Unpopular Opinions

I really don’t like country music. I’ve tried to like it to make some people I know happy, but I’ll never be converted to it. Guess I’m just not a good ole boy…

…I don’t get NASCAR either. What’s the appeal of watching people drive in large ovals at high speeds for hours at a time? Now if they were shooting at each other while driving or trying to demolish the other vehicles in a Mad Max kind of way, maybe I could get into it… 🤔
I really don’t like country music. I’ve tried to like it to make some people I know happy, but I’ll never be converted to it. Guess I’m just not a good ole boy…

…I don’t get NASCAR either. What’s the appeal of watching people drive in large ovals at high speeds for hours at a time? Now if they were shooting at each other while driving or trying to demolish the other vehicles in a Mad Max kind of way, maybe I could get into it… 🤔
Do any other forms of racing interest you? Like Rally racing or maybe F1?
Two different things...

1 - When it comes to long-ranged attacks like with guns, bows or crossbows, I like to see the projectile travel from my char to the targe. I guess this is why I'm not really a fan of long-ranged weapons in Torchlight 2, where the projectiles seem to instantly hit the target rather than traveling the distance. Instead I much prefer, say, Grim Dawn or Titan Quest.

2 - I'm really not a fan of boss fights where you have tons of minions piling up on you. The boss already has insane health and do crazy damage (and/or sometimes has multiple phases). Having minions in just feels super unnecessary and not a good idea for me. Unless the game has some sort of "fight for your life" mode like in Borderlands or Guild Wars 2 (if you manage to kill something while dying, you can actually get back up), or if the boss ACTUALLY relies on the minions in the fight, then I prefer to just 1v1.
Two different things...

1 - When it comes to long-ranged attacks like with guns, bows or crossbows, I like to see the projectile travel from my char to the targe. I guess this is why I'm not really a fan of long-ranged weapons in Torchlight 2, where the projectiles seem to instantly hit the target rather than traveling the distance. Instead I much prefer, say, Grim Dawn or Titan Quest.

2 - I'm really not a fan of boss fights where you have tons of minions piling up on you. The boss already has insane health and do crazy damage (and/or sometimes has multiple phases). Having minions in just feels super unnecessary and not a good idea for me. Unless the game has some sort of "fight for your life" mode like in Borderlands or Guild Wars 2 (if you manage to kill something while dying, you can actually get back up), or if the boss ACTUALLY relies on the minions in the fight, then I prefer to just 1v1.
Regarding point 1: I know in the old days of first-person shooters, some game engines couldn't even handle projectile travel time. And for a while afterward, weaker weapons still did do the "instantly hit" thing (the term that shooters use for it is "hitscan") as a game balance issue. Nowadays I think they only do it if they're specifically trying to emulate the feel of the older games as processing power has improved by leaps and bounds since then.

But that's only the first-person genre. With many MMOs, making the projectile instantly hit is generally a thing done to counter latency.

Regarding point 2: I've seen a few boss fights where you have to throw the minions to hit the boss. "Turtles in Time" (SNES version) is the case that usually comes to mind for me. Aside from that, I think most of the time they only do the "minions piling up" boss these days to show that the boss in question is a coward, or because the minions drop health and resources for the player.
Regarding point 1: I know in the old days of first-person shooters, some game engines couldn't even handle projectile travel time. And for a while afterward, weaker weapons still did do the "instantly hit" thing (the term that shooters use for it is "hitscan") as a game balance issue. Nowadays I think they only do it if they're specifically trying to emulate the feel of the older games as processing power has improved by leaps and bounds since then.

But that's only the first-person genre. With many MMOs, making the projectile instantly hit is generally a thing done to counter latency.
Well the games I mentioned (Torchlight 2, Grim Dawn, Titan Quest) are top-down hack-and-slash type, same as Diablo, not FPS... and in terms of MMOs, I know Guild Wars 2 and Elder Scrolls Online still show the projectile travel. But, well, it's just my personal preference, not make-or-break for me, fortunately.

Regarding point 2: I've seen a few boss fights where you have to throw the minions to hit the boss. "Turtles in Time" (SNES version) is the case that usually comes to mind for me. Aside from that, I think most of the time they only do the "minions piling up" boss these days to show that the boss in question is a coward, or because the minions drop health and resources for the player.
In my experience with some of the games, said bosses are actually not cowards, they come at you like a train and hit like a truck, and have lots of health... and the minions actually don't drop anything or give EXP, because then I feel that the players might decide to stall the fight just to farm the minions instead.
Now, if the minions are super easy to kill, just need 2-3 hits to go down, then I can kind of give it a pass... but, usually, they're not, so it just gets annoying.
A popular streamer once said that the phrase "It's just a game" was a weak mindset. This touched off a bit of a storm on social media.

The thing is... I agree with him when it comes to competitive online games. But for me, my reasoning is a bit different than his - it comes from watching the behavior of people who spout "it's just a game". Anyone I've met in a game who says "it's just a game", especially mid-match... has been either toxic or incompetent, spending more time running their mouths than playing properly. Whereas my entire pool of decent gamers has come from people who take the game at least a little seriously.

Part of the problem might be because I was more in sports during my high school and college years. High school and college sports may not amount to much, but one thing they taught in my days of school is that "you win with class, you lose with class".

It's a level of professionalism you don't see anywhere near often enough in the world. It also would explain why I so badly detest the people that use slurs or mock other players mid-match - it's a complete lack of class.
Preaching gun safety is just another form of virtue signalling, not an expression of concern or because one particularly values safety.
Multiplayer games should not have voice chats built right in.

I base it on two incidents:
  1. One instance years back when someone was blasting porn on full volume over the voice chat. The game was a more mature one, but there was still no justification for full-on porn during a mission where people need to focus.
  2. Recent incident in Party Animals where I had a fairly normal game, lost... and right after the match was decided, someone went for insults and called a player a racial slur - in said slur's full 6-letter contempt - in voice chat. At least a few other players were upset over this and I can tell because one person immediately went "who said that" - possibly to report them as the game does have a reporting system.
Been a while since we drop our unpopular hot takes in here, I believe... so I'll start with mine :

Mufasa's "I Always Wanted a Brother" is on par with Wish's "This Is the Thanks I Get"
Boy oh boy, do I have a doozy today. Those of you who don't like religious talk (especially in regards to Christianity) might want to skip this one.

Evolution is already covered in the Bible, right in Genesis 1.

Think about it. Going by the literature, you've got an all-powerful entity who can make all the plants in a day, all the animals in a day, all the stars and the Sun and Moon in a day.

That entity could easily make 4.5 billion years happen in the blink of an eye. Do you really think He would not be able to iterate with the designs in order to decide what is appropriate for His creation and what is "according to their kind"?

(I'm actually not a proper practicing Christian - church organs and such are too much on my senses. I was just raised as one and sometimes these questions come up, especially with how many people bash Christianity mindlessly.)
Boy oh boy, do I have a doozy today. Those of you who don't like religious talk (especially in regards to Christianity) might want to skip this one.

Evolution is already covered in the Bible, right in Genesis 1.

Think about it. Going by the literature, you've got an all-powerful entity who can make all the plants in a day, all the animals in a day, all the stars and the Sun and Moon in a day.

That entity could easily make 4.5 billion years happen in the blink of an eye. Do you really think He would not be able to iterate with the designs in order to decide what is appropriate for His creation and what is "according to their kind"?

(I'm actually not a proper practicing Christian - church organs and such are too much on my senses. I was just raised as one and sometimes these questions come up, especially with how many people bash Christianity mindlessly.)
The issue being that the Christians in particular, specifically those that have an issue with evolution, are the ones that take every single word as the bible as truth, rigidly so.

edit: added "specifically those"
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The issue being that the Christians in particular, that have an issue with evolution, are the ones that take every single word as the bible as truth, rigidly so.
This actually isn't true at all for the majority of Christians. In fact, given the number of "mainstream" Christian doctrines and beliefs surrounding just Creationism, I'd say it's probably an easy minority who are Biblical Literalists.
Hope you're all ready for a real spicy one. I'm sure this'll chap some asses, though that's not my intent.

Dragoneer's death and his subsequent "legacy" are purely being used to virtue signal. People are milking his bloated corpse for all the social credit it's worth. Before his death, he was widely criticized for his complete ineptitude as FA's site owner, among other things. The fact that it took his death for FA to finally see any kind of improvement or new features at all should be telling enough.

Since his death, the fandom has raised over $200,000 USD for a man who was directly responsible for his own fate and now everyone wants to honour him with boatloads of art. What has he done to earn this treatment? I can't think so many people really loved this perfect stranger who did nothing for them while he was still alive.

I didn't know him at all and I can't say I liked anything about him. He didn't do anything good ever, kinda didn't even seem like that good of a guy, was mired in controversies, and in my opinion was a terrible representation of the furry fandom both in the life he lead and the artwork he publicly commissioned and uploaded everywhere. I don't mean to disrespect those who have passed, but I feel this whole situation is doing exactly that. It's no longer about a man who used to own a popular website, it's about a parasocial metaphorical man everyone knew and loved who worked hard for his community that everyone can come together for to celebrate his life and show their appreciation for. That's just not the reality.

People donated money to buy their salvation, only instead of the Catholic Church it's turned into the Holy Chapel of Social Credit. Raising that much money for a guy who practically ate himself to death living free off the site's passive income and contributing truly nothing of my knowledge to FA or the furry "community" is already a joke. Now everyone wants to do another PR campaign because there's still some juice left in those bones.

This was never about Dragoneer, it's just about looking and feeling good.
This actually isn't true at all for the majority of Christians. In fact, given the number of "mainstream" Christian doctrines and beliefs surrounding just Creationism, I'd say it's probably an easy minority who are Biblical Literalists.
Creatards are a very loud minority. CensorTube is lousy with them and they make all Christians look bad. Chriatianity and science aren't incompatible. The physicist, Max Planc, was also a devout Catholic. When Planc put on the "science hat" he took off the "religion hat". ESSSSS-loads of other scientists, from across many fields, have done likewise. After all, a Catholic priest was the first to propose what Fred Hoyle gave the derisive name "Big Bang". Unforch for Hoyle, that cosmic background radiation showed up, just as the theory predicted. The conflict between science and Xianity is a uniquely American heresy. America was founded by all sorts of goofy culties, heretics, idiosyncratic belief systems like the Puritans, Anabaptists, Quakers, &c the orthodox churches of Europe were only too happy to kick across the Pond. America also spawned more unique heresies like Mormons, and, yes, Fundievangelicals.

It's like I've been saying all along: No one, not even the devil himself, can make one run farther and faster from Christ than a Fundievangelical. Also: "Fundies: doing Satan's work since 1980".
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Creatards are a very loud minority. CensorTube is lousy with them and they make all Christians look bad. Chriatianity and science aren't incompatible. The physicist, Max Planc, was also a devout Catholic. When Planc put on the "science hat" he took off the "religion hat". ESSSSS-loads of other scientists, from across many fields, have done likewise. After all, a Catholic priest was the first to propose what Fred Hoyle gave the derisive name "Big Bang". Unforch for Hoyle, that cosmic background radiation showed up, just as the theory predicted. The conflict between science and Xianity is a uniquely American heresy. America was founded by all sorts of goofy culties, heretics, idiosyncratic belief systems like the Puritans, Anabaptists, Quakers, &c the orthodox churches of Europe were only too happy to kick across the Pond. America also spawned more unique heresies like Mormons, and, yes, Fundievangelicals.

It's like I've been saying all along: No one, not even the devil himself, can make one run farther and faster from Christ than a Fundievangelical. Also: "Fundies: doing Satan's work since 1980".
I honestly can't tell if you're being ironic here or not, but just to be safe, you're absolutely correct. Objectively so, to many good and devout Christians there is no conflict whatsoever between science and faith.
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This was never about Dragoneer, it's just about looking and feeling good.
It always is. Jimmy Carter died recently, and after his demise you had all the talking heads at Faux Snooze waxing eloquent about what a great guy Carter was. He conducted Bible instruction at his Plains, GA church. He built houses for the homeless, he never failed to greet gracefully guests to his farm, was unfailingly gracious, even to those he disagreed with, yada yada yada. Yet, while Carter was alive, these same pundits said repeatedly that Carter was overjoyed with Biden's presidency since he couldn't be called the worst POTUS since WW-II. When he was alive we heard not word one about all his good deeds and attributes.
He didn't do anything good ever, kinda didn't even seem like that good of a guy, was mired in controversies, and in my opinion was a terrible representation of the furry fandom both in the life he lead and the artwork he publicly commissioned and uploaded everywhere
As for Dragoneer, his A Number One contribution to Furdom was Fur Affinity. Dragoneer's major failing was he didn't have a lick of common sense, and kept stepping into avoidable shitpiles. Problems of his own making.
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Raising that much money for a guy who practically ate himself to death

I'm aware of some of the art his 'sona has been in (and he has a cameo in a game too). I'll admit your statement here makes me cringe because it makes that art practically a form of foreshadowing.

Anyways, the larger Dragoneer scenario.... yeah, FA itself is pretty much his entire contribution. When their forums were still up, I actually did manage to viably criticize him on some political point (FA's forums were RIFE with political BS) and he was one of the few admins I've EVER encountered who was willing to accept a counter-take for even a millisecond - maybe this ties into his lack of common sense, but he was at least able to pretend to be nice.

Even with that, though... someone said to me once that the man kept backing himself into a corner. And given some of the stuff I've heard of him being caught in, I'd buy that claim. 'Neer was no saint or prophet, that's for sure.
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