Last Post Wins ][: The Resurgence

I don't want to brag, but RB Mergansers are the fastest ducks in the world! In straight and level flight, we've been clocked at 80 miles per hour (129 km/h). 100 mp/h (161 km/h) if you adjust for wind.
Wait a minute!! Mergansers are not bunnies!! :O
or are they?
stares at your butt to see if you have a tufty tail there
Aww hell yeah :D EndlessAnnoyance! It's so nice you returned to call us all a bunch of mean names!

We almost suspected you might've suddenly become a non-furry, but really, we didn't, since we know you too well. We actually thought you went on a grand FURRY CON TOUR, to sniff skunk butts and become even more furry :3

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