NSFW The corrupted wish game, NSFW allowed

Granted, but all this vampire behaviour around horses forever keeps the possibility out of reach that a horse joins this forum, something greatly desired by many (probably due to horse back riding being so fun and no other reasons :3)

I wish there was an active Mule on the forum!
Granted, but he turns out to be like a mega incel nazi, and all he does is spout phrases and talking points he learned off Twitter.

I wish that the active Mule found furriness in his heart and stopped acting like a damn chatbot.
Granted! But before the mule does that or even before he arrives to the forums, you get fined for illegal horse neck blood drinking and also loses all the prey's trust who point at him and say "OMG Predation :O"

Once @metatherat is thrown into jail the new resident mule arrives, safe from blood drinkers like that evil rat

I wish furries were furrier
You do, but it's Chuumon, and he steals stuff from your pantry.
Oh, I need to corrupt it somehow... uhhh.... you also lose your wallet.

I wish I too had Chuumon as a friend :3
Granted but he also steals your wallet (though he says that it's merely a coincidence that happens where ever he goes).

I wish Chuumon would not be my friend anymore :( or at least seek councelling for kleptomania
He does, but that means that he attends a thievery class at the local thieves' guild and becomes even better at stealing your wallet.

I wish Chuumon will be satisfied being my friend although I do not have a wallet any more
They do, but this consists of a police officer cruising past Chuumon in his cruiser and giving him the finger while shouting "Fuck you, Chuumon!".

I wish Chuumon stopped telling that story to everyone he meets, it's getting a bit repetitive.
Granted, but now he keeps telling everyone the stories in which he stole their wallets, making every furson rather annoyed.

I wish Chuumon good luck in the hospital after he pushed his luck too many times!
Granted, we could! But for some reason we don't, we just stand about like a bunch of idiots going 'doodedoo, du duduu. I am so smrt' while the machines eat stuff.

I wish I worked for a rodent detective agency irl
Granted! But the filing of cases is rather difficult: do chew marks mean "evidence" and why does this one smell awefully much like urine?

I wish the rodent detective agency would pay for rodent language courses as part of their job package.

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