A woman kept three beautiful birds as pets - a red, a yellow and a green budgerigar. However one day they escaped, flew out of the window and perched at the top of a tall tree.
The lady was distraught and begged her neighbours to help, but none of them felt they could climb the tall tree to retrieve the birds. None, that is, but the local village idiot, who hitched up his smock and began to clamber lithely from branch to branch, all the way to the top. Once there, he grabbed the yellow budgie in one hand and the red budgie in the other and, wrapping both legs around the trunk, slid all the way back down to the ground.
The lady thanked the idiot profusely, and timidly asked, since he climbed so well, if he wouldn’t mind bringing down the green one too. The village idiot shook his head firmly.
“It’s not ripe yet.”