Last Post Wins ][: The Resurgence

That's right, as a newly-transfurmed animol, you should submit to us, your seniors and our important furry knowledge until you get the hang of things.
Ugh, fine! But you better know what you're doing!
Here, put these on.
drags over a pair of those ultra-stereotypical purple-striped femboy stockings
Oh, god, no! I may have lost my form, and my mind may be slipping... but I haven't lost my sense of style! No way! 😠
you ever read a conversation and not know how to add to it? Well, this is my time
Yep, oftentimes I just say nothing and move on
Other times, in threads like this, I post and spam Kéké Flipnote art









Oh, god, no! I may have lost my form, and my mind may be slipping... but I haven't lost my sense of style! No way! 😠
Hey, they would look super stylish on a feral fox!
brings the stockings close to your legs, and they start to spontaneously generate sparkles ✨
I'll hope to see you rot in jail! You gross pervert...
Phew, that was close!
steals the win while you are thinking of horny jail
Screenshot_20240409-102056_Google.jpg: "Oh my gosh, darling @Some Moron ! Aren't you the sweetest little fluffy fox with those sparkling stockings! No way you're not coming along with me x3 nya! <3 I'll put dresses on you and parade you at conventions so everyone can see how much of a cutie pie you are! Would be a crime not to share you with the world uwu"

(Photocredit: Ice Foxx)
View attachment 8991: "Oh my gosh, darling @Some Moron ! Aren't you the sweetest little fluffy fox with those sparkling stockings! No way you're not coming along with me x3 nya! <3 I'll put dresses on you and parade you at conventions so everyone can see how much of a cutie pie you are! Would be a crime not to share you with the world uwu"

(Photocredit: Ice Foxx)
I see someone shaved his forelegs. That's hot.

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