Would you spank the user above you? (Give reasons why!)

looks up at the ginormo dragon and then at tiny rat-hand
Well, I guess I could try, if someone lifted me up :3
My target's @metatherat? Well definitely...if anyone could use a few good spanks it's that rat!!

<giggles and grabbing the scampering rat by the tail, hangs him upside down and raises his other paw expectantly...>
Oi! All the naughty stuff I do is verminous, and I should be doing that stuff! If anything, I deserve to get spanked for not doing enough verminous stuff :3
...awchwch :3
I would gladly spank, with a gentle touch though, I feel like I'd miss and hit the cactus otherwise.
Yes absolutely, for the crime of eating the hypothetical marmite when I was going to eat the hypothetical marmite!
....does anyone have a ladder? :3
Nyehehe, thank god I was skipped (like I always am in absolutely everything :P)! Pulls grinch grin

Which means that, without the pain of a hypothetical spank, I am able to spank TWICE as hard and for TWICE as long the user above me :P :P
Nyehehe, thank god I was skipped (like I always am in absolutely everything :P)! Pulls grinch grin

Which means that, without the pain of a hypothetical spank, I am able to spank TWICE as hard and for TWICE as long the user above me :P :P
Maybe the skipping was part of my plan all along, teehee!

Beside's, I couldn't spank you, sorry, I hit the cactus.

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