Post the Last Thing You Laughed At

I guess it's kind of funny? It's funny to me, anyway.

So let me explain the context of this image. Earlier, when I was picking up a co worker of mine (I do it virtually every day, and have for about a month and a half now), on my way to them, I got a text from them. What I THOUGHT it said, because I was skimming over it while I was driving down the road, was they were asking if I could pick a couple of their friends and bring them to a gas station AT 7 later in the day, because apparently their mother was out of gas or some shit. Frankly, in general, I've been hoping this co worker would kind of ween off riding with me by now, as I'd have hoped they'd get their car working by now and be able to drive themself, and when I saw this, I thought "oh lord" as I thought I was kind of falling into the cycle of just being everyone's damn chauffeur. And so, I hastily came up with an excuse, because I just don't like confrontations. I came up with having to be out of town for a few hours at that time loading a tractor onto a trailer in one town, and then clearing branches from a property on another, and wouldn't be back until right before it was time to pick the one co worker back up and bring him home - but I did offer to at least bring his friends along the way, if they still needed a ride. I didn't want to have to get out twice in one day giving rides to two different groups of people, but if everybody was along in one go...okay...I guess I'd do that. WELL - I completely misread the text. What he actually said was, he was asking if I could bring a couple of his friends as we were heading to work and drop them off at a Seven Eleven which was right down the road. I mean...they can walk, right...but okay. I didn't really have a problem with this. It was cramped as fuck with FOUR of us in a two seater truck, but it didn't take but a minute to get them where they needed to go.

BUT - at this point, my little unnecessary lie was what it was, and now I just had to stick with it and see it through. So before it was time to pick the co worker back up after his shift a minute ago and bring him home, I changed clothes into some older ones, wore my old hat I used to wear for years until about a couple years ago (which is covered in dirt and looks perfect as a work hat), and I took a red marker and carefully dotted along my arm in a few places, doing some bathroom Hollywood makeup bullshit to look like scratches along my arm, noting that true scratches aren't usually solid across, but rather dotted where something is pressing against the skin and skipping. I also took a black colored pencil and sort of marked along my arm to attempt to make it look like dirt, but this is essentially invisible, that part didn't turn out so well. But I was rather pleased with the fake scratches. Not perfect, but since we were driving as it was getting dark out, it was totally fine. But yeah. Fake scratches, a dirty hat, and old clothes just to keep up a lie I told, and didn't even mean to because I misread something and didn't want to do it.


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