Well, 'tis that time where we reflect to see for self-improvements and the like. Unless you're perfect in which case, TEACH US YOUR WAYS OH GREAT GURU!!!
For the rest of us, anyone wanna share their resolutions for 2025? Me, I'm working to reduce catnip and wine this year, and to cut out a lot of BS in my life. Gonna focus on my happiness and just try to be the best damn kitty I can be one day at a time. Here's hoping!!
So...what's yours? <listens comfortably with a grin>
And I mean, I say this as someone who's finally grown tired of expectations, especially for people with some sort of disability like me. 'You should be 100% independent', 'You should have a social life', 'You should be making X figure of money by X lapse of time or else you're useless', 'You should try to be healthy/be more mindful/be demure/take care of your body image', 'You should do all that or else you'll fail at life forever' and blah, blah. Nah, FUCK ALL THAT! Let me live my life how I WANT, at my own PACE, without having to stress about the pressures a mostly abled/neurotypical society puts on people like me.
I'm more than contempt with being a silly smelly skunk online :P
Giggles Just like that cabin dwelling Were Skunk from Regular Show said: "Once you turn skunk, you won't wanna turn back"
Which means that, from now on, I will simply be... unapologetically
ME! I will unapologetically be my entire species! I will be unapologetically stinky, silly, awkward, horny, kinky, naughty, mischievous (pretty much who I already am, lol!) but most importantly, a
skunky skunk! I will absolutely not hold back, and nothing will stop meh! ;D ;D