Good Things That Happened Recently


Resident Edgelord
26 August 2023
Just like the title says---a thread for us to share positive things that have happened to us recently! It could be within the last day, week, month... it's all fair game. The only rule here is kind of obvious: no putting others down for what they post here. This is a safe space for everyone. I'll go first:

I just paid off a huge chunk of medical debt and plan to make an appointment for an HRT (
Proud Trans Day Of Visibility GIF by Malaea
) consultation today!
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A very good friend of mine made me start taking commissions and so far it hasn't gone terribly wrong, hopefully the start of a new revenue stream and debt paying off!
I'm going to spam you with questionable commissions >:3
I found my over 400 Yu-gi-oh cards.
Awesome Othera! Do they still have that magical scent to them :D
So, I finally got properly medicated. No more panic attacks, and my anxiety got slashed by like 95%. And look ma, no side effects!... Well, except feeling slightly high on occasions. :p
I'm really glad you're getting the right medical help Pomorek! I feel like that sounds like a double win there 😇
I just paid off a huge chunk of medical debt and plan to make an appointment for an HRT (
Proud Trans Day Of Visibility GIF by Malaea
) consultation today!
Wooohoo Steele! Big respect here! I'll be rooting for you :D!


I've played electric guitar for the first time in what feels like forever and didn't think (too much!) about being super productive :3 it was so nice. I feel very calm now after expressing some wordless melodies
Also, my baby chilli plant, grown from seed, has been doing so well this last week.
You'll have to tell me how the planned sauce turns out! :D
I've come to realise what it means to have truly good people in my life.
;w; Nnngh that is absolutely wonderful Unknown! You are a truly good person in my book and deserve nothing less!
My orange laces for my new work shoes I got a few days back finally came in. After some moderate frustration, because I'm utterly inept at re-lacing shoes, I got it done. Also I can't fucking tie loops to save my god damn life. I know they're not laced all the way up, despite being high tops, and that's strategic; by leaving one or two holes undone, I'm able to pull these on and off without untying them, which is big for me, because I HATE the hassle of tying shoes and untying them.

I work at a pizza place, and our colors are gray, black, and orange. We get gray company shirts supplied to us, but we have to supply our own black pants (they have to be black, but what kind is not specified, other than no sweat pants), and our own shoes, which can be any kind and color (preferably dark, but it's not enforced at all), just as long as they are closed-toed, and have good resistance to slipping. My original boots I've had the past couple months (visible in the background, actually) broke down a few days ago when the right heel started coming off, prompting me to buy these el cheapo $23 high tops, because they match our company colors, and I love the look of them. And now they look even better with orange laces to highlight the company theme!


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Not sure if this should go in here, or the venting thread. It's a little bit of both, I guess. So I had a pair of cheap colored glasses coming in I thought were pretty, and will go great with pride month (me being bisexual, of course). After a week of waiting and almost wondering if they were coming in at all, they arrived earlier. Okay, so they are kind of cheap and flimsy, but they look great, I think. Couple minor flaws, though. One was the right nose piece wasn't quite right, but I mangled and pushed on it with my fingers and bent it to where it roughly should be. Annoying, but whatever. And then there's this fucking little scratch on the right lens that pisses me off to no end. It's definitely a scratch, I tried and tried to get it out, and I can feel that it's kind of rough, whatever it is. To be fair, when wearing the glasses, I don't ever actually notice it, and it's just barely out of view, but...AAAAAAAAA, you know?? OCD, man! I'm tempted to send the motherfuckers back JUST for that little flaw, but at the same time, I waited a week for these things, and I'm tired and don't care for the hassle of returning them. It's just like...I can't have nice things, you know? I literally CAN'T have nice things. There's always one, ONE stupid little flaw that always bothers me. I swear it's a family curse. My father has always had that exact issue in his life, too. If anyone's literally cursed, it's him. But seriously, I must be too, because god DAMN it. But I do like how I look in them, and it's in a spot I


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Technically last 2 days, but whatever.

1) The local fruit&veg place had handouts, they gave me a pretty big bag of sweet cherries when I was shopping there!

2) Finally figured out how to set up my bike's suspension so that it works the way I want.

3) Had 2 more occasions to drive a car, successfully!
Discounts, discounts, discounts... And I ended up with boatload of fruits of all kinds. Strawberries, cherries, apples, bananas, apricots, nectarines, oh my!... Gotta stop chomping on them at some point as I might get sick from the excess.
About few months ago I got a warning that my email for my game Elder Scrolls Online (among a few others) might have been leaked and compromised. In my panic, I changed email of those games to a new email address, but my smooth brain forgot Elder Scrolls Online. I didn't even realize it, until a few months AFTER I deleted the old email. My account was stuck and I was admittedly SUPER worried that I might lose everything.

But ! I managed to recover it with help of the customer support, so all's good now~

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