Predators Vs. Prey


Of me in a skunk bathing suit?
How did it feel to wear that cute pink, polka-dotted bikini?
So the skunk is not nearly as appreciated as the rat, then. I see
Oh come here Spilo hugs tight

I'm not sure what triggers these moments of desparation in you buddy~ mmmhm nor if the following will be of any help, but damn it if I didn't at least try to make you feel better!

I think, here amongst the shenanigan furrs, the most of us would be hard pressed to deny that we appreciate the rat a lot. To give him credit, he has given us many a fantastical and humorous situation that has sparked fun shenanigans.
But this by no means means that we don't appreciate you Spilo! If you can, don't compare yourself too much to him. I'd certainly feel overwhelmed trying to one-up his distinct style of linguistic humour! Look towards yourself Spilo, ignore the others, and think of what makes you unique and build upon that <3

It's not always easy... well for me at least, I tend to doubt myself a lot. Just recently I sat infront of my computer with a brick in my head, thinking to myself that any input of mine would ruin the fun, longing to take part but unable to find anything clever or funny to say, thinking for what felt like hours before replying... I felt terrible. It took a lot of courage, since at that time I felt like a nuisance to all and everyting, to reach out to a furrfriend and tell them how overlooked I felt. What ensued was comforting, understanding, kindness and a a puddle of my own tears ;w; nngnngnngn <3

You're in a tough situation at the moment. Due to your studies you can't be around as much as you used to. I can only imagine how it must feel seeing a bunch of fun scenareos long since passed, scenareos which, perhaps, you would've loved to be a part of~
To give Bun Buns comment an unexpected poetic twist: we have kept the memory, the memory of our skunk pal Spilo, and just because he's not as active as he once was doesn't mean we've forgotten him :3 it's alright Spilo. I for one can't wait to hear you've passed your studies! And if you also sometimes have a hard time joining in the fun as I do on a bad day, just know it's alright.

If help is needed and I'm around, I'll certainly help with a good old classic butt-sniffing joke to ease the entry ^w^ just use the magic power of @ summoning. Like so:


*looks at @EndlessAnnoyance *
See son uou butt sniffing can be wholesome. You always twist it into something else, pervert


You're a good furrpal Spilo :3 and sorry if this long text made things awkward ^w^;
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looks at Spilo's paws intensly
And don't you dare think of writing the false claim that there's nothing unique and special about you ÒwÓ

Though if you need some input on unique skunkness just say ^w^
cuddles Spilo warmly

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