Dragoneer has passed away

I saw this announcement last night on Fur Affinity. Frankly, I didn't know Dragoneer for jack shit, but I did know he was someone you kind of either loved or hated for how they ran Fur Affinity. Nonetheless, he was a human being with a life and feelings, and choices, as valid in every way as our own, and in the end, they have my respect, and their family has my condolences. I may not have known the guy, but I'm nonetheless shaking my head. How many people must keep dying these days? Why is everybody dying? That's horrible to hear how they went, and absolutely disgusting and infuriating to hear how he was handled by the wonderful US healthcare system. Welcome to America. When I saw he had passed, I had hoped that maybe it was a car accident or something, and that it would have been quick. God damn it. Just...God damn it. Dragoneer has my respect as a fellow human being, and if not for how they necessarily ran Fur Affinity, for starting something that changed and touched the lives of so many countless fellow furries for countless years, a place that has meant so much to so many, and a place I myself was never actually part of until a couple years ago, the forums not until their dying days. Thank you, man, and Rest In Peace. I hope they're soaring through the skies as a dragon should now, free from burden, free from pain and worry, and watching over us all in the times ahead. May the ancestors look after you. May they look after us all.

Seeing as people are sharing their (or people they know) experiences with the horrendous US healthcare system, I'll share mine. So about four years ago, I was driving home from work at a different job I used to work (I was a loader at a Lowe's at the time - I helped customers load bags of concrete, lumber, and cinder blocks onto trailers or into their cars, shitty job that sucked absolute ass for the several months I was there, in the Summer, in 100+ degree heat), and I was stuck in an awful traffic jam on an off ramp leading off a highway. Stop, go, stop, go, keep inching the car a few feet each time, you know the type. I was behind some big, black SUV, and they hit their brakes as we were going forward, and so I hit mine, barely avoiding touching their bumper. I was in the middle of griping and bitching when-


Some truck behind me didn't just rear end me, they straight up nailed me right in the ass. Instantly, I was a little dazed and out of it, and it was kind of a strange feeling, wondering if what I thought just happened actually just happened, because I never have accidents. The one car accident I've ever been in in my LIFE to this day. I pulled over, so did the other guy, I got out and asked them if they were okay, everybody was fine. Except me, because the whole time, I was having the weirdest tingly sensation right between my eyes, and the back of my head - my brain had impacted my skull in two places. My truck's rear bumper was smashed right in at a steep angle, frame was a little warped (I'd later find out), but overall, my truck wasn't too bad. Still driveable. The other guy's truck didn't fare so well, the whole front end was all fucked up, bumper and grill hanging off, hood creased and bent, but we both decided not to contact our insurance companies, a stupid decision, honestly, but it's what we did in the heat of the moment. We both just drove off. About halfway home as some discomfort was setting in throughout my neck, and a headache was starting to come on, I didn't even realize, a hat I had been wearing before the accident had come off my head and had literally landed behind the seat, if that tells you how rude the jolt was (and I was dazed enough that I never noticed my hat wasn't on my head anymore). Came home, got a pretty good chewing from my dad for not exchanging insurance. The discomfort in my neck actually went away over the next day, but for a straight week, at least, I had a burning, throbbing headache that just wouldn't go away - a concussion. I had hoped everything would just solve itself in a couple days, and didn't really see the need to go to a hospital at first. After a solid week of this, I finally went to an emergency room. With a headache beating on my head like a drum, I waited for THREE HOURS in a crowded emergency room, sitting on the floor because all the seats were taken. Three HOURS. I finally went back, got asked some questions, and finally got put in some tube-like machine for like thirty seconds or a minute, I don't remember exactly how long, but it was stupidly short. Literally zero effort on anyone's part, the whole visit realistically shouldn't have costed but like $20, if I could pay whatever I thought was fair. So all that was said and done. Three hours of waiting, for such a short actual visit once I went back.


Needless to say, unless I'm literally bleeding out, I'm not going back to a fucking hospital in the US. Even if I'm dying, you know what, fuck it, just let me die, I'm not giving them fuckwads a ridiculous amount of money to scratch their ass. Bury me flipping my middle fingers, I don't care. And you know what's even more bullshit? At the time of the accident, a good friend of mine I had known for a while, someone I actually met here on FurryPile, said I was talking strangely, and that I wasn't being myself. I never knew what they were talking about, not feeling any different, but they insisted, so there's that. Since the accident, I've had a MASSIVE increase in frequency of headaches, no doubt from damage to my brain. Before the accident, I used to get headaches once every several months, at shortest between intervals, and now they're literally a continual thing I battle at least once every week, typically minor and not really a huge deal in themself, and nothing a pill can't normally solve. But still. Also keep in mind, the worst headaches I've ever had in my LIFE have been recently, ones so bad even laying in a completely black room, I'm curled up in bed and clinging to myself, clenching my fists and my whole body is shaking, and it actually feels like I'm going to burn out. I genuinely wonder in these moments if this is it, if this is how I finally go. Perhaps a little dramatic in hindsight, seeing as I'm still alive now, but that's not the point. And you know what's also bullshit? Ever since the accident, I've had back problems. Serious back problems. Not neck problems, but back problems. It never occurred before the accident, but ever since, my back has been extremely stiff, and rapidly becomes very painful after doing even just a little bit of work. Anything labor, my back rapidly becomes inflamed, and it genuinely hurts to the point I can't move. Getting low to the ground to retrieve things I've dropped is always an issue, and often, especially after my back is already sore from doing things, getting up from a sitting position from a couch is also problematic. I literally get up in slow motion, because everything inside of me is flaring straight up, and my back feels like a metal rod going through it. In the past year, I've started having issues with it GOING OUT on me, too. It's almost always when doing something down low, but THREE TIMES in the past year, I've had something in my back go out on me, and I'm in absolute excruciating fucking pain when it happens. Just standing up makes me want to scream, and I have to clutch a cane for dear fucking life, SHAKING and standing still for minutes on end groaning and seething before I can start to move, very, very slowly. Usually clinging to walls for support as I do. Sitting down on a couch just isn't happening when my back goes out, and I have to sit up on a bar stool, and even then, I'm ridiculously uncomfortable and can't sit still. Sitting in a car isn't happening either for about a week, I can't possibly get into one for several days, and even when I finally can, it's very painful and slow. Getting in and out of bed is an absolute nightmare when it happens, too. Laying in bed, It takes me a whole minute just to roll my body from one side to the other, and the pain is ridiculous in doing so. Getting out of bed, I have to very slowly shift towards the edge, and carefully slide off onto my knees clinging to the side of the bed, and very gingerly and slowly stand up from there. THREE TIMES this has happened in the past year, and only in the past year has it started happening. Keep in mind, before the accident, I NEVER had issues with my back, but interestingly, I went to a small sort of checkup place many months ago, and they did a real basic scan, nothing in-depth, but they did find I have 15% Scoliosis, something I never knew I had my whole life.

So seriously - what IS the US healthcare system good for? BullSHIT they found NOTHING all those years ago!
That's exactly what it is. Dragoneer has already died, no matter what happens in the future, he doesn't care anymore. But there is his family, who now have to live with it. And there are thousands of those who are alive right now and suffering right now in the same way. It would be good if their number could really be reduced without stripping the already unhappy people of 3 annual bills for medic "air". No one should leave like that.

Also, no matter how terrible the healthcare system in Russia is, an ambulance can at least be called completely free of charge at any time of the day - this is the minimum that a citizen should receive in our time and completely free of charge.
I didn't like the man much. I won't mourn him, but I won't dance on his grave either. I will say I find the United States' healthcare industry to be fucking revolting and morally repugnant. Not amoral. Not any shade of gray morality. Dirty coal black.

Half of the people involved with health insurance should be shot. The other half should be hanged from the neck until dead.
I didn't like the man much. I won't mourn him, but I won't dance on his grave either. I will say I find the United States' healthcare industry to be fucking revolting and morally repugnant. Not amoral. Not any shade of gray morality. Dirty coal black.

Half of the people involved with health insurance should be shot. The other half should be hanged from the neck until dead.
I still can't believe how many people here think there's nothing wrong with our healthcare system or think having universal healthcare is the worst idea known to man or something, even though we're one of the only first-world countries without it.

My brother is 10 years older than me and has suicidal tendencies. Last time he tried calling the suicide hotline earlier this year, they sent an officer who took him to a hospital. They didn't even do anything to him. He basically sat in an office handcuffed for like 45 minutes, and was then discharged. He was charged $12K and that wasn't including copays and deductibles. For sitting in a fucking room. The police station actually helped him take care of it because they felt bad, but if they didn't, he would've been royally fucked.
I'm surprised it didn't become a more serious step towards suicide, seriously. What. :wait:
Exactly, if you're suicidal or depressed, you can't get help for it because you'll incur debt and it'll make you even more depressed. It's stupid. You should also see how much the simple things like inhalers and insulin are here too. Companies also patent their drugs so they can remain exclusive and charge out the ass for it, and when their patent expires they change the formula just a slight amount so they can repatent it.
Did Canada not realise it wasn't a competition to have the most evil healthcare system?
Canada is a joke, far more so than America in some ways. MAID as a system I am not opposed to if someone genuinely don't want to live anymore and have nothing to live for, it's more of the fact that it's being pushed exceedily hard by the media and the gov for even the slightest inconvenience which is utterly insane.

"Oh, you have the flu or cut yourself with your knife when cutting vegetables? Have you tried our Lord and Saviour MAID system to make the pain go away?"

No clue if these people are competing for being the biggest clowns or what.

But, enough about these topics. This is about Dragoneer, not any particular healthcare system.
Exactly, if you're suicidal or depressed, you can't get help for it because you'll incur debt and it'll make you even more depressed. It's stupid. You should also see how much the simple things like inhalers and insulin are here too. Companies also patent their drugs so they can remain exclusive and charge out the ass for it, and when their patent expires they change the formula just a slight amount so they can repatent it.
oh let me tell you ALL ABOUT INSULIN and Eli fucking Lilly.
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Canada is a joke, far more so than America in some ways. MAID as a system I am not opposed to if someone genuinely don't want to live anymore and have nothing to live for, it's more of the fact that it's being pushed exceedily hard by the media and the gov for even the slightest inconvenience which is utterly insane.

"Oh, you have the flu or cut yourself with your knife when cutting vegetables? Have you tried our Lord and Saviour MAID system to make the pain go away?"

No clue if these people are competing for being the biggest clowns or what.

But, enough about these topics. This is about Dragoneer, not any particular healthcare system.

He made a lot of very poor choices. Seeking medical attention was not one of them and he got thoroughly boned for doing so.

He made a lot of very poor choices. Seeking medical attention was not one of them and he got thoroughly boned for doing so.
As far as I remember he was morbidly obese and had other health issues. Not saying anyone deserve to die, though this as far as I know could've been prevented if people didn't have unhealthy habits and lifestyle.

I wonder who will possibly take over running FA, if IMVU will step in or staff will elect someone else. Or something else entirely.
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As far as I remember he was morbidly obese and had other health issues. Not saying anyone deserve to die, though this as far as I know could've been prevented if people didn't have unhealthy habits and lifestyle.

I wonder who will possibly take over running FA, if IMVU will step in or staff will elect someone else. Or something else entirely.
Same. He may have had someone in line for that. Hoping it wasn't one of the people who habitually used him under the pretense of friendship. Part of why I have been avoiding social media on the matter is because if I see one of those motherfuckers open their yaps about it (and I know who they are) I will get pretty fucking upset.

The deceased tag always fucks with me. I actually had a good friend die and saw their account acquire that tag. It felt very surreal.


Something my ex roommate had done for them. They were a really wonderful person and when me and Ratte learned of their passing it felt very strange and troubling to me. I would never see them again. No one would. The art, their pictures, their fursuit maybe but unlikely, their family possibly and their memory in a sense, but not them.
As far as I remember he was morbidly obese and had other health issues. Not saying anyone deserve to die, though this as far as I know could've been prevented if people didn't have unhealthy habits and lifestyle.
Yaka, this just goes to show that you have zero idea what goes on peoples' heads. Calling people out for being unhealthy is in itself an unhealthy decision. A lot of people don't WANT to be unhealthy. Eating disorders are very much a real thing, same thing with addictions. Things like trauma, depression, and many other factors in peoples' lives will make them go down these paths. It's completely unfair to just say "oh well he was unhealthy anyway", or to anyone for that matter. Not to mention that sometimes things like drugs, alcohol, and food are significantly cheaper than seeking help. What, should people be less allowed to get help if they're in this state? I guarantee you Dragoneer had a lot of things happening in his life and that's why he was the way he was. He didn't get fucking make unhealthy decisions with malicious intent. Nobody does.

I love both of my brothers to death. My other brother (well, technically half brothers, they're both way older than me and we all share the same mom but my two brothers share a different dad) has been clean for a couple years now, but had a major drug and alcohol problem. Most of it stemmed from when he was a kid, when his dad would abuse my brothers when my mom wasn't around (this was before I was born). My mom caught him a couple times doing that to them, and did everything in her power to stop it from happening. It partly attributes to why Dillon has been depressed (not to mention how his friends treat him) today, and it's also what made Cody depressed and resort to heroin and booze. And it took a LOT to get him out of that. So if the healthcare system, or really anybody for that matter, considered my brothers less worthy of treatment because of their health, saying something like "they were unhealthy anyways", even though there's a reason for why they're in the states their in, I'd beat the shit out of whoever says so. Sitting there going "just have a healthy lifestyle" is such an ignorant fucking thing to say when you know nothing about them.

You're lucky I don't know if you in real life, else I would've broke your nose for saying something like that. I would do anything for my brothers and I don't find it fair that other people could get to dictate what happens to them just because of their choices, not giving a shit the reason why they made those choices.
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