Shower Thoughts

Lucy Toebeans

23 March 2024
I'm sure most of us know the idea behind "Shower Thoughts". If you don't, you just share thoughts, observations and ideas you have that you find a little weird or interesting.

For example, it's weird we have different names for countries and cities based on the speakers language. Why don't we all call Germany "Deutschland" or Bankok "Krung Thep", for example? Seems it would make sense if we all called places their actual names and not what we randomly decided it was called in English centuries ago.


Does anyone else feel oddly protective of fictional animals? I can mow down thousands of humans in GTA and not care but I will swerve out the way of a cat or dog like it actually existed. One time I accidently hurt a dog in game and felt awful.
Same with tv and movies. I watched a thing with lots of humans getting k*ll*d and mamed and it was fine. There was a scene where a puppy was k*ll*d without warning and I wanted to cry. I wonder why this is.
Does anyone else feel oddly protective of fictional animals? I can mow down thousands of humans in GTA and not care but I will swerve out the way of a cat or dog like it actually existed. One time I accidently hurt a dog in game and felt awful.
Same with tv and movies. I watched a thing with lots of humans getting k*ll*d and mamed and it was fine. There was a scene where a puppy was k*ll*d without warning and I wanted to cry. I wonder why this is.
Totally! I can very much relate to this one! It devastates me when that happens in a film.

I often wonder if others also feel a bit icky and sceptical when bigger companys do something that seems to be taylored towards ones interests, the whole pandering thing, or if they think it's pretty cool that they've talked about something they like.
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I often wonder if others also feel a bit icky and sceptical when bigger companys do something that seems to be taylored towards ones interests, the whole pandering thing, or if they think it's pretty cool that they've talked about something they like.
Ah, I remember the Pride Month fun where you had companies changing up their social media logos with gay pride symbolism, showing their support for the LGBTQ+ community... except for the social media accounts marketed towards countries where that would hurt profits.

Garden gnomes were once a pest species who ate all your vegetables, crapped on the plants and blamed it on next door's cat. They were a solitary species, never more than one to a garden, which is why people started putting out fake concrete gnomes to fool them into keeping away.

Alas they are long extinct, which is why people don't need the fake ones any more, but they have been replaced by the far more cosmopolitan species of traffic gnomes. These can often be seen congregating on highways and byways, forming conga lines. You can recognise them by their iconic red and white hats which reach all the way to the ground - watch out for the one with the little light on top, that's the clan chief.

They're far more sociable than the old garden gnomes were, though they have a policy of erasing the memory of any humans that they consort with, a spell that leaves behind a blinding headache. Many a student has woken up with an aching bonce in the college dormitory, hugging a mysterious, now-empty pointed hat and wondering what happened the night before.

Still, the traffic gnomes have their uses. Somebody has to feed the cats that make the cats eyes work, and they're quite publicly-minded since they can often be seen warning people away from dangerous areas where they might slip and fall.

Traffic gnome religious procession, led by the high priest - note the ceremonial double-base on his hat.
Garden gnomes were once a pest species who ate all your vegetables, crapped on the plants and blamed it on next door's cat. They were a solitary species, never more than one to a garden, which is why people started putting out fake concrete gnomes to fool them into keeping away.

Alas they are long extinct, which is why people don't need the fake ones any more, but they have been replaced by the far more cosmopolitan species of traffic gnomes. These can often be seen congregating on highways and byways, forming conga lines. You can recognise them by their iconic red and white hats which reach all the way to the ground - watch out for the one with the little light on top, that's the clan chief.

They're far more sociable than the old garden gnomes were, though they have a policy of erasing the memory of any humans that they consort with, a spell that leaves behind a blinding headache. Many a student has woken up with an aching bonce in the college dormitory, hugging a mysterious, now-empty pointed hat and wondering what happened the night before.

Still, the traffic gnomes have their uses. Somebody has to feed the cats that make the cats eyes work, and they're quite publicly-minded since they can often be seen warning people away from dangerous areas where they might slip and fall.

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Traffic gnome religious procession, led by the high priest - note the ceremonial double-base on his hat.
Thank you Faust :3 the world is now a much more awesome place. I shall remember this. Hopefully the traffic sign fandom kicks off soon! I would like to have a Narrow Bridge Sign-Sona, then I can be always doing the cute ">.<" face:

Ah, I remember the Pride Month fun where you had companies changing up their social media logos with gay pride symbolism, showing their support for the LGBTQ+ community... except for the social media accounts marketed towards countries where that would hurt profits.

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Uff and thank you Rob as well! Public Enemy was not wrong when they said "Don't Believe the Hype". I feel less cynical and paranoid now, but also sad that human decency seems to be rare these days. Maybe indecency is just more prevalent nowerdays because we can uncover it more easily. Whatever the case, screw those bastards!
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"Too cold...
Too hot!
Ah, just right."

Thus concludes my shower thoughts.

thinks about the middle path that Buddha took after meditating for 49 days underneath the bodhi tree, wondering if to find it one must always go to extremes first, such as the cold and hot water that hits oneself under the shower until the right temperature is found

Very insightful, thank you EndlessAnnoyance :'3
Uff and thank you Rob as well! Public Enemy was not wrong when they said "Don't Believe the Hype". I feel less cynical and paranoid now, but also sad that human decency seems to be rare these days. Maybe indecency is just more prevalent nowerdays because we can uncover it more easily. Whatever the case, screw those bastards!
Human decency isn't rare, but corporations aren't human. I've frequently heard, corporations aren't your friend!
This is true, though it is sad to think that humans run the damn things...
Corporations are like organisms where humans are the organs. Yes, humans run them, but they operate largely in their own interests. The organs function to support the corporation, which leads to some morally dubious choices. Oftentimes the people themselves aren't really bad people. At least, that's how I see it.
People complain about how others are "too soft". But I think the real issue is that lack of humanity in others. People are so jaded, calloused, it's become the new norm. Lots of things can effect this, but still.

In conclusion, not enough compassion and empathy for others these days.
Corporations are like organisms where humans are the organs. Yes, humans run them, but they operate largely in their own interests. The organs function to support the corporation, which leads to some morally dubious choices. Oftentimes the people themselves aren't really bad people. At least, that's how I see it.
We should still kill them all ^w^

No, no, you're right. It takes understanding here as well. For many people the idea of making profit is seen as a virtue and like you said it's a super-organism which is built to seek one goal: profit.

People complain about how others are "too soft". But I think the real issue is that lack of humanity in others. People are so jaded, calloused, it's become the new norm. Lots of things can effect this, but still.

In conclusion, not enough compassion and empathy for others these days.
I do try and ignore the whole "not masculine and tough" enough idea. I find masculinity doesn't have to be brute force and emotionless. Some of my biggest idols, like Steve Irwin, had a lot of passion and enthusiasm. They smiled and weren't afraid to seem a little bit silly at times. There was no need to be stone faced and such.
Corporations are like organisms where humans are the organs. Yes, humans run them, but they operate largely in their own interests. The organs function to support the corporation, which leads to some morally dubious choices. Oftentimes the people themselves aren't really bad people. At least, that's how I see it.
Also one thing I've learned from my studies in environmental consulting is that you need to get onto their level if they're someone in a higher position. You have to understand that they have gone a long way and worked hard to reach that position. That they have played by the rules that companies dictate and have needs accordingly. To respect them is better than to be opposed to them from the get go.
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I always wonder what the laws are dictating the distance and degree of curve and speed limit and condition of the road surface that determines the passing zone size.

Does that make sense? Not sure how to explain it...

How much distance do you have to see in order to mark the center lane as a passing lane? you know, the dashed lines? What's the minimum distance required to make one? How much does terrain affect it? Do temporary line-of-sight objects affect it, like, trees? What about speed limits?

I've thought about this way too much XD


<Sits with eyebrow furrowed in consternation>
I think it makes sense Moose! I've recently wondered about one corner on the motorway: How much measuring, etc. went into it so that it can be a 120km/h corner?


I wondered recently if I would've been insta-banned if my Fursona would've been a "Willy Wagtail"

2024-05-03 09_40_17-Window.png

Hey, you'd look angry all the time too if everyone kept asking you to "Wag your Willy!"

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