Predators Vs. Prey

But you would do it for @metatherat, even if he put the same effort as me, you would make a rodent OC in honor of @metatherat, you would change sides for @metatherat...

How much you wanna bet you'll do those first for him?

5 PVP Drachmas :P :P

/s /s
my icon right now is meant to show my anger at FA's horse and how i want to cut their limbs off, so i cannot have characters right now
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my icon right now is meant to show my anger at FA's horse and how i want to cut their limbs off, so i cannot have characters right now
I hope you feel a little bit better Ben :( anger is a thing unable to be saturated. I do love reading the anger though x3 you have a macabre way of expressing it

Also @Spilo uou I could also be all indignant about you ignoring my beautiful Skunk-Dog transformation self x3

Which, since I am one atm and they can be very predatory


Anyone? X3
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-1 if this goes through, cannot edit score because of connection issues

but, preys on my targets, pinning then down, stapleing their limbs to a table, then pulling their hooves off by inserting a multitool knife under then, and refilling my glueself with their suffering and connective tissue

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