Darkest Dungeon

Here Comes a New Challenger!

It has been far, far too long since I explored these confessions. A muddied mental state, exhaustion in my lifestyle.

Well, not anymore. I found out there's a newcomer at the crossroads. He looked a lot like the Abominations I saw back in the Hamlet. I took him along with a Poet Leper, Venomdrop Grave Robber, and Alchemist Plague Doctor.

To my shock, the Abomination does not automatically have the ability to transform! Just a couple tricks with the chains he bears. I've chosen to focus entirely on shrines this time, and to have him be the focus of all of them. I also intend to focus my candles on him until he is caught up to two hero paths with everyone else.

So let's discuss the story I know of him so far:
  • He was a scholar seeking rare plants and fungi, but he foolishly went into a moor without a guide and got bit on the shoulder by some cursed beast. When recalling this story, he started puking up some sort of green bile. To my surprise, he can do that on command - a good way of inflicting widespread Blight.
  • After the biting incident, he went back to his laboratory in an attempt to find a cure. Herbs, mushrooms, extracts... and some sort of "alkahest" that boosted the concoctions. Nothing he mixed warmed him, or did much to actually cure his affliction. In a solemn moment, he looked to the sky and kneeled. Apparently he was praying for some miracle... I think he can also use that to calm himself during heated battle, so that will work.
  • Some time later, he was shackled in a tower. Some inquisitors had apparently caught him with the blood of a mutilated cow all over his body. Without giving him a chance to speak, they declared he was possessed and they were going to attempt to drive the beast out. He began puking again when he told this - but he was spewing a bit more of a directed ichor. Somehow he can do this on command as well.
I was so anxious to hear the next part where he'd transform... unfortunately, the expedition got cut short by an ill-timed attempt to fight the Librarian. This team is too easy to shuffle and move around, and way too vulnerable if it's out of perfect position.

No matter. With the 16 candles I got out of this attempt, I'll boost up the Abomination and try to learn the rest of the story next time.

I really want to know how he tears up those inquisitors.
More Reflection

Putting as many candles as possible into the Abomination revealed two paths for him. One of which (Fiend) I could not seriously consider yet, as it relied on his alternate form.

I took the other path (Unchained) along with a Ravager Hellion, Maniac Flagellant, and Warlock Occultist. This resulted in a party that just wouldn't quit, despite literally everyone hating each other in the third region. An Unchained Abomination gets a near-total party heal in Absolution and does a lot of movement with manacles, so he honestly fits a lot better in a dancing party. However, with three people that can heal in some fashion, I survived way more encounters than I deserved to.

We didn't get all the way to the Mountain though. The party ultimately fell at the third Rampart, after having just had the Abomination sniped by Fonnereau (AGAIN! She's going to be the bane of me). Now... the third Rampart in the third Confession is where you start to run into the 3-slot terror that is the Exemplar. Average attack hitting for 20, Exultation dealing that much to multiple targets (and 40+ on criticals) in addition to summoning enemies... yeah, this is not the fight for endurance matches. Especially when you're one short.

I found out some more hero stories this time:
  • The Abomination finally revealed what led to him transforming. It was an exorcism attempt. From what he described of his torturer.... I swear he's blaming the Flagellant for his misery... either way, it seems even the Abomination's beast form has improved this time. Every transformation stresses the party and every attack stresses him - that part's normal. What's new is that (at least in Unchained) he has ways to bypass guarding and blocks tokens, and even hits harder against a block token. I think there's more, but I didn't get to explore this too well given everyone hating each other and locking my skills - however, the Abomination has told me his entire story at this stage.
  • The Flagellant spun a rather... interesting yarn about actually running into Death and fighting her one-on-one. Apparently, this is how he first awakened his Toxic status. He also showed some trick that looked an awful lot like soul-stealing, but was really a massive health-steal - literally, as it causes Blight upon its victim. Neat trick, but I feel like he's still got one more for us....
  • The Hellion described cowering in the tree for a while, startling ravens that were feasting on her comrades' corpses. At a second shrine, she discussed going back to grieving widows to try and plead and apologize. They were having none of it and exiled her. She lamented no longer being able to participate in revelries - I told her she can do it on the battlefield if it makes her feel better - and also showed a guard-breaking trick she started practicing the day after she was cast out. I wonder if she knows more?
I have 45 candles to work with this time. I was actually beginning to eye some pet animals I saw at the Altar.... maybe it's time I finally take one with me on these little excursions.

P.S. I only just learned after writing this that as of January 30th, the voice for the Ancestor and Academic - Wayne June - is no more.

This means the second and third modules of Kingdoms will have a new voice narrating. I have to wonder how it'll turn out.
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