Shower Thoughts

On a similar note about swear words, why is 'bugger' usually considered significantly less vulgar than 'fuck' and even 'shit'? You'd think a word with such an explicit meaning would be up there, but instead it's a common expression of annoyance or frustration which hardly bats an eye and is hardly ever censored on TV, even during the restrictive 60s and 70s.
Etymologically, 'Fuck' comes from a Swedish word, 'Fock' meaning 'Penis'. Meanwhile, 'Bugger' is actually derived from 'Bulgarian', based on the mistaken idea that Bulgarians were Eastern Orthodox Christians, and therefore considered heretics who got up to all kinds of depraved things. The sexual connotations arose from the idea that this was the kind of thing Eastern Orthodox got up to (obviously a total fabrication based on prejudice), but the word 'Bugger' has always had a much more lax interpretation than the word 'Fuck', possibly because different bigots imagined those crazy Bulgarians getting up to different things. By comparison, 'Fuck' was always sexual at its very root.

That'd be my guess, anyway.

It's also worth noting that Bugger is an English swearword, and many Americans had no idea what it meant until relatively recently. Compare also 'Wank'.
Etymologically, 'Fuck' comes from a Swedish word, 'Fock' meaning 'Penis'. Meanwhile, 'Bugger' is actually derived from 'Bulgarian', based on the mistaken idea that Bulgarians were Eastern Orthodox Christians, and therefore considered heretics who got up to all kinds of depraved things. The sexual connotations arose from the idea that this was the kind of thing Eastern Orthodox got up to (obviously a total fabrication based on prejudice), but the word 'Bugger' has always had a much more lax interpretation than the word 'Fuck', possibly because different bigots imagined those crazy Bulgarians getting up to different things. By comparison, 'Fuck' was always sexual at its very root.

That'd be my guess, anyway.

It's also worth noting that Bugger is an English swearword, and many Americans had no idea what it meant until relatively recently. Compare also 'Wank'.

Ah, that makes sense. Ah yes, I have heard of the etymology (grrr, people making swear words out of other people's nationalities is so dumb)
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Ah, that makes sense. Ah yes, I have heard of the etymology (grrr, people making swear words out of other people's nationalities is so dumb)
That's also why it's not considered politically correct to use the term 'Gypsy' any more. We say 'Traveller' or 'Migrant' instead. Gypsy is a corruption of 'Egyptian'.
America's national sport isn't really football. That's basically just the British sport of Rugby, but with body armour.

It isn't baseball either. That's just the British sport 'Rounders' with body armour and a slightly longer bat.

America's national sport is Lacrosse. Not only was it invented in America, but it's been played there for almost a thousand years, starting with the indigenous peoples who lived there long before the USA was formed. It was played on pitches that could be several miles long, too!

If it makes you feel better, you can play it in body armour?
Here's a thought...What would society look like if:

Humanity could only have ONE orgasm in their entire life. If it's wasted in a silly meaningless way, it's gone for good. The male and female would feel 1 thousand times as good however, the orgasm mind-blowing and lasting for the entire day, ever cell feeling unimaginable joy while the brain feels pure uncontrolled joy, every molecule of serotonin soaking deep as for the entire day you feel incredible pleasure beyond all reason.....until it's over.

What would the world look like with that kind of sexual limitation? Would relationships survive? How does one hold back for the "special" person? If deciding to release solo, how would one prepare for the once-in-a-lifetime event? etc...
Here's a thought...What would society look like if:

Humanity could only have ONE orgasm in their entire life. If it's wasted in a silly meaningless way, it's gone for good. The male and female would feel 1 thousand times as good however, the orgasm mind-blowing and lasting for the entire day, ever cell feeling unimaginable joy while the brain feels pure uncontrolled joy, every molecule of serotonin soaking deep as for the entire day you feel incredible pleasure beyond all reason.....until it's over.

What would the world look like with that kind of sexual limitation? Would relationships survive? How does one hold back for the "special" person? If deciding to release solo, how would one prepare for the once-in-a-lifetime event? etc...
Ooh I love hypotheticals! Here's my guess.

So, humans would need to have developed in a significantly different way for this to be possible.

Firstly, men would need to have a completely different sexual drive, otherwise they'd probably masturbate their way to infertility not long after they hit puberty.

Secondly, female fertility would need to be higher. Relatively few couplings actually result in pregnancy and, especially before modern medical science came along, many more of those pregnancies ended in tragedy. Women would therefore also need to produce children in large litters - even ten at a time probably wouldn't be enough to maintain a breeding population. Men would likely need to instinctively know when a woman was ovulating too, or ovulation would need to be close to constant (which would be a massive drain on resources and require significant changes to the menstrual cycle).

Thirdly, there'd need to be more males around than females. A woman does not need to orgasm to become pregnant.

I can't see the human species surviving otherwise.

Relationships, evolutionarily speaking, are not just about reproduction. If the male could only breed once, they would be strongly incentivised to take care of any offspring that they did manage to produce. The female would still find it very useful to have a non-pregnant person around to help out during her pregnancy. I'd therefore say that relationships would be much stronger, at least until the offspring reached college age. In fact, while there would be no sexual impetus for a male to stay with a female, there would also be no reason for him to go looking for a new mate either. Therefore, male infidelity would be almost nonexistent and female infidelity would be significantly higher and much less stigmatised, since people would know that it wasn't about lust or sexual attraction but about a woman having a second chance at reproduction. Male infidelity, on the other hand, would be a capital crime.

In fact, it wouldn't be surprising if men were to become sexually non-jealous and form male 'harems' for a single female rather than a 'traditional' family unit, since having more providers around would benefit everybody's offspring.

All that being said, it's worth noting that in some species that famously do breed only once - i.e. social bees - the male dies soon after mating anyway. For a male bee, part of sex is ripping your own dick and organs out to plug up the queen's lady hole so she can't have sex with anyone else! Ow.
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I've been reading a bit more about Native Americans recently, and found another tidbit I thought I'd share.

It seems that some tribes had a practice of 'Counting Coup'. This was when a warrior would go into battle armed not with a spear, bow, tomahawk or club, but with a 'Coup Stick'. There were many forms for this item; here's a typical one:


You might notice that it doesn't look very threatening. And it's not. The point of the coup stick was not to injure your opponent, but humiliate him by riding up to him, touching him lightly with the tip of the stick, and riding off again without being hurt yourself. This they would do over and over again until the enemy was so embarrassed at not being able to dispatch his opponent that he would literally give up the fight, possibly in case the skilful warrior came back and did the same thing with a real weapon. This rewarded the courageous coup-counter with a totally bloodless victory.

It's the equivalent of arming a battalion of marines with paintball guns.

And I thought to myself, it must take real guts to go LARPing on an actual battlefield!

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