Predators Vs. Prey

reads update thing tomorrow
What about a flipper to flipper weapon? :P
(that's neat! wonders where the merfolk came from in the story)
not sure if they could put weapons on their flippers, but they defend themselves from larger predators by making sharp turns and tryinf to disoriente them, like rotating a shark, and this means they are not likely to get dizzy(a hunting technique that requires brainpower rather then body features to help explain why they have human sized brains)

(for the second part, from the start of the story they come from the respapeing of reality because of mispoking discord role reacts and using a super reaction (last years ones) over a normal one while reality was for some reason unstable

later in the story, they are formed from the "magic" compounds of the story growing on a human body, probably shouldn't wall o text here about it)
(for the second part, from the start of the story they come from the respapeing of reality because of mispoking discord role reacts and using a super reaction (last years ones) over a normal one while reality was for some reason unstable
eep. You have to be careful with those super reactions :O
looks at super reaction suspiciously
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eep. You have to be careful with those super reactions :O
looks at super reaction suspiciously
i first got the idea when you only got 5 reacts and it was very easy to mess them up, on top of that, in one merfolk based server i am in on discord, it was hard for me to tell apparently the different characters to select roles(i never decided if the character had by chance poked the right role if the world would stay the same, or if it would just of been a tf story and not a tftg story)
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