The user above you has gone to the hospital. Why?

Tried making said fursuit, but the small size made it so fiddly, that you accidentally sewed into your elephant paw! D:
(I resepect the craft though :3)
MY PAW ! YOUCH !! How could you Wuffy ! I trusted you !!

Severe static electric shock!

I told you not to rub the fabrics like that!
Attempted electric boogaloo challenge by poking a fork inside an electric socket
MY PAW ! YOUCH !! How could you Wuffy ! I trusted you !!
Sorry Jin D: I don't make the rules; I follow dog barks ^w^
Got an electrocuted elephant flopping on top of you
Got overrun by scientists wanting to know how many volts you got and if the shock changed any of your behaviour! (Clearly ignoring the fact that you don't normally live in a hospital)

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