Suggestion "Creative Things" as a top category in the Forums

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Good Boy
8 March 2024
Hello everyone ^^

My blind fluffy butt has recently found out about the Media section outside of the forums. I still want to suggest, if people are down for it, a top category in the forums for Art and creative things.

The reasoning being that beyond the sharing it would also give the chance to start a conversation around a piece; feedback and that nice feeling when someone enjoys a work of art you made.

Whats your opinion on my suggestion?
I was just on my way here to say the same thing.
I've always liked giving (constructive) criticism, and I'd like to get back into writing again.
Plus, this could include my idea for a place to discuss fursuits that people make, wear, or are thinking of making, instead of having its own thread, like I had suggested.
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It even made me wonder why the Art section has not been rebuilt since the breach. There used to be threads about drawings, stories, crafts, music, and even a smol marketplace for people selling/looking for comms.

P.s. I do understand that things can be more difficult to manage when it gets bigger with a limited number of staff members, so I guess we could try a shorter version? Like maybe one Creative Things section that features thread tags, like Drawing, Writing, Crafts, Music, etc, similarly to the tag system available on the RP section.
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It even made me wonder why the Art section has not been rebuilt since the breach. There used to be threads about drawings, stories, crafts, music, and even a smol marketplace for people selling/looking for comms.

P.s. I do understand that things can be more difficult to manage when it gets bigger with a limited number of staff members, so I guess we could try a shorter version? Like maybe one Creative Things section that features thread tags, like Drawing, Writing, Crafts, Music, etc, similarly to the tag system available on the RP section.

I think this would be a wonderful idea having a creative section for personal pieces & works, whereas ‘games, movies, non-personal media.. etc’ could easily be mashed together in a miscellaneous category (instead of the current “Games, Movies & music”).
Having only one big media section for art or creative media feels lacking and painstaking to navigate. It's difficult for artists to advertise their work (or for users to find artists they might want to commission or trade with), and threads dedicated to things such as WIPs, specific art genres, tutorials, and other mediums like writing/music/crafting/fursuit making are a great way to connect and network. I feel as if it makes it more difficult to connect with other creatives on this site without these features. Bringing back these kinds of threads might even increase traffic to the forum! It might be a good idea to reintroduce creative threads to FurryPile.
I changed the section to just straight media and added subforums for the desired subjects.

I'll add a Dealer's Den later if there is more interest but as it stands, we don't have quite enough for that, so there is a subforum in which to post your art instead.​
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