man felt the fur crawling up his should and under his shirt. His entire body began to swell with growing musculature. His shirt had quickly become tight against his being as it continued to balloon with this sudden surge of growth. While the fur covering his body reached his face and head, the quiet ripping of shirt stitches popped in his ears.

A slight pressure built in his face as his bone and skin began to push forward. The man’s nose began to melt into the structure that had started to grow from his jaw while the ears on either side of his head migrated upward. A furred snout entered the lower-center of his vision, the metamorphosizing man’s nose having darkened and grown wet, as ears erected themselves atop his now fur covered head. Each of the ears were now pointed, having grown triangular from the usual lobes he was use to.

Finally, looking toward his waist and legs, the man watched as his jeans were already in the process of being torn apart by thickly muscled legs. A new pressure had built in the man’s lower back, the tightness in the rear of his pants quickly becoming uncomfortable. Shifting on his hindquarters, the man could not help but chuckle at the audible ripping of fabric coming from the backside of his jeans. Turning to inspect the damage, his smile only grew wider upon his now muzzle-like mouth at the sight of a furred growth swaying back and forth just above his rear. Finally, his legs popped as bone and joints shifted beneath the fur-covered skin.

Rising to his now paw-like feet, having broken free of the socks he had been wearing, the man stretched. A sweet, gentle laughter met his ears that perked up unconsciously as he exhaled loudly after loosening his immense muscles. Looking to where the laughter had come from, his large, blue eyes were now directed to where his companion had been sitting. In her place was a furred form much like his own. Covered head to claw-tipped toe was a feminine version of himself looking up to him with a kind smile upon her muzzle.

His companion offered her large, fur-coat covered hand to the once-man. With a beaming grin, he accepted the gesture and pulled the female in close. The two stared longingly into one another’s eyes before sharing a passionate kiss. Allowing one another a moment to catch their breath, the two turned and took off into the dark night as the clouds rolled back through and blotted out the glorious moon.

My understanding is that I’m meant to propose the next prompt so how about “sunrise”.

It watched.

The town below was quiet.

The dark blue sky slowly gave way to light grey, the colors shifting closer to the eastern horizon.

Unmoving, still. Its fur mat, its veins cold, its eyes a deep blue.

The town below was quiet.

It wasn’t always.

Before it arrived, they played. Played music, song. Every night, joy.

The town below was quiet.

It watched, from its cave, its crypt. Once, the town sent people for him.

Their metal armor now rusted below, their forms unmoving, silent.

It watched.

The town below was quiet.

No longer joy. Only fear. Windows boarded, families huddled.

The music was gone.

The east had hues of orange and yellow now, a small sliver peaking over the horizon.

A prelude to something greater.

It watched.

The town below was quiet.

Before, their song reminded it of something.

Something lost.

It watched.

The sky was no longer dark.

It stepped out.

And heard music.


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(Alright... I'll give it a whirl... Prompt: Magic)

"I can't fight against magic, what do I do!?" Miri called out.

"Sssleep, of courssse..." Ahmose replied, amused, waiting for the mouse at the bottom with his jaw cracking wide.

She growled back, keeping her fingers tight on the ledge as glass ampules spilled from her satchel down to the ground below. Swaying back and forth the black serpent took it as a game, dodging the falling debris like some sick joke. With hardly the trouble, he could rise up and snatch her where she hung. Ahmose was a giant, a cobra greater in size than any lizard. He might swallow her whole and still hunger for more.

Then what stopped him? Why did he linger at the bottom, waiting for her to lose hold instead? Maybe it was nothing, perhaps just for his amusement. Or, it could be vital. She dare not look back, his eyes, his gaze, it was too powerful. They dripped with a festering magic. One glance, she would be caught; trapped deep inside whatever mind he deigned to craft for his pleasure.

They would be home. She would be sitting by the glowing warmth of the hearth with her mother, sharing a blueberry muffin glazed with butter. Her father would be there too, and he would have left medicine behind long ago. Mortim would be alive. Sunny would be better. Tricu would be swinging a wooden sword, instead of an iron one.

No one gone because of her.

It would not be real, but it would be better.

"Come, there isss no need for thisss... you have faught ssso very hard. Run for ssso long. Are you not tired, exhausssted? Let go. Come to me. No need to trudge through the ssswampsss and marshesss any longer," he hissed, tongue thrusting forward in delight, tasting the very air with every flick.

"The swamp? How did you-"

Of course. That was it! A smirk simmered across her lips.

"Y-you are correct, sir," she replied, grip almost gone. "It is quite tiresome. And I cannot stand against your magic. No one can. But- I am no magician desperately trying to counter spells..."

She took one final breath. "I'm a chemist you dimwit!"

The mouse swung around and whipped her satchel wide. Every ampule, every vial, every jar and ingredient spilled out in a heap. The hogweed, the mustard seeds, the distilled salts, and the jarred fire as well. Alone they were mild to such a beast. Together? They were deadly to anyone...

(Prompt: Spring)
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(I've attempted to incorporate both the suggest prompts 'Magic' and 'Spring')

Warm rays of sunlight filtered through the verdant, lush and leafy branches hanging overhead. The tree limbs had effectively stretched over the long dirt pathway to form an almost perfect shelter from the recent showers. Patches of damp, squishy mud still remained along the road in the more shaded regions under the old, wooden towers. The scent of flowers wafted through the pleasantly cool air, carried by gentle breezes that managed to slide past thick and sturdy trunk to pass over the scene.

The otherwise tranquil and serene springtime local, however, had been disturbed by the whistle of two arrows flying through the air. Tripping over her own boot-strapped feet, the young dragonborn woman had only barely managed to catch her blue, pointed hat on her descent to the ground. The clumsy display had been a true blessing, however, as the arrows fired at her soared right through the space her head had since fallen from. With a panicked glance back, she had only managed to make out a single humanoid form surrounded by several beastly creatures.

Scrambling back up to her scaled feet, the dragonborn broke into a sprint down the dusty road as another projectile sailed just over her shoulder. Her heart pounded angrily against the inside of her chest as her feet pounded the dirt beneath her in a desperate bid to escape this assailant and their monstrous pets. Unfortunately for the assailed, the road was a long straight path with no cover to hide behind. With no other option available, the dragonborn swallowed hard to the anxiety rising within her throat and jumped off the road and through some brush only to tumble down a steep hill.

Falling head over heels and finishing out her uncoordinated tumble by rolling over and over at the base of the hill, the young woman lifted her head as the world around her spun in circles. Groaning slightly and shaking the dizziness from her vision, her attention was immediately drawn to an audible thumping having landed in the soft ground just a foot from her head. Shimmering eyes had gone wide at the sight of another arrow having planted itself in the forest floor beside where she had just landed. Looking back up the hill she had just fallen down, her attacker loomed over with bow drawn and beastly companions already rushing down the incline.

Growling angrily, a sudden cold chill began to nip at her fingertips. A frigid mist began to form around the dragonborn’s left hand. Despite the rage clouding her judgement, the scale-covered woman focused her mind and breathed deeply. The same mist seemed to expel itself from her nostrils as she exhaled. With a forceful roar, the dragonborn rolled over and threw her hand in the direction of closer of the two animals chasing her.

A massive shard of ice materialized before her outstretched hand and was immediately cast from her palm with force to rival the villain’s arrows. The projectile whistled much more loudly than the smaller bits that had been directed at her as it soared directly into one of the snarling beast’s bodies. With an audible shriek, the massive bolt of frozen solid water had lodged itself within the hunting animal. Grinning with somewhat malicious amusement at her success, the dragonborn pushed off the ground and continued to flee from her remaining foes.

In her haste, the dragonborn had to push her whole weight off trees and leap over dips in the terrain or over fallen trunks. Every step seemed to be followed by another arrow flying just over her shoulder; as close as every shot had been, she was certain that this vile archer was merely playing games at this point. Such arrogance by this mysterious enemy was utterly deplorable. The dragonborn could feel rage quickly overwhelming her entire being at her attacker’s antagonizing. Through her rapid panting, the dragonborn could not suppress the growling that rumbled in the back of her throat.

With a snarling hiss, the dragonborn threw herself behind the next tree she laid hands upon. Her heart raced within her chest and assaulted her eardrums as she tried to catch her breath. Having pressed her back to the thick tree she took shelter behind, the dragonborn had choked somewhat on another breath at the snapping of twigs just a few meters away. In that instant, she was utterly mortified that the archer had caught up so quickly. The young female dragonborn’s terror, however, faded almost as soon as it had appeared; in place of fright, she had summoned up both anger and willpower to face off against her foe.

Once more, the frigid embrace of frost bit at her fingers as the cool mists began to cascade down toward the forest floor. Having made up her mind, the dragonborn shifted on her feet and leapt from her cover with her hand prepared to cast another magical attack. Unfortunately, she paused, petrified in sheer disbelief and horror, at the sight of an arrow pointed at the space between her eyes.

“I win,” the archer, a lynxfolk, claimed before letting loose the arrow notched in his bow.

“Ow...” the young dragonborn girl muttered as she sat upon the forest floor. Her tail had fallen into a cool patch of mud along with her right hand that helped support her. Her other hand had been lifted to rub her scaled forehead where the arrow had bumped her. Laughter erupted from the lynxfolk standing over her before quickly settling down with a loud sigh.

“I finally caught you! I win this round!” the dragonborn’s ‘foe’ exclaimed excitedly. Looking up from her spot on the ground, the reptile watched the young feline boy dance in celebration of his victory while spinning his plastic, toy bow. As she looked up, the dragonborn focused on the thin shaft to the plastic arrow that clung to her smooth, scaled forehead by the plunger tip stuck to her head. With a sigh, she pulled the arrow off her forehead and climbed back up to her feet.

“Yeah, yeah, but I’m gonna get you next time! Start running!” the dragonborn girl playfully declared to her friend. The two shared childish grins as powdery snow simply appeared and fell from the reptile’s open palms. With an enthusiastic laughter, the archer turned and fled the scene as the mage began the to countdown to her ‘hunt’.

Next prompt: Dedicate
(Gasp! A delightful and warming twist Hollowcore)

Here's one for Dedicate:


Every step shook the floorboards. Sliding doors trembled in their tracks. The modest manor he had so kindly been set inside quivered as the wooden bones within waned and groaned.

“Kitty—Kitty, come little kitty. Why not you here? I want pet pretty fur,” the voice called with childish delight, every word particular and slow, the tone like wet flesh scraping gravel.

Jiro huddled tighter in the dark. Hanging robes draped over his fur as the muffled words of the beast beyond the closet spoke. His cadence made it hard to think the wretched thing had not learned to speak that very day.

“I have paper little kitty. You mine now. Come out, I show you new home. Have special place. Mmm… make me hungry looking for kitty. Kitty taste good, but lots of fur… You come now, have paper!”

The gray feline, petite as he was and a runt to the rest, winced once more.

That was it. His life reduced to a crumpled yellow scroll he had signed at the age of five. To dedicate not years, but near two decades to constant study, only to be bought and sold like a toy to some terrible monster. Sold by his own father.

This was not meant to be.

Jiro was to be a scholar. One of the greats, a magnificent philosopher pondering the many meanings of life. Languishing in the halls of academia at all hours, toiling in the sunbaked libraries in the heights of summer… no minute spared nor day of break allowed. Every waking moment was dedicated for the test that would come next.

Little else mattered, but perfection. His father accepted nothing less. Only here and now did the fool realize, it was never to make him better. Merely so he might be more appealing to the right bidder.

Jiro clenched his teeth. He scowled, his brow aching his head at the effort. Another thud. The feline jerked and jumped. Folded robes fell from above, padding him in colorful silks and smooth bedding.

His heart raced faster and faster—was the house collapsing!?

Shivering, he huddled tighter on the floor, squeezing his arms around his legs. No more could he hide his breath or calm his aching heart, the sounds of both loud in his ears. The beast beyond would surely hear.

Slowly the thumping began to fade. Still the wooden floor quaked, trembling beneath the tremendous weight of a half-ton beast lurking the paper-thin halls, but now it grew quiet the further away it went.

Now was his chance—he had to take it.

Panting all the same he rose from his place, throwing off the clothes across the closet. With an ear to the door, he waited. There was nothing, at least not near. Somewhere beyond the walls his father cried and begged for mercy, cursing Jiro’s name and promising many gifts to the other beastly things hunting him down.

He cracked the door. Only a peak. The room beyond was bright, the papery walls letting through the light of a vibrant evening sun just above the pines surrounding the manor. Furniture sat crushed and cast aside. Tables and desks were splintered into pieces. The sliding door to the hall had been ripped from its tracks, the frames snapped like twigs.

“You get us new one, runt!” An ogre barked from outside.

“Yes—yes sir, I promise, you can take him too and do what you wish when you find him! Mix him into a stew if you like! I—I heard our feline bones are… are good luck to some! This is a violation of his contract, I assure you. No excuses, this is entirely my fault!”

The words tugged at his chest. A momentary lapse, but he shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts, turning his gaze back to the hall.

Now or never. He only need make it outside. Ogres were big, fat, corpulent giants that lumbered as they walked. Once in the forest, he would be safe. They would give chase, but he would be faster, more agile among the many trees.

Running to and frow from class to class for fear of being late was a skill he had honed since he was a child. Now it was needed more than ever.

Confidence renewed he flung the closet door wide. The air rushed through his hair as he scurried for the shattered hall. His paws gently smacked the wooden floor with a frantic meek thump.

“Caught you!”

“Gah!” Jiro cried.

A giant paw grabbed him from behind.

“Bah ha ha!” the ogre bellowed, his tremendous belly bouncing with every breath. The dog stood ten times his height and one hundred more his weight! His short tail curled like a crescent moon. His limbs rippled with muscle, each thick as a tree. Their fur shined a sandy brown and a soft white.

Like savages they were shirtless to display their corpulent midriff. Only sheets of thick colorful cloth, and polished leathers tied with wide ropes wrapped around their waist to keep them in modest taste. This one wore puffy leather gloves and some fur pelt over his shoulders.

“See kitty? Aren’t Junji smart?” the ogre beamed with pride, pointed ears fixed forward and tail wagging. His mouth hung open in a wide smile while his tongue lolled to one side. He lift Jiro higher, face to face with his terrible jaws and dark yellowing teeth. The beast’s spittle and humid breath flecked across the feline’s fur as he spoke.

“Junji pretend he walk away… and speak lower until he stop. Then he wait quiet. Junji is smartest dog, yes?”

Jiro winced, cowering still with his eyes shut tight. With a whimper he continued to tremble. Quickly he nodded in agreement to placate the beast. Still he tensed, waiting for the moment the monster would snap his bones with a single paw or tear his arm away with his teeth.

“Then… cat think Junji good to teach?” the canine inquired, hopeful with gleaming eyes.

Jiro opened an eye to look back at the giant. The white brows over his eyes quirked upward in hope. His ears sagged, fearing the wrong answer.

“You… want to be a te—teacher?” Jiro’s words came with caution.

“Oh, Junji not that smart,” the giant shied. “They say cat be teacher. Cat think Junji smart to teach?”

Slowly Jiro uncurled in the ogre’s grip, both eyes opened wide as his nerves went still. “Well—Yes? I suppose, well I mean of course. Anyone can be taught. It just… takes the right attitude… I guess.”

The wide smile returned, tugging from ear to ear across the dog’s muzzle while his tail swayed rapidly behind his enormous form.

“Then Junji be best student! He never disappoints teacher! He always on time, and do everything he say. Be most dedicated student ever! Promise, if teacher make Junji smarter.”

“Well—sure,” Jiro’s own lips erupted with a smile as the fear melted away. “I can be your teacher. I would love to! Is that really all you want? Is that why you bought my contract?”

He nodded quickly, still holding Jiro in the most undignified way. “Father say it be a good smart idea. He and mother idea, but Junji like it too.”

“Oh—Oh my goodness. That is… not what I expected!” Jiro laughed, letting his body go limp while the aches of tension faded. “I’m terribly sorry, I’m such a fool. I’m an academic… I should know better. I’ve only heard terrible stories of ogres. Truth be told, I thought you wanted to eat me!”

Jiro chuckled nervously, ashamed by his claim. Junji offered his own boisterous bellow, accidentally shaking the feline as he did.

“Oh! No thank you, Junji already eat cat today," the ogre replied, patting his belly. "But new teacher not worry, Junji try not to break like last teacher. I make sure sister not try to steal you. Cat last much longer this time!”

Next Prompt: Intelligence
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