Unpopular Opinions

Dude I fucking love Coffeezilla's videos lol. Everyone always like "I'm glad to work with Coffeezilla on my crypto scam" until they get caught and suddenly they do a complete 180 and start to despise him.
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View: https://youtu.be/hiFSOdctfBU?si=k1LqcuzixokZcKKJ

I wanna add more, lol
  • "This time it's different !"
  • "Everything is a scam, but not this !"
  • "I'm going to sue him for defamation !"
I love how Logan Paul said he was gonna pay everyone back that he scammed and instead he used the money to launch a bunch of shitty products like Prime and Lunchly.

One of my biggest pet peeves. People who intentionally are lazy, or intentionally skip out pulling their weight with tasks; which causes you to have to work harder and longer hours. I hate how that’s become the norm. Laziness is rewarded with less work to do. Hard work is rewarded with having to do more work. Why has this become the norm!?

[/end rant]

One of my biggest pet peeves. People who intentionally are lazy, or intentionally skip out pulling their weight with tasks; which causes you to have to work harder and longer hours. I hate how that’s become the norm. Laziness is rewarded with less work to do. Hard work is rewarded with having to do more work. Why has this become the norm!?

[/end rant]
Well that’s how it is with most content creators. Their merch is trash. The only exception off the top of my head is makeup YouTubers, don’t use makeup myself in fact I’m pretty sure someone earlier agrees but I don’t like makeup…but I must admit it seems they at least put forth effort.
I mean when it comes to merch some creators do have decent merch.. I know shark robot and vivziepop have some decent merch. Plush shop the one I ordered was great quality, albeit took 4 months to arrive. Being a guy I watch a lot of car videos on Youtube and some of the merch I ordered has been top notch, Puddinsfabshop, David Freiburger and Pole Barn Garage merch was super high quality.

anyways my unpopular opinion is Taco Bell is actually decent food for the price, even if it has stomach side effects sometimes..LOL
Another derivative on self-image and the like: Home ownership.

A lot of people seem to treat it as some standard status symbol or a route to independence, or some expectation that everyone has a space exclusive to themselves.

Reality is, most people shouldn't be owning their own homes, especially single people. Home ownership is a privilege with a massive responsibility, not a right.

If this comes off as harsh and elitist... I've had to manage two at the same time, while still having a job. In winter. I've been dealing with home emergencies for two weeks straight, including a once-a-decade blizzard that's caused me to have to snowblow for four fucking days in a row. And I only JUST had a mental breakdown over it. I can absolutely guarantee the vast majority of people can't handle ONE home emergency, let alone two weeks of them.

The next time I see someone whining about home ownership, I swear I'll go ballistic.
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Another derivative on self-image and the like: Home ownership.

A lot of people seem to treat it as some standard status symbol or a route to independence, or some expectation that everyone has a space exclusive to themselves.

Reality is, most people shouldn't be owning their own homes, especially single people. Home ownership is a privilege with a massive responsibility, not a right.

If this comes off as harsh and elitist... I've had to manage two at the same time, while still having a job. In winter. I've been dealing with home emergencies for two weeks straight, including a once-a-decade blizzard that's caused me to have to snowblow for four fucking days in a row. And I only JUST had a mental breakdown over it. I can absolutely guarantee the vast majority of people can't handle ONE home emergency, let alone two weeks of them.

The next time I see someone whining about home ownership, I swear I'll go ballistic.
And I thought I had issues with blocked drainage and occasional cracked plaster.

I can see your point, it'd be hard to argue that home ownership isn't a huge responsibility, and I certainly won't try. I own my home and I know what it can be like.

I will say that it is, at the very least, perhaps a good goal to strive for to be able to give people access to their own exclusive space should they need one. I've known people who are unable to advance their intrests, ambitions and aspirations due to being forced to occupy a space shared by others.

Is that a danger to their life? Is it a base need that must be fulfilled? No, it's not, it's not an issue of the same caliber as food, warmth and health. But I'd say it's beneficial, once those base needs are met, to be able to give people access to those exclusive spaces.

You can argue that a bedroom in your parent's house can supply that space, though I will say that I've greatly appreciated the level of control I have of my environment, now that I have my own home, and you don't get that if you still live with your parents.

I do agree with you though, home ownership has been presented as some key status symbol you must acquire, otherwise you've somehow failed. There should be no shame attached to living with parents or extended family. I also think trying to get people exclusive spaces will also be rather beneficial, though I do appeciate there's a lot of things to consider.

Also, if you share a home with complete arses, that can have a serious negative impact on you.

Sorry to hear about your breakdown, I hope life gives you a break and some time to recover.
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Okay, it's been a while. Time to take a century of nutrition science and just chuck it in the trash bin with this one.

Humans are not omnivores. They are obligate carnivores.

Some of this one is due to a bit of soul-searching on the fact that I literally can't seem to eat vegetables without horrendous side effects anymore. Some of it is watching this country get even fatter despite more and more plant-based superfoods.

This one's also made easier by the fact that an obligate carnivore is only required to base their main nutrition around meat and animal products, and have trouble eating plants properly. They are not required to avoid eating plants entirely. Which means alligators still count despite snatching soft-bodied fruits on occasion (though to be fair, fruit is generally a plant's peace offering anyway, easier to stomach than the main body of the plant).
Okay, it's been a while. Time to take a century of nutrition science and just chuck it in the trash bin with this one.

Humans are not omnivores. They are obligate carnivores.

Some of this one is due to a bit of soul-searching on the fact that I literally can't seem to eat vegetables without horrendous side effects anymore. Some of it is watching this country get even fatter despite more and more plant-based superfoods.

This one's also made easier by the fact that an obligate carnivore is only required to base their main nutrition around meat and animal products, and have trouble eating plants properly. They are not required to avoid eating plants entirely. Which means alligators still count despite snatching soft-bodied fruits on occasion (though to be fair, fruit is generally a plant's peace offering anyway, easier to stomach than the main body of the plant).
I have to disagree with you on this.

You cannot base on just you, individually, having very bad issues with vegetables, or just your country 'getting fatter' despite plant-based foods being more available, to counter a fact.

Humans are omnivores. And it is entirely possible to survive on only vegetables.

In Vietnam, the monks are vegans. They do not eat meats or animal products, only rice, vegetables and fruits.
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Okay, it's been a while. Time to take a century of nutrition science and just chuck it in the trash bin with this one.

Humans are not omnivores. They are obligate carnivores.

Some of this one is due to a bit of soul-searching on the fact that I literally can't seem to eat vegetables without horrendous side effects anymore. Some of it is watching this country get even fatter despite more and more plant-based superfoods.

Sooo...because YOU can't eat any, HUMANS aren't omnivores?

By that logic, my lover's allergic to cats and thus all cats are the enemy of humanity. LOL
I have to disagree with you on this.

You cannot base on just you, individually, having very bad issues with vegetables, or just your country 'getting fatter' despite plant-based foods being more available, to counter a fact.

Humans are omnivores. And it is entirely possible to survive on only vegetables.

In Vietnam, the monks are vegans. They do not eat meats or animal products, only rice, vegetables and fruits.
I'll get to more detail on this if you really need me to go that route, but the very fact that I can't handle them and had to soul-search to figure out why I can't led me into some unexpected research holes involving nutrients.

I don't know how nutritional studies work in Vietnam if they're done at all - has there been any attempt to ascertain the nutrient intake those monks get or any recurring health issues they have? There's quite a few nutrients that are difficult if not impossible to get without any meat or dairy (and American vegans wind up very deficient on them as a result, whether they admit it or not).

....and the irony that I talk about nutrients despite the comment about throwing out a century of nutritional science is not lost on me. Americans are blindly taught to practically worship plant foods and carbohydrates and... take a look at the number of health problems we have as a society (this part's the reason nutrient deficiencies matter). At some point, something has to give.

Sooo...because YOU can't eat any, HUMANS aren't omnivores?

By that logic, my lover's allergic to cats and thus all cats are the enemy of humanity. LOL
The actual opinion doesn't really convey how long I've been trying to force myself to believe that humans can tolerate veggies. After a certain point, you just kind of give up on it. This is not one of those opinions that makes me know better than others, this is one where I'm just tired of being BSed.

And the cat example may not exactly be a stellar example of the same logic. Think about cat behavior around humans compared to, say, dog behavior. Did we ever really domesticate cats, or did they simply decide to tolerate humans' presence?
I'll get to more detail on this if you really need me to go that route, but the very fact that I can't handle them and had to soul-search to figure out why I can't led me into some unexpected research holes involving nutrients.

I don't know how nutritional studies work in Vietnam if they're done at all - has there been any attempt to ascertain the nutrient intake those monks get or any recurring health issues they have? There's quite a few nutrients that are difficult if not impossible to get without any meat or dairy (and American vegans wind up very deficient on them as a result, whether they admit it or not).

....and the irony that I talk about nutrients despite the comment about throwing out a century of nutritional science is not lost on me. Americans are blindly taught to practically worship plant foods and carbohydrates and... take a look at the number of health problems we have as a society (this part's the reason nutrient deficiencies matter). At some point, something has to give.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any researches or studies specifically on possible health issues with the monks, just general benefits and cautions with vegan/vegetarian eating... but I believe they don't have much (or any, for that matter).

I don't know exactly why your body cannot handle vegetables and what issues you have when trying to eat them, but I'm pretty sure it has to do with your physical health. My dad used to be able to eat cucumbers all the time, but now if he so much as eating just one, he gets horribly painful stomachache ; turns out he has gastroesophageal reflux disease. Not really necessary to 'soul-search' as you put it.

And the cat example may not exactly be a stellar example of the same logic. Think about cat behavior around humans compared to, say, dog behavior. Did we ever really domesticate cats, or did they simply decide to tolerate humans' presence?
I think what Mambi is trying to say is simply the same as what I said above : you can't really base on just yourself to speak for everyone else. You cannot handle vegetables, doesn't mean everyone else also cannot. His significant other is allergic to cats (sneezing or getting itchy around cats, maybe ?), doesn't mean everyone else is also allergic to cats. Not much to do with cat/dog behaviors.
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The actual opinion doesn't really convey how long I've been trying to force myself to believe that humans can tolerate veggies. After a certain point, you just kind of give up on it. This is not one of those opinions that makes me know better than others, this is one where I'm just tired of being BSed.

But you haven't been doing that at all. You're not trying to force yourself to believe HUMANS can tolerate vegetables; you're forcing yourself to believe YOU can tolerate vegetables. YOU were unable to do so, but that's 100% YOU, not the vegetable and certainly not the failing of human genetics in general. The mere existence of healthy vegans prove you wrong, sorry. Frankly, your health issue only speak for yourself, not others and certainly not the world.

And the cat example may not exactly be a stellar example of the same logic. Think about cat behavior around humans compared to, say, dog behavior. Did we ever really domesticate cats, or did they simply decide to tolerate humans' presence?

They just tollerate us but that has absolutely nothing to do with the point. What you wrote is literally no different than saying "COVID isn't real because I never personally got it", or "Gays don't exist because I personally never wanted to sleep with the same sex". You can't just take a sample size of ONE (you) and extrapolate it to the planet. That's bad science.

To put it simple, HUMANITY doesn't have an issue with veggies...YOU do. Me, I love my carrots and potatoes and salads and I'm pretty sure I'm not a mutant. <giggle>
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The only person bullshitting you is yourself Firuthi. The owning a home thing was provocative but hey, it's your opinion. This latest tirade?

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Look at fucking human dentition. Holy shit. That ALONE. The cold brutality of the universe doesn't suffer fools long and I can only imagine how the hell you got this far. God watches out for drunks and fools I guess.

There's an unpopular opinion for you. Shit like this should not be addressed politely. It's pants on head denial of plainly obvious shit because YOU IN PARTICULAR DON'T LIKE THING and frankly that should be MOCKED because it's dumb, arrogant and pathetic. Willful stupidity should be the mark of a fucking pariah.

You are not an obligate carnivore, you have fucking IBS. The health issues associated with an obligate carnivore diet are many and pretty severe at times. You are the kind of person who has not been put in their place NEARLY often enough and it shows.
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The only person bullshitting you is yourself Firuthi. The owning a home thing was provocative but hey, it's your opinion. This latest tirade?

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Look at fucking human dentition. Holy shit. That ALONE. The cold brutality of the universe doesn't suffer fools long and I can only imagine how the hell you got this far. God watches out for drunks and fools I guess.

There's an unpopular opinion for you. Shit like this should not be addressed politely. It's pants on head denial of plainly obvious shit because YOU IN PARTICULAR DON'T LIKE THING and frankly that should be MOCKED because it's dumb, arrogant and pathetic. Willful stupidity should be the mark of a fucking pariah.

You are not an obligate carnivore, you have fucking IBS. The health issues associated with an obligate carnivore diet are many and pretty severe at times. You are the kind of person who has not been put in their place NEARLY often enough and it shows.

The only person doing a tirade here is you, Tycho.

PC Master approached this with some civility and trying to explain. Mambi, well... there is no simple way to get into my head to explain why I believe like this and what truly led up to a drastic take like this, so Mambi's responses actually make sense given that context.

You, on the other hand.

Presuming a disorder? Check. Calling names? Check. Swearing up a storm because you can't handle what someone else says? Check, check, check.

Rein yourself in, dude. In trying to put me in my place, you merely expose yourself as being the idiot.

PC Master, Mambi, I am willing to try to address what led up to a take like mine... but not here.
The comorbidity of ASD and IBS is incredibly high compared to neurotypical people and it is infinitely more plausible than you being an obligate carnivore.
The comorbidity of ASD and IBS is incredibly high compared to neurotypical people and it is infinitely more plausible than you being an obligate carnivore.
Right to the point, simple alternative, no cussing. That's more like it. Thanks for taking the time to come back with a more level-headed counter.

I'll actually bring that one up with the doctor. I have other things to bring up with them anyway given another issue that's been on my mind (that also seems to have a high IBS rate).

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